Summary: I have begun to realize that many in the Church today think they are Committed when in actuality they are only Involved. There is a big difference between the two.



We began a Bible Study series a few weeks ago on the subject Committed or Involved. I have begun to realize that many in the Church today think they are Committed when in actuality they are only Involved. There is a big difference between the two. I am a big breakfast person. I can eat breakfast morning, afternoon, or late evening. I like a traditional breakfast, nothing fancy – EGGS – HAM - BACON – POTATOES – PANCAKES.

• When you consider the Eggs and the Ham there is a big difference on how each made it to the plate

• The Chicken simply laid the Eggs

• Weather – Scrambled - Over Easy – Sunny Side Up - Omelets – It was only Involved

• End of the day goes back to the Chicken Coup

• The Pig however – makes no difference if – Ham – Bacon - Sausage - had to give its life

• It was more than merely Involved the Pig was Fully Committed

• Pig was more than Involved it had to give its life to make it to my plate

• You talk about being Committed

• I want to talk to us for a few minutes about Committed or Involved


• We must choose when to go to bed and when to get up

• We must choose what to eat and what not to eat

• We must choose what to wear and what not to wear

• We choose what to do with our time

• We choose where we'll go to work and where we'll go out to eat

• Life is filled with choices

• Some choices are easy to make

• Other choices are more difficult to make

WE ARE WHO WE ARE TODAY BECAUSE OF THE CHOICES WE MADE YESTERDAY. The choices we make today have an impact on the decisions we will be making tomorrow. They establish a Pattern and a Foundation for our life. But some may say, "But Pastor, I haven't always made the right choices!" You and I may never be able to undo the choices we made yesterday, But, I have good news for you. He, who holds our tomorrow, is able to turn it around for us. Today I want to focus on the only right choice we can make.

In our text we find JOSHUA presenting what we call his FAREWELL ADDRESS. From the first mentioning of Joshua we are given the picture of an HONORABLE MAN - one you would want to follow. In his early years he is sent as a representative of Ephraim to spy out the land of Canaan. He and Caleb seem to be from a different stand than the other spies--- the exciting voice speaking with OPTIMISM about their ability to take the land—

• Let’s do it!

• We can take it!

• Like a bunch of Mountaineers looking at a fit pack of Wolverines saying, “We can take them!”

What was it that caused this nation to follow such a Leader? Was it Faith? Was it youthful military exuberance? Who can tell, but this was the type of leader Israel needed as they awaited the new campaign of CROSSING THE RIVER! Can we take a quick snapshot or brief reviewof his life? Joshua is now quite old; and he has seen a lot in his lifetime.

• His early, formative years were spent in service to the great liberator, Moses

• His later years were spent leading God’s people into battle in the promised land

• He has seen the plagues in Egypt

• He has seen the parting of the Red Sea

• He has endured the trip through the desert to the edge of the promised land and then the trip back into the desert for 40 years of wilderness wanderings

• He saw God part the Jordan river

• He saw God crumble the walls of Jericho, and send the enemies into a panic

• He also saw the punishment of Achan after his sin

• He then saw the restoration of the blessing and presence of God

• And now he is quite old

• He has led a full life

• He has been strong and courageous as God commanded

• He has the scars from a hundred battles

• He has known the power and presence of God in his life and in his leadership

• And now he recognizes his death is near

• And Joshua’s last days is where we find ourselves today in this 24th Chapter

I imagine the Israelites began to wonder what is it that they would be able to say about those days? What would be recorded in the pages of History? They understood after all those years, their campaign was now coming to a close and a leader is leaving his parting words on his people.

• Joshua’s life is coming to an end

• There is a transition in the making

• From a people consumed by getting the other people out of the land

• To being a people in the land

• So Joshua asks this nation

• Who will you serve now that you are not all focused on the conquest?

• Will you return to the gods you used to worship?

• Or will you serve YHWH?

• Like me and my family?

There is a back and forth that has been going on between Joshua and the gathered ELDERS – HEADS – JUDGES - OFFICERS. They are gathered at the same place where after Ai was finally captured, in Schechem - Joshua calls his people together for another Covenant invitation. This First Verse read in preparation of this sermon, really caught my attention. Joshua called for the Leaders of God’s people.

• They were where they were supposed to be

• We should know where the leaders of the Church are located

• They were on their post

• Joshua knew, if no one else was around, the leaders were on their post

• Leaders were Committed

Leaders cannot lead if you are not on your post. Can’t Lead if you cannot be found! I need you to lead during LIFE SEMINAR – I need you to lead during Worship on Wednesday – I need you to lead during Wednesday PRAYER SERVICE – I need you to lead during SATURDAY NOON PRAYER. I need you to lead during WORKSHOPS and SEMINARS. Leaders should be out FRONT. Joshua before addressing the nation of Israel, called on and challenged the Leaders first. He challenged them to be more than Involved but to be Committed.

In this city that represents the POLITICAL AND MILITARY CENTER OF GOD’S PEOPLE - Joshua challenges their ABILITY TO BE FAITHFUL. Now that is an interesting thought.

• Not faithful to God cannot be faithful to The Church

• Not faithful to God cannot be faithful to your Ministry

• Not faithful to God, you do not have the Ability to be Faithful

• Staying Home on Wednesday does not bother you

• Staying Home on Sunday does not bother you

• Not Being here for Life Seminar does not bother you

• Don’t travel with the Church on Sunday afternoons does not bother

• You are Involved and not Committed

• Talking about the Ability to Be Faithful

YOU ARE FAITHFUL TO THOSE THINGS THAT YOU ARE COMMITTED. This applies to all areas of our lives.

• Anyone ever try to lose weight?

• If we are not committed to weight lose we will not be faithful to the process

• We go to the gym and workout for one week and no longer committed therefore; not faithful to the process

• Ever start College or Trade School?

• If we are not committed to the process will not be faithful in going to class and studying

• Ever been married – ok, I will leave it alone

The mood is different than it was at the beginning of this OT book when God’s people were wondering in the wilderness, fighting and defending their little nation.

• Gone are the days of Sinai wandering

• Gone are the days of anxiously waiting across the river

• Gone are the days of marching around Jericho and trying to right the ship in Ai

• Gone are the days of tribal land distribution

Joshua reviews the conquest campaign as well as a history lesson in God being good to God’s COVENANTAL AGREEMENT and concludes with a personal statement in regard to his family’s FIDELITY.

• He does not say, “as for me and my people”

• Rather, he states, “as for me and my family”

• We will serve the Lord

• It appears Israel was fit for a battle campaign

• But now the question is are they fit for settling in the land and trusting God in a new way campaign?

Ultimately, isn’t that the most any of us can say.

• In spite of what you decide to do

• In spite of your commitment level

• In spite of what you want to do with you time

• In spite of how you feel about supporting the Church

• Me and My Family will Serve the Lord

These are the days of looking ahead and deciding what kind of people we will be in the land.

But with possession of the Promised Land comes great responsibility.

• It now becomes your duty to take what you have secured and pass it along to the next generation

• Joshua is wandering whether or not the people are up to the religious task as much as they were to the military and political one

• Do not get me wrong, I know there are plenty more battles to be fought

• But as far as Joshua goes- his battle days are coming to a close

After all the battles, the slaughter, the delivery of land, the only thing Joshua can half control is he and his family. He looks to his people and challenges their ability to be faithful to God like they were faithful to him in battle. I am sure the compiler of this conquest narrative lived in the aftermath of these days, in the time of the Judges, when the people of God were all too quick to forget this contract. They knew Joshua’s hesitation to reaffirm the covenant was for good reason. But the people say: “No! We will serve the Lord.”

• Here was their opportunity to walk away

• Here was their opportunity to be more honest

• Here was their opportunity to pledge just partial commitment

• Here was their opportunity to say well Pastor, You Know, I work all week

• Here was their opportunity to say well Pastor, the weekend is my time to sleep in

• But the say, No, We Will Serve The Lord

Here they are, at the same mountain shoulder as in CH. 8 - JOSHUA RENEWS THE COVENANT. Maybe he was just being a good leader and did not want some kind of haphazard commitment on his people’s part.

• Unlike the beginning of the battle in Jericho, this type of response needed to be different

• Not based on Adrenalin

• Not one of those High Five Your Neighbor, Lift Your Hands in the Air and Turn Around 10 times

• But rather thoughtful soul-searching

• He needed them to understand the gravity of their being a covenant people

• Ensure they really want to be God’s people in the land

• Not just A people in the land

I want you to notice the STANDARD OF SERVICE Joshua demands: “WITH ALL FAITHFULNESS.” He doesn’t leave room for casual faith, for serving God when it is convenient or when things are going well or when life is easy. He doesn’t leave room for doing faith on our terms. He calls us to serve “with all faithfulness.”

• What if there is no reward?

• What if there is no appreciation?

• What if there is no pat on the back along the way?

• What if you find nothing but opposition?

• Joshua says “serve the Lord with all faithfulness”

• Let’s be honest, that is not easy

There is A RESPONSIBILITY OF CHOICE – that goes along with Commitment. With the right to choose comes the responsibility to choose. "CHOOSE YOU THIS DAY." If you make the wrong decision, it is not the responsibility of MOM – DAD – PREACHER – CHURCH – NEIGHBOR – FRIEND - It is your responsibility to choose. You cannot defer this choice to anyone else.

• Easy to say if I had a better Husband or Wife

• Easy to say if I were not chasing this Career

• Easy to say if we had a better Preacher

• Easy to say if others were only Committed

• We cannot defer or place our Choice on others

• Choose You This Day Whom You Will Serve

Let me also mention THE RECORD OF CHOICE. It has always been LIFE or DEATH, BLESSING or CURSINGS.

• Adam and Eve Chose Death

• Annanias and Saphirra Chose Death

• The Rich Young Ruler Chose Death

• King Agrippa Chose Death

• Pontius Pilate Chose Death

• Judas Chose Death

• Lazarus Chose Life

• Abraham chose Life

• Paul Chose Life

• Peter Chose Life

• Phillip told Nathaniel they had found him and if he doubted to come and see

• Nathaniel could have chosen life or death, but he chose life!

• Which will you Choose?

• There is a Record of the Repercussion of the Choices you make

• Which Do We choose?

WHO ARE YOU GOING TO SERVE? It was relatively easy for the Israelites to worship the other gods – these other god’s didn’t demand much.

• It was easy to carry a wooden carving

• It was easy to throw a bit of grain at the feet of an altar

• It was easy to bow to the sun

• But God demands all

• It is relatively easy for us to carry our own dreams and desires and live for them

• It is relatively easy for us to throw a bit of money at a charitable cause

• It is relatively easy for us to raise our hands and shout praise to a sports hero

• But God demands all

Maybe Joshua is getting less patient with age, but he lays it out pretty bluntly – either serve the Lord WITH ALL FAITHFULNESS or, if you don’t like that, then choose some other god to serve. It will probably be a lot easier serving another god – they don’t demand too much - NEITHER DO THEY OFFER MUCH IN RETURN.

Because of GOD’S GRACE - we are invited into relationship with God. Because of God’s grace, Jesus came and died for us and bridged the chasm that separated us from God. Now, we are invited to be in relationship with God, invited into a reunion with the Holy and jealous God Joshua describes. God gives us the grace to serve Him. We can’t serve Him on our own. We won’t last if we simply try to serve Him because of the things He has done, as mighty and miraculous and perfect as they are. But here is the heart of the Gospel: we can serve a holy and jealous God because He has invited us to by His grace.

--NOW IT IS TIME TO MAKE A CHOICE. Today is the day to choose to follow God


--If you have come to years, if you know your direction has you headed to hell, and you believe God is calling you to Him

--Your first Choice should be to Come to God Right Now

--Your next Choice should be to be Committed to God and to Your Church Home