Summary: There is a father shortage in America as many dads have simply gone AWOL.Fathers have left their families, homes, children, bride of their youth literally unmanned.


A There is a father shortage in America as many dads have simply gone AWOL.

1 Fathers have left their families, homes, children, bride of their youth literally unmanned.

a They have deserted their position as head of the home.

aa Between 1960 & 1990, the percentage of children living apart from their biological father more than doubled, from 17% to 36%.

bb The number today is headed toward 50%.

b A fatherless generation has been emerging for sometime in this nation that has created a void in the children and our nation.

aa Led to increase in gangs (Seeking affirmation, protection, attention from Dad.)

bb Led to increase of the gay lifestyle (Some homosexuals men feel that the root cause of their struggles was having no male role model (Father) to affirm them as men.

cc Young, fatherless son w/ no caring male influence can be pushed into seeking affirmation from older males who may take advantage of them through misdirected affections.


B Fatherhood is under attack.

1 Some radical psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, women’s movement have labeled fathers as out dated and unneeded.

a Some fathers have put fatherhood on autopilot, believing mom will raise the kids/the kids will be alright, to pursue bigger paychecks and other idols.

b Yet nearly every study done/research points to the fact that a good father is vital/imperative to the future success of his children.

2 Conversely, if Dad is gone/absent/failed as father then the future of his children is not so bright.

a Those children are more likely to be convicted of a felony, commit suicide, suffer from mental illness, drop out of high school, become a drug addict.

b In fact, the U.S. government spends tens of billions of dollars a year treating the symptoms fatherhood failure. . . the problem isn’t getting any better.

C Whether you’re the president, CEO of a Fortune 500 company, or the guy picking the trash, your job as the father of your children is the most important job you’ll ever have.

1 It’s the only job you’ll never lose – unless you quit.

a Benefits? It is the only job that promises lifelong benefits, as well as eternal blessings.

aa You see them walking in the Spirit now (Winning!)

bb You are rewarded for your faithfulness in Heaven for eternity (Winning!)

b Nobody on this planet is more qualified (emotionally, spiritually, and physically) to be a father to your children than you!

2 Parents, especially fathers, have the job of forging their kids into links in a chain of our Christian heritage that has been handed down to us to add on to.

a Research has shown that children whose grandfathers and even great-grandfathers were men of commitment, competence and character (ie., good fathers) were more likely to succeed in life.

b We never really die if we have done a good job as fathers.

I Praying blessing upon your children and grandchildren.

A The Bible is crystal clear on the importance of verbally blessing your children.

1 Giving an oral blessing was an overwhelming big deal in the Old Testament.

a Isaac spoke blessings over Jacob & Esau (Gen. 27)

aa He was tricked into giving Esau’s blessing to Jacob.

bb When Esau asked for the blessing Isaac gave Jacob, he couldn’t do it.

b Jacob blessed the two sons of Joseph (Gen. 48), later passing blessings to his own sons (Gen.49)

c Before Moses died he pronounced a prophetic blessing on the tribes of Israel (Deut. 33)

2 To this day, every Friday night in devout Jewish homes, parents & grandparents offer blessings over their children & grandchildren, believing that God has the ability to transfer His favor through their prayers.

a Sabbat begins when the mother lights the Sabbath and offers a prayer of praise.

b Then, with father taking the lead, bless the children in the home.

aa Lay hands

II Laying on of hands

A In the Jewish tradition, hands were (are) placed on the childrens head, shoulders, hands to transfer blessing.

1 The right hand is the hand of blessing (AME/Modern, left hand is for bodily functions; RH was seen as the hand of blessing/ the good hand)

a RH was used for eating; purity, clean.

aa Touch someone with rh, it was a blessing; LH was contempt

bb When a priest was anointed his right ear, right thumb, right great toe was anointed w/ blood (Oil of Blessing, same routine)

b Modern times stills has residue of this ancient tradition.

aa When you extend your right hand you offer peace, blessing, friendship (No weapons, intentions of violence.)

bb Opposite is also true: Don’t shake a person’s hand it is a message of “I’m your enemy, foe, war, curses, intend evil and ill will towards you.”

cc Luke 10.5-6

c Laying on of hands is significant.

aa Heb. 6.1-2,

bb One of six foundational principles of Christ’s teachings along side: repentance, faith, baptism, resurrection of the dead, eternal judgement.

2 Remember how much a simple hug, touch, allowed you sense your parents approval, love?

a Many fathers struggle to show physical affection to their children (Not manly.)

b We can learn by noting how our heavenly father blesses with His attention in distinct ways that parrell our warmest memories as kids when someone blessed us.

aa An arm on our shoulder/ embrace when scared (Deut. 33.27, NCV)

bb A pat on the back or a first steadying hand @ the right time (Ps. 139.5, NCV)

cc A whisper in the ear, encouragement, secret instruction (Is. 30.21) NCV

dd Tucking them in a bed on a dark night (Ps. 127.2-3, NCV)

ee Kiss on the check (Ps. 103.13, NASB) Pities/compassion means to tenderly love or cares.

c Laying on of hands isn’t just ceremony: they actually make an impartation.

aa Mark 10.16 (Jesus, a good Torah observant Jew was practicing a 2-millennia old tradition of blessing children.)

bb We don’t understand how the blessing/impartation is transferred . . . it’s still a fact of Scripture.

cc Fact: Human touch is therapeutic to patients who are ill.

T.S.: As power as the hand/physical touch, the most powerful of blessings come in words.

III Speaking the blessing.

A Words spoken over someone are not just sounds. (Power to change)

1 Prov. 11.11 (NCV)

a Words can . . . affirm/approve; commend/compliment; speak love & affection w/ support & faith.

b Speak good things over & into your children.

aa Speak your expectations, affirm their dreams.

bb Give parental assistance in fulfilling their dreams.

c Gen. 49.28 (Personalize the blessing to suit the child)

2 Words contain more than information/relate facts: Linguistic theorists recognize a category of words that “do” something in addition to relating facts.

a (IL.) Marriage ceremony, “I do.” something happens. (Covenant is made)

aa A transfer of something valuable, namely the person speaking to another person.

bb “I do” changes relationship, status, address, name.

b When you accept Jesus as Savior you tell Him, “I do” and relationship was birthed/covenant was cut.

B Words have the POWER to bless and His Word gives us PERMISSION to bless (Num. 6.23-27, NASB)

1 This is fountain head blessing in two senses:

a It flows through the generation of Jews to this moment.

aa We as Christians can use the blessing because it belongs to us as well as to Israel. (We’re linked to their ancient chain)

bb Eph. 1.3, The church has been blesses w/ EVERY spiritual BLESSING through Jesus.

b It overflows with ideas/concepts, if properly understood, can be a warm/powerful invitation of blessing loaded w/ promise & power.

2 Blessing is God’s idea (The Lord bless you . . .)

a He wants to bless your family, home, church, community.

aa No begging/bargining required.

bb God is reaching out to us for us to receive His blessing.

b Luke 24.50, the last thing Jesus did before leaving this earth was bless His disciples.

3 God protects what He blesses (. . . and keep you.) Keep: Shamar.

a Shamar: put a hedge around, guard, to watch as a shepherd does his flock, keep safe, preserve.

b Adam/Eve (Gen. 2.15) kept the garden; Shepherds kept watch by night.

c God wants to protect/preserve from evil His people to enjoy blessings.

4 God wants to be with you face to face (The Lord make His face to shine up you. . .)

a Ex. 33.11; Moses & God talked as friends . . . face to face at Sinai.

aa Ex. 34.29-35, @ Sinai the glory/presence of God fell & causes Moses’ face to shine.

bb When God is close you reflect His glory!

b God be so close to my kids that they shine, too!

5 God wants to give us what we don’t deserve ( . . . and be gracious to you.)

a Graciousness is related to the forgiveness of sin. (Pardoned!)

b Remember His grace: you can’t out run it!

6 God wants to smile over you (The lift up His countenance on you . . .)

a Countenance is the smile of the Father on His children.

b Pray your children will make God smile, bless the Father’s heart.

7 The rock of ages wants to complete you ( . . . and give you peace.)

a Peace (Shalom)

aa Not just the absence of war, storms, trouble.

bb Also the quietness of heart within us, spiritual well being that rises above circumstance.

cc Your spirit/soul/body is at peace with God!

b This kind of shalom peace only comes from the Lord!

c If your protected, pardoned . . . how you not be at peace!

C After the priestly/Aaronic blessing is spoken the father gives a personal blessing.

1 Gen. 49.28, Jacob spoke into each child & gave a blessing appropriate to each child.

a Be thankful for their accomplishments.

b Parental expectations for the child’s future.

c Your expectations amplify the child’s vision/ambition for their life.

2 Impart into them the sevenfold Spirit of God on them (Is. 11.2)

a Pray that the Spirit of God would rest upon them.

b Rev. 4.5, These are the seven spirits that are continually burning before the throne of God!

aa Let the fire burning before your throne, burn in my child(ren.)

bb Let them be made manifest in their lives!


Notice to Sermon Central Users:

My name is Mike Fogerson, and I pastor a Southern Baptist Church in Chester, Illinois. I have been a long-time user of Sermon Central and truly appreciate its content and contributors. Some of the best sermons I’ve ever preached have been reworked material from this website. As you use the material from my sermon bank, understand that it is work that has been done from not just myself, but from hundreds of other pastors as well. If you see part of your message, or a bunch of your message with my name on it and this upsets you, please email me and I will quickly respond and cite you as the main source. My intent is not to claim someone’s work as my own. I am disclaiming up front that I use the resources from Sermon Central and appreciate the tool. I simply want all those who use my work to know that some of these messages were inspired by the Holy Spirit working through other pastors. Because I do use the messages of other pastors I waive all claims of originality or origin of creativity for the messages posted under my messages. I pray God blesses your preaching ministry for the glory of His Kingdom.


Mike Fogerson