Summary: What I at first thought was a dry and boring book with no relevance to my life, turned out to be one of the most profound and exciting books in the bible, with full of application to my life! Learn how to make it through the "wilderness" of this life succ

Living for Giving

Series: A Biblical Guide to Wilderness Survival

October 2, 2011

In case you haven't been here or are maybe here for the 1st time, we're walking through the book of Numbers. Just so you know I'm not in control here, I want you to know that I've promised the Lord that I'll teach whatever I find as we take Numbers chapter by matter what. So if you don't like what you're don't have a beef against've got a beef against HIM! Now, today is no exception. So this morning we're going to talk about giving. I'm sorry if that's a touchy subject with you, but that's just what's next. We don't talk about it every week, but if you're here this week, you might want to just consider the idea that what is being said could be something God wants to say to you.

The book of Numbers basically talks about the Israelites as they travel to the land God promised them. By the sheer power of God, they'd been amazingly freed from 400 years of Egyptian slavery by God Himself. Think of that, they'd been slaves almost 2x as long as we've been a nation. After God delivered them, He told them to travel across the Sinai desert to the land of Canaan, (the promised land) where He would establish them as a great nation. Well, we're on Chap.7 of Numbers now, and the Israelites still haven't started out on their journey! They're still preparing! If you'll remember, we said that the journey to the promised land parallels OUR journey to the promised land...heaven. We've left the bondage of Egypt (our sinful lifestyles) and we're on our way...but we're not there yet! How many of you know that "Preparation" is a big part of the journey? Probably the most important part. Some of us are still in the 'preparation stage' of our journey and we're getting impatient. We want to get married, or we want to get our education out of the way, we want to get our 1st house...ect. and we're tempted to try and skip the 'preparation stage' and jump right in (buy everything on credit, sleep with our future mate, go from H.S. to a job)...but I want to warn you...don't do it! Proper preparation prevents pitifully poor performance! I learned that lesson the hard way! When my boys were young (Matthew 12, Jared 10), I wanted to take them on a hike to a beautiful Havasu Falls at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. (Ilus: Grand Canyon with boys.) Better preparation would have spared me SOOO much pain, if I'd only paid better attention!

In chap. 7, they're almost ready to go...but there are a few things that need done first. Mainly, getting the tabernacle ready for transport. Remember, the unique thing about their trip was that God was going with them. He would be present with them during the entire journey. But because He was holy and they weren' with Him was instant death. So precautions had to be made so that God could be with them, without killing them in the process. It was like transporting a mobile nuclear reactor, if there was such a thing.

Let me just start out by reading Numbers 7:1-17. O.K... I don't really need to read any further, because from here on out it's a repetitious description of the same gifts over and over given by a different leader of a different tribe. As a result, it takes the writer (Moses) 89 verses to describe the gifts that they are bringing to the Lord. Now, it's not like the gifts are different, in fact they're why does he repeat it over and over? Is the bible TRYING to put us to sleep? No, that's not it at all. The reason he repeats is because he wants you to see and understand the overwhelming love that is being poured out towards God by each of the tribes of Israel. That just can't be communicated in just a few words or phrases.

Please understand that as they presented their gifts before God, they didn't have some preacher goading them to give what they didn't want to give. They weren't feeling guilty, and nobody was twisting their arm...they were giving out of a genuine and heartfelt love for their God. The bible is telling us 2 things...what the people gave to the Lord, and the attitude that they gave it with! As we talk about it, if you're like might be a little embarrassed about your own giving to the Lord.

First, let's take a closer look at just WHAT the people gave to God. Do you have anyone in your family who's hard to give to? Either they seem to have everything a person could possibly buy, or they're just so darn picky... you're afraid to buy them anything but a gift card! Well, if you think they're tough, try getting something for God! What do you give a God who owns everything? I mean, how are you going to give something special to someone who owns the universe? I mean, a 'tie' just doesn't seem to cut it! Thankfully, the Lord made it easy on them.

He was just getting ready to move into his new house called the as a result, they brought Him housewarming gifts! That's essentially what they are! And the best housewarming gifts are given to us by people who know us well enough to know what we need, right? I mean, it doesn't do you any good to receive a pound of Peets whole roast beans, if you don't have a coffee grinder! Every single tribe brought exactly the same housewarming gifts to God's tabernacle...not because they lacked imagination, but because they understood the nature and the function of the tabernacle. I want you to see 2 principles of giving that these people modeled for us to follow...

1. Give towards the ETERNAL needs of the world.

In vs. 3, we see that the first set of gifts that they brought were 6 wagons and 12 oxen. (READ) What's that about? Well, the people knew that the tabernacle was a mobile sanctuary. In otherwords, wherever they went, they were to take the tabernacle with them. Now the Tab. was more than just a tent, it contained some pretty heavy stuff. So the carts were meant to make the Levites job a little easier. The Merarite clan of the Levites was in charge of the heavy frames, posts and bases of the tabernacle, so they got most of the wagons. The Gershonites were in charge of the curtains in the tabernacle so they were given 2 wagons. But the Kohathites didn't get any wagons. That's because they were responsible for the Ark of the Covenant...and God told them specifically that it had to be "hand carried".

Again it's important to remember that God didn't TELL them to bring these wagons and oxen, but they just realized that there was a need and they filled it. That's the way WE should give. It's one thing to just drop some money in the offering plate or write a check...but it's another to look around at the needs of the church and without being it! But you've got to be careful. Although giving some wagons to the Koathites might sound like a good idea, if they actually tried to use them...they would have been killed on the spot! You might think it'd be a great idea to make a life size statue of the pastor and put it in the foyer...Sorry! Bad idea! So you need to bring your gifts to the people God has placed in spiritual oversight of the church and allow them to use their spiritual maturity and knowledge of the real needs of the church to distribute it!

We also have to make sure that the "needs" we're giving to, have eternity in mind. The wagons used to move the tabernacle around, remind us that the place of worship is temporary and mobile. Heb. 13:14 tells us that we are "strangers and aliens in this world". It's not saying that we are little green men with eyelids that blink vertically...No...being an "ALIEN" means we don't belong here in this world. This isn't our HOME country! So don't put your roots down too deep, because we haven't arrived at the promised land yet! Over the last 11 years since we've been a church this is the 4th building that we've worshipped at. How many of you been at every one? This is the 1st place we've actually been able to use 24-7...but don't get the idea that we've arrived! We need to be real careful that we don't spend all of our time, effort and finances investing in a building that's temporary. Even if we're here for's still temporary! The only thing that's going to last forever are the people that we minister THAT'S where we need to keep our focus. So we need to GIVE to needs, with an eye to eternity. That's the 1st principle of our giving.

The 2nd principle...

2. Give towards the MINISTRY needs of the church.

Okay, so how else did they give? Starting in vs. 12, we read that each of the 12 tribal leaders brought utensils and supplies for the different offerings that were to be given to the Lord...they brought grain for the grain offering, incense for the incense offering and animals for the sin offerings. See they knew that the tabernacle wasn't just a nice was a place where sacrifices were offered to pay for their sins. The grain offerings were given as a way of showing submission to God...and the fellowship offerings were ceremonial meals that they were to eat in the Lords presence. They symbolized the enjoyment of fellowship with God. Now, since part of each of these sacrifices were given to the priests, it provided a way to fund the full-time ministry that they provided for the people.

Now, I don't know if you've noticed but we don't require you to bring a goat or a cow to church with you on Sunday mornings. Besides, the last time I looked, our plates aren't big enough, and there are zoning laws against slaughtering animals in church! But in the same way, our giving allows us to carry on gives us the privilege of meeting together and praising God with our voices...of hearing God speak to us. Of gathering around the Lord's Table (like we did today), of lifting up our prayers...just like the incense ascended before God in the tabernacle. It gives us the ability to employ a pastor and staff members to lead us and help care for our spiritual needs. So, this chapter is showing us that ALL 12 tribes played a part in providing the resources so that together they could worship and fellowship with God. All of God's people came together to fund the tabernacle and those who served in it. EVERYONE had an equal part to play. The larger tribes didn't give more, and the smaller tribes didn't give less. Each tribe gave exactly the same amount, because they all shared in this ministry. They gave generously, not because Moses twisted their arm, or God threatened to wipe them out if they didn', they gave willingly, out of love for God. As a result, the tabernacle functioned exactly as it was intended to function, with no unmet needs. That's what the final point of the chapter in vs. 89 is meant to communicate...READ. i.e. It worked!

Again, God is giving us a pattern for our giving! We don't call it a tabernacle today, we call it a church. I don't think it's coincidental that this chapter comes AFTER Numbers 6:22-27, which is the words of blessing that the priests were to give to God's people. Remember last week?... 22 The LORD said to Moses, 23 "Tell Aaron and his sons, 'This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them: 24 "The LORD bless you and keep you; 25 the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; 26 the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace."' 27 "So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them." READ. Well, the Israelites didn't give to God so that they would get his blessing. He gave them the blessing BEFORE they gave their gifts. God blessed His people 1st...and THEN they gave. In otherwords, we love...because God loved US 1st! Right? Listen, God doesn't need your money! He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and He can direct the hearts of people the way He wants.

Reminds me of a story about years ago when Dallas Theological Sem. was just getting started, they were having terrible financial problems, there was a group of men gathered together in the presidents office, and they were praying about how they needed money to keep the seminary going. The other boardmembers were praying these real 'pious' kinds of prayers that we Christians are sometimes good at praying. After a few moments of this, Harry Ironside, the President of the Seminary just prayed a simple, down to earth prayer... he said, "Lord... you own the cattle on a thousand hills...the bible says so... now sell some, and send us the money!" The amazing thing is, that outside the boardroom, a cattle rancher was sitting with the receptionist. He had shown up at that precise moment of prayer to inform the Dr. Ironside that he had several railroad cars of cattle, and he wanted to sell them and give the money to the seminary! So as soon as they got done, and he prayed that abrupt, nearly sac-religious prayer... the receptionist stepped in and said, "The Lord just sold the cows!"

Listen, God doesn't NEED your check or mine to get done what He wants done. God doesn't depend on any man...we depend on Him! God is independent of anyone, no matter how important you think you are! But He DOES want you include you in on the blessing! He wants to use us, but if we don't want to be used...or if we're going to 'cop' an attitude...He finds somebody else! Later on in Israel's history, when they refused to be a witness to the world of His power and majesty...He turned to the Gentiles! I think sometimes we've got this idea that God is 'begging' us to give.

Like the man called the church and asked if he could speak to the "Head Hog at the Trough". The secretary said, "Who?" The man replied, "I want to speak to the Head Hog at the Trough!" Sure that she had heard correctly, the secretary said, "Sir, if you mean our pastor, you will have to treat him with more respect and ask for 'the reverend' or 'the pastor'. But certainly you cannot refer to him as the Head Hog at the Trough!" The man responded, "I see. Well, I have $10,000... I was thinking about donating to the building fund." The secretary exclaimed, "Oh my, hold the line, I think the BIG PIG just walked through the door!" Sometimes we give the idea that the church is desperate and if you don't give...the church will die!

That's not it at all! The truth is, it's God's church... and "God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply!" We just have to make sure we're doing God's work in God's way. But that's not all! When it comes to supporting His church, God is saying, "I want to bless you in some amazing ways...who wants in on it?" If you refuse, and selfishly say, "I'm going to hold on to what I have. All I've got is all I've got and I need every bit"...God says, "O.K. too bad, I'll find somebody else!" We got into this church lease with the idea that if we did, we could expand our ability to reach our community. I believe that God led us here and that somehow, someway, God is going to supply. You can either be in on the blessing, or you can watch from sidelines and miss out on the miracle. But if you say no...God will find somebody else. He'll move right around you! So you can either by an obstacle, or a __________ to what God is decide. God's wants you to be be blessed. I'll never forget the 1st church we planted in Washington, MO.... (Tell story)

I strongly believe that if it's God's ministry, He's going to provide the funds to support it. If not...we'll die! So I don't have to try to guilt people into giving. Biblical giving doesn't flow out of a sense of guilt...or even to win God's flows out of love. That's why Paul says in II Cor.9:7...that "God loves a cheerful giver". See, "guilt-driven" givers are never cheerful givers! You have to try and squeeze every last penny out of them...and they ACT like it's their last penny! But if God gives His blessing to me freely, I don't need to try and buy His favor...I already have it!

Now although God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, He doesn't choose to oversee them all by Himself. He's not the "Great Cowboy" in the sky! Instead, the cattle he owns are given into the care and stewardship of His people. It's more like He's the Rancher...and WE'RE the cowboys! God didn't need the gifts that the tribes gave Him...He could have easily made wagons (He already made the rest of the stuff anyway) And He didn't promise them any special favors either. But regardless they lined up to give. Why? Maybe they realized that they could afford to be generous because the remembered where they got all their riches in the 1st place! God gave it to them when they plundered the Egyptians on their way out of Egypt! (Ex.12:35,36) They were simply giving back a small part of God what He had given them!

See that's the way God works...He blesses His people and then He reminds them that everything they have they got from Him in the 1st place...which prompts us to give back! God's grace gets a hold of our hearts and makes us cheerful givers...of our time, our talents and our treasure. So how do you give? cheerfully? sparingly? or grumbly? God loves a cheerful giver, because a cheerful giver loves God!

God has been SOOOO good to us, and all we have we got from Him in the 1st place. He's the great rancher, and He could do it all Himself if He wanted...but He wants to give us a chance to be a part of what He's doing in this world!