Summary: Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

Spiritual Alarms.

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

Matthew 10:16

1. The enemy is always inside. The enemy is constantly indoors. You do not have to open the door for the adversary. The enemy is within. When you destroy the enemy within, you have secured the greatest spiritual success. A man’s biggest enemy is not Satan, it is himself. We have to deal with ourselves by being in charge of our own lives. A wrong choice that you make becomes your worst enemy and your right choice becomes your best asset.

If you do not want to be an enemy to yourself, you must start dealing with the enemy within. It is wise to begin by making efforts to work on your spiritual weaknesses called sin, because a destructive stronghold in a life always starts with a foothold of sin. The enemy within a life should be of a more concern than the external enemies.

The spider does not need your permission to come into your home to spin its web, because it is already inside. If we succeed in dealing with our iniquities, we will be avoiding the hook of sin caging our lives and the enemy will be forever under our feet.

2. There is always a battle ahead of you.

The battle of life is like the cobweb; as you are breaking one, another is spinning up. If you think your house is very clean; give it a little time and you will see the web is back. It is like the battle of life, there is no end to it. You must be prepared to overcome the onslaughts of Satan. If you fail to win the battle of the foundation, there is always a battle ahead of you.

3. The load of a k-legged woman is not wonky at the head but at the legs. If the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do? The righteous always goes for deliverance because there is a problem in his foundation. If you do not deal with the spider, after praying and destroying satanic web, a fresh web will be spun. The evil spider is destroyed by dealing with the foundation. Kill their spider and break their web! The spider of Satan spinning webs against your promotion, advancement, prosperity, peace and your health will pass away in the mighty name of Jesus.

4. Those that are not at your level are not worth your time.

Do not waste your time praying and fasting against people who do not consider you their enemies. The casual insults you received from strangers are not worth bothering about.

David was sent by his father to bring food to his brothers at the battle with the Philistines and to see how they were doing. Before he could confront Goliath in battle, his eldest brother, Eliab was angry with him calling him bad names. David refused to be distracted at the edge of his breakthrough. His brother called him a nosy parker! David’s brother saw him as an overly inquisitive or snooping brat. The bible says David turned away from his brother to confront his own destiny which was in defeating Goliath. He was not at the same level with his brother; God had chosen him to be the next king of Israel.

5. When you are manifesting the expectation of heaven expect enemies.

If you run a successful and lucrative business, there is very little you can do to avoid having adversaries. A child of God is a target for the enemies. You should live a daily life of watchfulness against the guiles of the devil. The songwriter warns “Christian, seek not yet repose; Cast thy dreams of ease away; Thou art in the midst of foes: Watch and pray.”

The bible explains this in the book of revelation:

And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of herseed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.


6. The enemy you ignore can be the real enemy.

When we were young we always ran away from haggard and shabbily dressed old folks. We had concluded they were witches and wizards. Today we know better. There is corporate witchcraft - witches in suits and pleasingly dressed too! The enemy that you overlook can be the real enemy. The friend that you cannot do without might be the real enemy. Every child of God must pray for the discerning spirit.

7. Your enemy is dedicated.

Your adversary will go to any length to get you. There are satanic fasting and vows against the children of God on a daily basis. There are people and agents carrying mid-night sacrifices, eating terrible concoctions all to destroy a destiny. The enemies are relentless. The devil can wait to destroy a life even at a ripe age of 75.

The enemy commits all to destroy. It is the spirit of Samson; the demon of suicide. Satanic agents are ready to die for their course. It is the force of terrorism. You must be prepared to deal with the evil dedicated power that is assigned against your destiny.

8. Do not underrate your enemies.

The enemy is always wiser than you imagine –the littlest of problems is usually the most troublesome.

9. Every disobedience is an evil salary advance.

Breaking the rule always leads to being broken down, for it is an evil salary advance. Everyone has an enemy that is demanding his due.

It is better not to have enemies than to wipe out several of them.

You want to avoid any drawn out vendettas. It is distracting; exhausting, and it can be deadly. You can avoid taking a pill for a headache if you can avoid the headache in the first place. The bible advises us to follow peace with all men. A weak prayer warrior should avoid confrontations with the enemies.

10. Never leave an enemy behind or he will rise up against your destiny.

The enemy soldier you run away from today will become a battalion tomorrow. The key to dealing with enemies is to destroy them completely, leaving no room for retaliation.

The adversary will revenge himself for minor injuries; you must destroy him totally, so that you will not need to fear his revenge.

11. You will have to be bigger than a trap for you not to be a prey.

One has to be a victor in order not to be a victim. The spiders’ web is for tiny insects and flies, it is not for you. A rat will just go through a spider’s web; even the spinner of web will run away! The enemies spin evil fabrics; web of poverty and of afflictions against the children of God. Those that are caught in the web of the enemy are spiritual babies that need to grow out of such traps. The Lord will help you to break through in the mighty name of Jesus.

Pray these prayers:

• Lord Jesus, let all agents of affliction in my prosperity, receive blindness and commotion, in the name of Jesus.

• Satanic nets and traps on my way to breakthrough; break up in the name of Jesus.

• I command all my buried blessings to be unearthed, in the name of Jesus.

• O Lord, drive away all darkness in every area of my life in the name of Jesus.

Culled from one of my books, titled “kill their Spider break their web.”