Summary: we need to know how Jesus would have us to pray

Teach me to pray


At this time the disciples have been with Jesus quite some time.They have observed him as he gos and prays often.

1.If you observe someone long enough you will find the source of their strenth.

2.How they over come weakness.

3.If you see one Strong in a area you're not, observe what do they do that you don't.

a. At this point many like to criticize for example;1*he's up before the sun is up he must have a lot to repent for,or 2*he thinks he is better than us because he prays early,or 3* He's praying all night again at least that what he says anyway.4*He's to good to stay he's got to pray.

people may try to take what make you strong by these methods making it look as if it is a weakness

You can learn much by observation and listening if you want to or have the desire(many lack this)

The disciples ask, Jesus teach us to pray.

I would say what they were saying was teach use to have effective prayers like yours.

1st, who are you praying to(our father)

2nd, when do you want it received(art-present tense word)

3rd,where do you want it directed(in Heaven)

4th,praise his name(hollowed-Consecrated to a sacred use; treated as sacred; reverenced.)

5th,what do you want

a.thy kingdom come

b.thy will be done in heaven on earth

I want the absolute will of God manifested through me.I want the power,judgment, thought and rule of God that he presents in heaven. Here in me on earth.

6th,daily provision(our daily bread)

7th,total forgiveness(forgive us our sins)

The only way to achieve this is to

8th,forgive all others indebted to us

Don't think your own power will get you anywhere;\\PRIDE// depend on God

9th,be our shield(lead us not in to temptation)

10th,deliver me,your the only one who can(deliver us from evil)

With all this it means nothing if there is no purity of heart.It can not be lip service.