Summary: How often do you think about the things of God? How much time do you spend reading the Bible? There is so much in God’s word that we need to put into practice in our own lives. We need to ensure we are not running on empty.

The Proof of the Spirit

1 John 4:10-4:17

This month in our Fresh Fire series we are considering the Holy Spirit in the Life and Ministry of Jesus.

Looking at the life of Christ, is something that is essential for every believer.

To help us grow in our understanding of Him & our relationship with Him.

The fact that you are here this morning would suggest that you still want to learn about God, you want to experience the blessing of knowing God more, you want to grow closer to Him.

To follow Christ properly, we need to be in relationship with Him.

And it’s fair to say that there are some days when we feel so close to God.

There are some days when we can really sense His presence with us.

There are some days when it is easy to walk in the purpose and plan God has for each of us.

Then there are those days when life just gets in the way and maybe we we struggle to focus on God.

In your life - are there things that crop up each day that just seem to grab your attention?

Relationships, families, work, situations, circumstances, likes, wants, desires,

even our hobbies can just get in the way.

When we should be waiting for God to speak,

to act, to move, to bless we often

make God wait for us don’t we?

Following Christ is a daily journey.

And God wants our daily commitment to Him.

To trust Him, to serve Him, to learn more about Him.

To think about the things of God.


How often do you think about the things of God?

How much time do you spend reading the Bible?

There is so much in God’s word that we need to put into practice in our own lives.

We need to ensure we are not running on empty.

We all need to regularly fill our minds and our hearts with God’s word.


When you read the Bible do you understand everything you read?

Be honest, there are some parts of the Bible that you love to read,

words that bring encouragement,

words that bring comfort,

words that bring assurance,

words of promise that you claim for yourself,

those parts we love to read.

Then there are parts we skim over,

things like the genealogies,

this one begat that one, that begat the other.

Then there are the parts that we read but don’t fully comprehend.

We trust them. We know they are true - but we can’t wrap our minds around the depth of what they really mean - like the passage I want us to consider together this morning: 1 John 4:10-17

10 This is real love—not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.

11 Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. 12 No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and His love is brought to full expression in us.

13 And God has given us His Spirit as proof that we live in Him and He in us. 14 Furthermore, we have seen with our own eyes and now testify that the Father sent His Son to be the Saviour of the world. 15 All who confess that Jesus is the Son of God have God living in them, and they live in God. 16 We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in His love.

God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. 17 And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face Him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world. (1 John 4:10-17, NLT)

That is an amazing passage - so much truth and depth.

We read it, we trust it, we know it applies to us, yet we don’t fully grasp the depth of what God has done for us do we?

There are many things that we do not fully comprehend when we read the Bible - but they are God’s Words and God’s word is truth and we can trust His word.


Verse 10 - This is real love—not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.

We may never comprehend just how high and wide and deep God’s love is for us - But we know He loves us don’t we.

As Christian’s we trust in the fact that Jesus came, and lived, and died, and rose again to conquer Sin and death.

We may not fully comprehend How, but we can be thankful He did and because of what He has done, His sacrifice in our place, our sins are forgiven.


Or verse 11 Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other.

Look at someone in the row in front or behind you - tell them God loves you.

That is easy to say - God loves you.

Maybe it would have been more difficult to say to that person I love you.

Yet verse 12 clearly says if we love each other, God lives in us, and His love is brought to full expression in us.


Then there is the promise of verse 13 - God has given us His Spirit as proof that we live in Him and He in us.

He has done that, The Holy Spirit dwells in us, and people can get a glimpse of God through us.

Can someone look at you and see the presence of God in your life?

Is there evidence that God has a place in your life?

Is there proof that the Holy Spirit has moved in to your life - or do you look like you should be wearing a sign that says “Space for Rent”?

Verse 15 All who confess that Jesus is the Son of God have God living in them, and they live in God.

God wants us to share the truth of Jesus with others - our family - our friends - our neighbours - our colleagues - God wants us to confess that we are Christians to say we trust in Jesus as our Lord, as our Saviour, as our friend, as our redeemer.

God has called us to bring Light to the darkness - but some of us behave like the light is on but there is no one home.

We take verse 16 We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in His love and assume that because God loves us, we have an excuse not to be obedient to verses 10-15.

Friends we can not pick and choose the easy bits of the Bible to follow - we can not pick some of God’s commands to obey and ignore the others.

The end of verse 17 is clear when it says we are to live like Jesus here in this world.

If you have ever wondered what it really means to follow Christ - this is it - to live like Jesus here in this world.


If you have ever wondered what the purpose of your Christian life is - It is to be like Jesus wherever you are.

In the office,

in the shop,

in the cafe,

in the home,

in the car,

everywhere you go -

you are to do what he would do,

say what He would say,

have His attitude, His heart, His expression,

as if He were you.

Easy to do, No.

Difficult, maybe...

Impossible, never.


We are back to verse 13 again - God has given us His Spirit as proof that we live in Him and He in us.

We can’t do it in our own strength - we do it with the assistance and the power of the Holy Spirit.

But we need to allow the Holy Spirit to work in us and through us.

We need to allow the Holy Spirit space to work in our lives.

Every person who has accepted Jesus as their personal saviour.

Every person whose name is written in heaven

has an obligation to be what Jesus would do -

if He lived in your house,

worked in your office,

went where you go.

Every person whose name is written in heaven

has an obligation to say what He would say,

To be what He would be,

To love as He would love,

To do as He would do,

To forgive as He would forgive.


Some people choose to read the Bible and discover everything they can about God to deepen their relationship with Him.

Some people choose to read the Bible and then

pretend not to understand certain things

so they don’t have to do all of the things God has commanded them to do.

Some people choose not to read the Word of God for themselves - they just rely on the little they hear from a pulpit - if they can be bothered to actually turn up at a service.

Some people deliberately choose not to read the Bible so that their knowledge of God and His will is remain limited.

Some people choose to have more than just one foot in the world and one in the church.

It’s more like both feet in the world and maybe,

just occasionally, they allow a toe or two to wander into church.

Some people would rather choose the pleasures of this world than spending time growing closer to the God who loves them, cares for them, provides for them.

What have you chosen?

Have you chosen to allow the Holy Spirit to work in you and through you?

Have you chosen to live like Jesus in this world?

Isn’t that the better way?


So, what does it mean to live like Jesus in this world?

His entire life on earth was spent helping others.

What are we supposed to do?

What are you supposed to do?

You may never raise the dead

You may never heal the sick

You may never cause the lame to leap.

You may never cause the dumb to speak

You may never cause the blind to see

You may never cause the sick to be well.

You may never still the wind or calm the storm.

How are we supposed to live like Jesus in this world?

Peter gave a one sentence biography of Jesus when he was speaking to Cornelius in Acts 10,

God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. Then Jesus went around doing good.

When Jesus saw hungry people He fed them,

When Jesus saw cold people He clothed them,

When Jesus saw sad people He cheered them,

When Jesus saw discouraged people, He encouraged them,

When Jesus saw weary people He strengthened them,

When Jesus saw bereaved people He comforted them

When Jesus saw people, He blessed them

He blessed those that cursed Him,

He loved those that hated Him,

He prayed for those that used Him,

He never sought revenge,

He never sought vengeance,

He never tried to get back at anyone.

When one betrayed Him, He called him a friend.

When people reviled Him, He did not retaliate.

AND When they nailed Him to the cross,

He prayed for their forgiveness.

Jesus of Nazareth. . . who went about doing good.

That is who we are supposed to be.

In every country in the world.

In every city, town and village,

In every office, in every factory, in every home.

We are meant to touch lives for God’s glory.

We are meant to show the love of Christ.

God has called us to bring blessing to others.


The Bible clearly tells us that Jesus life was led, guided and directed by the Holy Spirit.

The same Holy Spirit that dwells in every believer.

If the your family has never seen Jesus in you - where are you hiding Him?

If the people who work, or your friends have never seen Jesus in your life - Why are you hiding Him?

As children of God have no right to hide Him.

He offers salvation and forgiveness to everyone that will trust in Him.

God has made it possible for people in Rayleigh to see Jesus.

God has made it possible for people to see Jesus

wherever you go.

Will you make this your prayer today?

That people will see Jesus in you.

To be a blessing to others.

That you life might be like Him!

If we claim to be His children, we must be like Him.

God comes to us and says, as my Son Jesus was in the world, so I want you to be.

He says, ______ I want you to be like me,

He says _______ I want you to be like me,

He says _______I want people to see Jesus in you.

He says John I want people to see Jesus where you work.


We may not always be the best example, but that should not stop us trying!

Will you try to live like Him?

Will you try to love as He would love?

Will you try to forgive as he would forgive?

Will you try to help as He helped?

Will you try to bless as He blessed?

Do you want to be like Jesus today?

Do you want people to see Jesus in you?

In your attitude, your actions, your life?

Will you live by the Spirit?

It is possible for you, by the power of the Spirit, to live the same kind of Life that Jesus lived!

Allow Him to fill you and guide you.

This world will never see Jesus,

and we will never show our families Jesus,

until we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us.

We need to stop doing what we want to do and start doing what God wants us to do.