Summary: When is the last time we have been caught up with just loving Him because of who He is instead of what He has done for us?

“Thankful for What?”

Psalms 103:1-5 NLT

Saw the church sign over by the house that said it well; “Nothing to be Thankful for? Check your pulse.”

To Think About:

I Refuse to be Discouraged.

I refuse to be discouraged,

To be sad, or to cry;

I refuse to be downhearted,

and here’s the reason why . . .

I have a God who’s mighty,

Who’s sovereign and supreme;

I have a God who loves me,

and I am on His team.

He is all wise and powerful,

Jesus is His name;

Though everything is changeable,

My God remains the same.

My God knows all that’s happening;

Beginning to the end,

His presence is my comfort,

He is my dearest friend.

When sickness comes to weaken me,

To bring my head down low,

I call upon my mighty God;

Into His arms I go.

When circumstances threaten

to rob me from my peace;

He draws me close unto His breast,

Where all my strivings cease.

And when my heart melts within me,

and weakness takes control;

He gathers me into His arms,

He soothes my heart and soul.

The great "I AM" is with me,

My life is in His hand,

The "Son of the Lord" is my hope,

It’s in His strength I stand.

I refuse to be defeated,

My eyes are on my God;

He has promised to be with me,

as through this life I trod.

I’m looking past all my circumstances,

To Heaven’s throne above;

My prayers have reached the heart of God,

I’m resting in His love.

I give God thanks in everything,

My eyes are on His face;

The battle’s His, the victory’s mine;

He’ll help me win the race. Author Unknown

I. Let all that I am praise the LORD… V. 1-2

Can you close your eyes with me for a second or two; try to look back & see David, what does his countenance look like as he attempts to express his heart to God?

Is there great joy covering his face? What does his eyes look like? Are they sparkling because of the radiant joy that has him caught up in the moment?

Let all that I am praise the LORD; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things he does for me.

When is the last time we have been caught up with just loving Him because of who He is instead of what He has done for us?

Matthew Henry said; “It is the Lord that is to be blessed and spoken well of; for he is the fountain of all good, whatever are the channels or cisterns; it is to his name, his holy name, that we are to consecrate our praise, giving thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.”

2 Chronicles 5:13-14 MSG The choir and trumpets made one voice of praise and thanks to GOD—orchestra and choir in perfect harmony singing and playing praise to GOD:

Yes! God is good! His loyal love goes on forever!

Then a billowing cloud filled The Temple of GOD. The priests couldn't even carry out their duties because of the cloud—the glory of GOD!—that filled The Temple of God.

Our heavenly Father knows that our relationship with Him is enhanced as we learn the secret power that comes thru a grateful first to Him & then thru us.

II. He forgives all my sins…

How many of your sins does He forgive? Then how many are you still maintaining guilt & shame over?

Did He really mean what He said? Or was He just talking about someone else besides you?

I believe we have some folks in this building that are about to explode because they know how much He has forgiven them of!!!

They know that without His mercy & grace they would not have had a chance!

Right Now: we are going to hear from a couple of folks that are excited about the forgiveness that has taken place in their life!

WOW! Did I not tell you that He is worthy to be praised!

Let’s do it together right now! Come on; let’s stand & begin to love Him for forgiveness of our sins!

III. He heals all my diseases...

Is that what the bible said? Then do we believe that the bible is telling the truth about our awesome God?

Matthew 8:17 NLT This fulfilled the word of the Lord through the prophet Isaiah, who said, “He took our sicknesses and removed our diseases.”

Proverbs 4:21-22 NKJV Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart; For they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh.

What words is He referring to? The ones we just read above are some good ones, don’t you think.

Right Now: I know there are people here that have experienced the truth of this Word. I want you to hear from them right now.

Isn’t awesome to see the bible actually doing what it says it is supposed to.

Let’s stand again & begin to give God thanks for His Word that is health to ALL our flesh!

Some will begin being healed right now as you begin to forget about everyone around you & truly begin expressing thanksgiving to God as David did;

Let all that I am praise the LORD; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things he does for me.

WOW! He is faithful. People are being touched right now like never before!

IV. He fills my life with good things…

My goodness; who would not want to be a Christian after hearing & witnessing what we have today!

David said; “He redeems me from death & crowns me with love and tender mercies.”

This is a true picture of the heart of our God. This is what He is always trying to get to us.

These things don’t fit & work with a life filled with sin & out of order.

The devil wants us to believe that God is trying to keep good things from us; but it is just the opposite.

Message says it like this;

O my soul, bless GOD. From head to toe, I'll bless his holy name!

O my soul, bless GOD, don't forget a single blessing!

He forgives your sins—every one. He heals your diseases—every one.

He redeems you from hell—saves your life!

He crowns you with love and mercy—a paradise crown.

He wraps you in goodness—beauty eternal.

He renews your youth—you're always young in his presence.

God makes everything come out right;

he puts victims back on their feet.

Sounds like someone that is for me & not against me.

I mean, can’t you see why the enemy has to work overtime to keep you from finding out what the bible really says is God’s desire for you!


What do you need to experience from God’s awesome treasure chest of love, mercy, healing, & all the other good things available to us as His children who love & trust Him?

• Maybe you are here today & you have never seen it quite as clear as you do today. You are now ready to come & experience true forgiveness of sins, shame, &/or guilt.

You don’t want to live another day apart from His great love!

• You may have a need in your physical body, maybe in your soul (mind, will & emotions). Yes, our God cares about all that part of us too! He took that crown on His head for my mind.

• I just need to come & repent for allowing life to blind me from all the good things God has done for me & what He desires to do for me still to come.