Summary: There are droves of Christians getting prepared to bake their cakes and eat all of them or maximum give to their close friends, uncles, aunties and grandmas…… I’m talking about sharing not from your abundance but from your suffering.

Useless before, useful now!

Philemon 1:11(Formerly he was useless to you, but now he is indeed useful to you and to me.)

As we are preparing and planning for the upcoming Christmas program on December 22, at our Shiloh Revival Church, we were giving a coat of paint for the gate. Thirteen years old Karun Kumar, son of a road laborer approached my husband and gave twenty rupees towards this expense. My husband asked him how he got the money and he replied, ‘I saved little by little and this is my contribution for God’s work.’ I could not take my eyes off this kid! He joined our school from a village and did not know the basic letters of English alphabets and would sit in the school with a lost look on his face. Very soon he bucked up and caught pace with the other kids, now, after a couple of years, he stands first not just in studies but he shines in all the areas. Most important, he is very useful in our school and church!

Today, we have smart, highly educated, astute Christian youngsters earning fat salaries, who are preparing for Christmas - hunting for the best discotheque, pub, dance hall and exotic vacation spot. There are droves of Christians getting prepared to bake their cakes and eat all of them or maximum give to their close friends, uncles, aunties and grandmas…… I’m talking about sharing not from your abundance but from your suffering. Given today’s scenario, we would never be able to help, if we wait for abundance. Give and be blessed. I hear people say, ‘it’s time to paint the walls, change the upholstery in my home, clean and get ready with candies for Christmas’, rarely do I hear someone say, ‘let me see who I can help this Christmas!’

Are you hearing me? God is looking for useful vessels today! Our sins are forgiven, we are washed by His blood and made pure not just to be guests in the church or ‘cool Christians’, we are called to be useful. I reiterate ‘be useful!’ We read about a lovely incident in the book of Philemon, where Apostle Paul talks about Onesimus, a runaway slave who meets Apostle Paul in the prison and has a fantastic change in his life. Paul while talking about him says, ‘before he was useless, alright- but NOW, he is useful to you and me.’ We need such change! The entire book of Philemon reflects ‘change’ and an overpowering life in Christ! The book opens with Paul addressing Philemon and the church that operates in his house. The convert Philemon did not stop with just being a ‘LAZY CHRISTIAN’ but moves forward to running a church in his home. When was the last time you had a prayer meeting in your home? Further, Paul tells, “I appeal to you for my child, Onesimus, whose father I became in my imprisonment.” Though a prisoner languishing in the prison for the sake of the Gospel, we see Paul not griping and complaining but he becomes the ‘father’ for a thief and was instrumental in changing him into an useful vessel. Philemon is a lovely book that goads us to move on to the next stage in our spiritual life rather than stagnate and rot. It’s December, start preparing and sharing your joy this Christmas by making good investments!