Summary: This series looks at various truths and principles that can be found in the story leading up to the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Gethsemane to Golgotha Pt3-Truly this was God


Continue- Easter series- Gethsemane to Golgotha.


Pt1- Mat 26- Jesus in garden- night of His arrest.

Looked at three action responses-

Remain Here, Keep Watching, Keep Praying

-stand courageously where God has called you,

-be spiritually alert and vigilant,

-pray- prayer keeps us looking to/trusting in God.

Interesting contrast-

In a garden the first man fell through yielding to the wicked one, in a garden the Second Man conquered through yielding to the Holy One (Handfuls of Purpose).

First man yielded to his own will-put out of- garden.

2nd man yielded to God’s will- restored man to God.

Jesus- stood between-

the holiness of God and

the helplessness of man, as he cried out-

Not my will, but Your will be done!

Our strength to resist evil is in proportion to our resolve to do God’s will over our own will.

Pt2- PT-detour-Goshen-sanctification-God owns us.

Three non-negotiables-

Psa 100:5 (NASB) For the Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting And His faithfulness to all generations.

God is good, God is love, God is just.

Two Stories

Look at Mat 27- first 2 stories- point to crucifixion.

The rich man and Lazarus

Lk 16:19-31

Rich man- concerned with his own life, not willing to deny himself anything to help those around him.

He was fully into his own well-being and pleasure.

Rich man- finds himself in a place of constant torment, Lazarus- in a place of peace.

The Gospel is about a death that leads to life.

It is a reality that comes from losing our own lives to God and then finding them again.

Rich man- dead- but he had never died to himself.

He did not understand the reality of the Gospel.

This story- challenges us to ask probing questions concerning the condition of our own hearts.

Someone coming from- dead- points to crucifixion.

The Precious Ointment

Mat 26:6-13

Disciples- praised the reasonable/logical decision to sell the perfume- give to the poor.

Jesus- praised- woman- pouring it out on His behalf.

Obviously two very different value systems colliding.

Disciples- not overly concerned about the poor, but- bothered by- waste- it shook their sensibilities.

Not only does Jesus not rebuke the woman- He commends her- alluding to His crucifixion/death.

Jesus is concerned w/condition of our hearts.

What He saw in- woman- gratitude/worship for God- which is the true starting point to helping others.

Jesus did not say- do not help the poor (rich man’s problem)-He is concerned-God is 1st in our lives.

Jesus- incredible statement- wherever the Gospel is preached, this woman’s story will be told.

Mat 27:17

Barabbas/Jesus represent two different kingdoms, two different rulers in opposition to each other-

Barabbas represents- Kingdom of darkness

Jesus represents the Kingdom of God (light).

Every person must decide between God/the world.

Everyday- we make choices- lead us closer to or further from God- cannot serve 2 masters-Mat 6:24

Mat 27:33-36, 45

After Jesus- crucified- eery darkness falls on- land.

It appears as if darkness has overcome the light.

The very nature of darkness hates light- do not mix.

John 3:19–21 (men loved darkness over light)

As believers, we cannot walk in both light/darkness.

Interesting contrast- Jesus’ birth was marked by a supernatural light- guided wise men to- manger-

His death- marked by- supernatural darkness.

Mat 27:46

Jesus’ words- clarify what the darkness was about-

Isa 59:2 (NASB) But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, And your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear.

Separation from God signifies a broken relationship.

God had withdrawn His presence from His Son because Jesus had taken on our sin.

to us- sin- natural as wearing clothes (trivial).

to God- very heavy- it brought Him to grief.

Jesus Christ cries out to God but never forsakes God even when the Father had forsaken Him-

picture of true faith (we get offended w/God).

PTony’s non-negotiables- God is good/love/just.

Mat 27:50-53

First, the veil in the temple is torn in two.

Veil-separated-Most Holy Place from rest of temple.

Torn from top/bottom- supernatural work of God.

Contrast- when Jesus- baptized- heavens opened.

Veil symbolizes- way opened into God’s presence.

The graves opening/many dead saints- raised up-

evidence that Jesus had conquered death.

When look at- story- Jesus crucifixion/resurrection- there is a by-stander we often ignore- creation-

sun, moon, stars, land, sea, and all creatures.

All creation suffers because of the sin of mankind.

Is it no wonder that at this time the earth groans.

In news- earthquakes, tsunamis- earth groaning.

Rom 8:19-23

Man’s impact on nature- more serious than- realize.

Bible teaches-ecological issues have spiritual roots-

the earth under- curse because of- sin of man.

Man’s rebellion- beginning of- environmental crisis.

The environmental issues we stress today are important- but the real issue is man’s rebellion.

Mat 27:54

Centurion- bears testimony that Jesus is God.

Church history and tradition tell us his name and where he was from.

After witnessing the events on Golgotha, he becomes a Christian, and preacher of the word.

It is said that he died a martyrs death.

This is a picture of what happens to someone when they have an encounter with the Living God.

We need that same personal revelation/encounter.


Put yourself in a place where you can have an encounter with the Living God-

read God’s Word,

pray God’s Word,

pray privately/corporately.

Profound thought-

read the Word,

pray the Word,

meditate on the Word, and

reject every thought contrary to God’s Word.

Additional Information

At Gethsemane- Jesus was very heavily burdened-

Isa 53:6 (NASB) All of us like sheep have gone astray, Each of us has turned to his own way; But the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all To fall on Him.

To us- sense of sin is as natural as wearing clothes-

sin can even seem trivial.

To- Son of God- very heavy- it brought Him to grief.

A glimpse at God’s heart

2 Pet 3:9 The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.

God does not want any- perish- no matter how bad.

Too often we mistake God’s patience with His approval and keep on living the way we want.

Rom 2:4 (NASB) Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?

The kindness of God should lead to repentance.