Summary: "If anyone forces you to go one mile go also the second mile." This command is known by some theologians as:The "Second Mile Principle". Yet far too few Christians apply themselves .to this principle.

For those not familiar with an Anglican Service; there are four scriptures read before the Message. Today's lessons are: Leviticus 19L1-2,9-18; Psalm 119:33-40; 1 Corinthians 3:10-11, 16-23; and Matthew 5:38-48

BIBLE "If anyone forces you to go one mile go also the second mile." Or as the old King James version states: "And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, ... go with him twain." END Matthew 5:41

This Scripture ... is part of a very well known passage .... called the "Sermon on The Mount".

And this teaching ...was shared very early ... in our Lord's ministry.

The disciples needed to understand this concept... order ... to move forward in their walk ... with the Lord.

Jesus is urging His disciples ... to get a handle on these concepts early on.

They needed to understand this milk .... in order to move on ... to the meat of the work ... that lay before them.

This principle .... this command by Jesus .... is known by some theologians as: .... The "Second Mile Principle".

Yet far too few Christians ... apply themselves this principle.

This Greek word translated "force or compel" .... In the statement if any one forces you to go one mile.

Carries with it ......the idea of a "readiness ... a willingness" ... to submit to .... An inconvenience .... or to an unreasonable demand.

Jesus stated ...." If anyone forces you (Slow) to go one mile...."

To put this in context ....... this phrase has reference to the Roman Army;

A Roman solder... under imperial law ... could demand a Jewish man or boy ... to carry his burden up to one mile.

But Jesus states .... that he should carry it not one mile but...twain, .... That is twice the distance.... two miles.

Doubtless, .... many burdens ......were transported this way throughout the Roman empire.

If a Roman soldier saw a Jewish man or boy, ....he could command them carry his pack or burden for one mile.

However, .... most Jews would not carry this burden one step further ......than the law required.

The Roman mile was 1000 paces or 1520 yards ... a little shorter ... than the English mile.

As you can imagine, .... this law caused terrible resentment ... among the Jews .... toward the Romans.

Can you imagine how the disciples felt when Jesus said, ......(Slow) ...... "go the second mile?"

No doubt, the audience was shocked ... by such a statement.

This phase was used so regularly by Christians throughout the centuries .... that the phrase ... "To Go the second mile" ... has even found its way .... into our modern language.

The Romans had conquered much of the known world.

And One of the marvels of their conquest .... was a vast system of highways .... which they had built to and from .... their conquered territories.

There were over 50,000 miles ... of these Roman roads .... throughout the empire.

And at each mile ......was a stone marker.

Which were called .... "guide stones."

These guide stones.... pointed direction, .... determined distance, .... And warned of dangers.

In addition, ......each stone ......had etched on them the distance in miles ... to Rome.

Thus came the well-known phrase, .... "all roads lead to Rome."

Now......No one likes to be compelled or forced do someone else's ... work.

At the very least, .... we are apt to complain.... argue .... or simply refuse.... to be so ... used.

But Jesus tells us ... not only to take on the burden...... but to carry such a burden .... twice .... what is expected. (Pause)

Notice in our text that Jesus is speaking ...... (Slow) only to his followers....

Only to those ... that are a new creation in Christ Jesus.

He does not say .... anything directly ... about the Roman Soldier.

Instead .... He says, .... "If anyone forces you .... If anyone compels you".

If anyone ......believer or non-believer ... compels you to do something .... that is obviously not contrary to

Scripture...... You are to go the extra mile .... you are to do ... twice as much.

Beloved ... we are a new creation .... we are in the world .... but not of the world.

We are a people displaying grace ... radical grace .... a grace that the world ... cannot comprehend.

We are givers of our time .... We are servants ... to those that God places ... in our lives.

We are called to be active within the Body ... and to be active ... within the world.

We are called to Serve ....To do more than expected.

The Scripture tells us of another ... who was "compelled" ....... who was forced by the Romans.

BIBLE "As they went out, ... they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name. They compelled ... this man to carry his cross." END Matthew 27:32 ESV

Simon of Cyrene ... had no choice ... but to carry the cross, ......And this was true for all .... for the first mile.

But Jesus says ....... that beyond that .... the Second Mile .... that is our choice ....and the second mile Beloved .... is our Lord's choice.

A Second Mile Life..... will not be a pleasant trip ...... unless we do it for ....and with the Lord.

Are you traveling the Second Mile, ... are you a second mile follower ..... or when called ... do you sit on the sidelines?

And if we sit on the sidelines .... we in essence cause others ...... to carry more ... on their Second Mile!

We are each to be servants .... To be men and women of Grace.

We are commanded by Christ himself .... to be servants of be a second mile people.

There are only two types of Christians... on this side of eternity; ....... those who travel the Second Mile, ......and those who do not. ..... and leave the work for others.

It can get lonely at times ... out on the Second Mile. ..... The second mile ... is not crowded.

Often it is just you ...... and the Lord.

At times, ... You may wonder why others do not step forward.... You may wonder why others do not care ... and do not lend a hand.

A Christian Life.... Is Like most marathons...many start, ... it is packed at first.

But those who finish ....... normally finish .... physically alone!

Take courage Beloved...... In our Marathon of life.... Jesus is there .... He is always there.

Jesus promise to be with us .... He is with us ... on the second mile.

This life is unique ....... because on this side of eternity...... The Second mile .... Well ... it never ends.

And the Guide posts are laid out in God's word.

Mature Christians when asked ... How are you doing on your Christian walk?

Should respond: .... "I am on the Second Mile."

You cannot say, ... "I am at the halfway point or three-quarters point.

For on this side of eternity .... There is no end .... to the Second Mile.

The finish line at this time .... may not be in sight.

But we are assured that the finish line ... is there .... and that it will suddenly appear ......with a shout of an angel ......and with the blast of the trump!

"Are you on the Second Mile .... are you a second mile Christian?"

You can be .... you should be.

If you are .... there is no turning back.

We are commanded to keep giving of our self... to go forward.... Jesus commands us to GO! (Pause)

A Coast Guard crew was summoned on a stormy night .... to rescue survivors from a sinking vessel.

One young member of the crew was fearful: "Captain," he moaned, "we'll never get back."

"Son.... the captain said .... Our orders aren't to come back, ......only to go." (Pause)

Jesus commands us to Go .... to be a second mile people.

Now .....There will be a some land mines ... on this second mile.

And there will be some snipers ...... and more than a few shots fired.

There will be some shots from Satan and the forces of wickedness.

Lucifer will be trying to lure you off the road.

And There will be some shots from the "Seated".

We can expect attacks from those who stay seated .... Who refuse to get up and ... Go The Second Mile.

A carnal .... A fleshly Christian ... will not commit ... long term .... to the second mile...

And sadly .... many criticize from the sideline ......those that do chose .... a second mile life.

And this can indeed be a burdensome road .... and ...... it should be.

Remember these words to the believers gathered in Galatia: BIBLE " Bear one another's burdens, .... and (by doing) so .... fulfill the law of Christ." END Galatians 6:2 ESV

Bear one another's burdens .... go twice the distance.

A Jewish man ...... was compelled to carry the Roman soldier's burden .... for one mile.

But our Lord was clear.... (1 Finger) First ... to take that burden and (2 Fingers) .... and Secondly ... to carry it twice the distance.

A sign of one walking the second mile ... is a willingness to seek the Lord's will ... To seek his voice.

A willingness .... a yearning .... to be in his presence.... A willingness ... To be transformed.

We are called to carry the burdens of others ......both believers and non-believers.

Christ said ... he came to serve not to be served...... And he has called each of us to have a servant's heart.

We are a new creation in Christ Jesus...We are the light .... of the world.

A clear attribute of this Second Mile life Joy... Spiritual Joy.

The Second mile .... Always .... Always ... leads to Joy.

Beloved .... You must be on the second mile to receive this lasting joy.... This spiritual joy.

And This Spiritual Joy .... is evidence that the Holy Spirit .... is active in your life.

That you are being ... transformed.

Be clear though...... Spiritual Joy is much more than happiness.

Happiness is based on things being ... as you Like them ....... Things as they are .... in the moment.

God's joy ... is deep and God's joy ... is abiding.

It permeates our very being ... to the depths ... of our soul.

The Scripture's tell us: The joy of the Lord is our Strength.

True joy is not a by-product of life... it is a Choice of life .... that we each make.

A second mile life .... is our Choice.

Will you choose to be a seconded mile people?

Will you deny self ... will you deny the flesh ....and follow him?

BIBLE " Then Jesus said ......., "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.." END Matthew 16:24

Jesus came not to be served .... but to serve.

Spiritual joy comes to all believers by giving ... by serving..... and by walking the second mile.

For when you serve begin to empty yourself....

And when You empty yourself ..... God can fill you a new.....or as the scriptures state ...... You will be filled to overflowing.

Beloved..... the second mile is different for each one. For...Each of us has different gifts.

We need to bear one another's burdens.

We must deny self and take up you cross and follow Him.

May we all ...... be second mile people...

May we all have a servant's heart and receive the Joy and The peace ..... that passes all understanding.

O' Beloved you are blessed....

Have a servant's heart....Receive the Joy of the Lord

Move from the milk to the meat of the Gospel.

Be a second mile people.

For you have been blessed ....truly Blessed .....

O' Beloved you are Blessed to be a blessing.

Amen and Amen!!

Help: I retired in November 2017 and am attempting to supplement my income by sharing on Sermoncentral. If this Message has been helpful to you, please consider a nominal donation: Send to The Rev. Jeff Smead 11725 Regent Park Drive Chardon Ohio 44024. Blessed To Be A Blessing.

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