Summary: Jabez’s name stood out from all the rest, why? He wasn’t a great preacher, like Billy Graham, He wasn’t known for his wisdom like Solomon. He was not a famous warrior on the battlefield like David. He was a different kind of warrior! He was

Jabez asked, "Jabez got what he asked for"

1st Chronicles 4:9-10 MSG.

9. Now Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, “Because I bore him in pain.”

10. And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested.

If you were to read the chapters around these 2 verses, you would find nothing but genealogies,

History recorded, nothing outstanding mentioned, just a bunch of words and names, pretty boring stuff.

It is sad to think that so many people are listed in those chapters, thousands upon thousands,

and all that is said about them is that they lived, begat sons and daughters, and then they died.

Few people leave a mark upon this world, and even fewer have an impact on eternity!

What will history record about us, what history write about you?

Jabez’s name stood out from all the rest, why?

He wasn’t a great preacher, like Billy Graham,

He wasn’t known for his wisdom like Solomon.

He was not a famous warrior on the battlefield like David.

He was a different kind of warrior! He was remembered because of his prayer!

But more importantly than that, he was remembered for his faith behind the prayer!

Jabez no doubt, with his name having the meaning of great pain, definitely had some challenges!

How in the world, could a mother name their child “pain”

Sure all kids can be a pain at times, but to name your kid pain, seems odd

Jabez suffered ridicule, probably a large part of his life.

Whether it was back in Jabez day or yesterday, kids are going to be kids,

And I’m sure he was the punch line of a many a cruel joke.

You know the world can be cruel, the world will try to sell you and tell you,

That the way its been, is the way its always going to be, and you can’t do nothing to change it,

its called status quo, its just the way it is!

A lot of people fall for that hook, line and sinker.

They just buy what ever the world tells them and trudge on through life, over one little hill after another.

No real plan, no real hope, no possibility of change even on the horizon.

And the worst part of it is, a lot of those people are Christians!

Woe is me, whoa is me!

Can you believe my lot in life?

If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all.

Terrible part is, if they hear it long enough, they start to believe it.

They say their living for Jesus, yet their spiritually bankrupt in every sense of the word, living in poverty.

Let me tell you, that’s not the way God planned it!

I'll say it again, that's not the way God planned it!

If you’re a Christian, you need to wake up and realize that you’re an heir to the throne of God! Amen?

And Jesus is in charge of dispersing all the blessings that God wants to give you, whether you know it or not!!

Ephesians 1:3-6 MSG.

[ The God of Glory ] How blessed is God! And what a blessing he is! He's the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and takes us to the high places of blessing in him. Long before he laid down earth's foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son.

At some point, you have to realize or at least you should realize,

prosperity is not a bad thing, after all He’s the one who thought of it!

TBS. God created everything,

although the accuser will tell you that your not worthy to receive it, God truly wants you blessed.

Why else would God mention it so many times in the Word?

*The word blessed is mentioned 302 times

*The word bless is mentioned 127 times *The word blessing is mentioned 67 times

Well, if God wants me blessed, why ain’t I blessed?

Good question, why aren‘t you blessed?

We have heard said time after time, “you have not, because you ask not!”

And that is partially correct, And I don’t say that lightly,

Because if it was that easy, everyone would have what they want.

1st of all, you have to have the faith to believe that God can and wants to bless you.

2nd of all, you have to be able to receive His blessing! (take the choker hold off)

Oh you can say you believe, but do you have the simple faith to back it up.

You see at some point and time in your Christian walk, you have to just be willing to turn it over to God,

And let God do what God does best, which is everything that your not capable of. Amen??

Jabez realized this and that is why he is mentioned the way that he is, in the bible

that’s why the author of “the prayer of Jabez” Bruce Wilkinson has more than 13 million copies in print!

At some point you have to realize, its not what your capable of, its all about God and His capabilities.

1st Chronicles 4:9-10 MSG.

9. Now Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, “Because I bore him in pain.”

10. And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested.

Although his prayer is only one verse, I believe he prayed it like it was more than just a prayer,

He knew that prayer wasn’t the least he could do, he knew it was the most that he could do

He prayed it like it was going to change his whole life’s circumstances,

He prayed it like he was sick and tired, of being sick and tired

He prayed it like He believed God could do what he was asking Him for!

He prayed the prayer of faith! Amen?

Its time we made a change and embraced what God wants to do, instead of what we think He wants,

Or what we can believe Him for to do!

Just one moment in the favor of God, can propel you and propel our church light years ahead of where we could have never gotten on our own

Ill. I’m reminded of the story of a man who had done something wonderful, and the king called him in before him,

and the King told him he could mark off as much of the kingdom as he wanted and it would be his.

The man took his staff and traced a line in the dirt around himself.

The king watched as he finished and said, “Is that all you want? Just what’s in that circle?”

The man said, “NO. I want everything OUTSIDE the circle.”

What if we drew a line around this building and said we want to claim all the territory beyond this place for God?

Jabez looked beyond where he was and what he could do,

to where God was and what God could do.

We can take a lesson from the vision of Jabez. Let’s not sell God short of what He wants to do in our lives and in our Church.

Lets step up our faith and believe for something outside our comfort zone,

Do you think God can fill our church with families young and old?

*With children for kids church

*and a youth program

*and a vibrant young adult class

*and an active senior program

*and everything else in between?

Like a platform full of great musicians and singers!

What God did for Jabez, God will do for you and God will do for your Church and everything around you!

You just need to step up and believe God, take Him at His word literally.

That’s what He wants!

Its not like the song, “didn’t we almost have it all”…….

You see unlike the worlds belief and opinion…….

He really wants you to have it all,”

That’s why He mentioned the word Bless over 500 times in the Word!

That’s why He sent Jesus and His Grace Changing, Abundant Life message!

That’s right, Jesus came so we could have Abundant Life, Not only in heaven one day, but also while we are here in this world!

Can you imagine? Jabez, having never received the “promise” cried out to God in faith and God granted his request!

Can you imagine? How much more will God do for those who have accepted and received the promise of Jesus, Gods most valued possession!

Gods patiently waiting for you to step into the life He has always had waiting for you!

Won’t you do it today?,

Eph. 3:20 MSG.

20. God can do anything, you know— far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.

And He is always faithful to complete the work that He starts. Amen?