Summary: Knowing when to move and when to be still is one of the most crucial lessons we learn as believers.

When God Says Move We Should Be Ready

There are many times in life where each believer reaches a cross road. This is the point in which decisions have to be made about our direction and life choices.

Sometimes the choices are simple, whether or not to diet or to redecorate a room are examples of simple choices.

Sometimes they are not so simple. Often we must decide whether to have a major surgery, change jobs, marry or divorce, or some other major decisions. There are many who bog down when faced with such decisions. Others act but do so recklessly.

Knowing when to move and when to be still is one of the most crucial lessons we learn as believers. This is important to us because we know there are times when God wants us to take action, but there are also times when God wants us to "be still and Know That I Am God"(Ps. 46:10).

Every believer seeks the quiet moment when they can hear God clearly, confirming what they sense to be the voice of God speaking to them.

It is important to hear God clearly because there are so many contrasting voices today, many which sound like the voice of God.

Our Christian experience thus far has taught us to listen for the voice of God. When God speaks to our hearts, we sense it immediately. Then we look and listen for confirmations as God repeats the message to us by sending us other signs and indicators. His Holy Spirit directs us through inspiration. We can test what we sense against the Word of God itself. If what we are moving to do is against what the Word of God teaches or is doubtful, we know it is not God telling us to move. If the Word supports what we sense, then we should look for the confirmations, God will send them, when it is truly time to move!

As Christians, we ask God to lead us and guide us. When he says 'stay put' we do just that. However, when God says "move" we are ready to move at his command!

The Bishop