Summary: Examining the problem of "professing Christians" that have left the battle-field and the mission-field.

Church... We Have A Problem!

Acts 15:36-41

In 1970 the crew of the Apollo 13 moon flight, encountered a major problem, an on-board explosion deprived their spacecraft of most of its oxygen supply and electric power. Captain Jim Lovell radioed the Houston base and said the famous words "Houston, we've had a problem here¨. (The phrase is normally misquoted as "Houston, we have a problem" as in the movie)

I spoke with a pastor earlier this week who had looked over certain records and in 6 years in his current ministry over 100 people had passed through his church that attended regularly (at least for a period of time) .

Some of them passed away (obviously he couldn't do anything about that) ... Some of them moved away... Some of them are homebound or in the nursing home... Some of them have moved on to other churches - But the overwhelming majority of them have just given up on church and worst of all they have walked away from the Lord.

Our church experiences that same problem. We look around on Sunday and if there are more pews with people on them than there are empty then we think we are successful as a church. I want you to understand this, every empty pew that you see represents a church member that has walked away. You have family members that used to fill those spaces. You have friends who used to fill those spaces. You have brothers and sisters in Christ who used to fill those spaces. That empty place next to you doesn't represent a lost person, it belongs to someone who has made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ.

If they were still here, this sanctuary wouldn't hold them all. Can you imagine what we could do if all of our "inactive" members were to become "active" once again? Just think of all the Kingdom work that could be accomplished if we had our brethren actually attending and serving in the church. I know this may be discouraging but if we don't address the problem we will never fix it.

The crew of Apollo 13 had an intense desire to land on the moon. When the explosion happened they knew that would not be an option. If they ignored the catastrophe and continued on their mission they would have all died.But they took the proper steps to survive:

They realized there was a problem

They called out for help

They received instructions from Houston

They followed those instructions

They made it home alive.

I want us to see the problem in our church and take those steps needed to solve that problem. Let's look to the Word of God and consider the thought "Church... We Have A Problem".

Paul and Barnabas had planned a trip to go and revisit the churches that had been established over the past year. They both agreed that this was a good thing but soon a problem would arise. And as we examine our church today we will see that:


This problem that I speak of not only involves those who have left the church, but also those who remain. This was the case for Paul, Barnabas & John Mark as well. - v37 And Barnabas determined to take with them John, whose surname was Mark. 38 But Paul thought not good to take him with them, who departed from them from Pamphylia, and went not with them to the work. - There are 2 problems that we see in these verses. Notice:

A. WE HAVE A PROBLEM CONCERNING THOSE WHO HAVE RETREATED- v38 {John Mark} ¡§went not with them to the work¡¨.

We find record of John Mark's departure in - Acts 13:13 Now when Paul and his company loosed from Paphos, they came to Perga in Pamphylia: and John departed from them returned to Jerusalem.

We are not told exactly why John Mark left the mission. He may have been weary from their travels. He may have been fearful of the dangers that were ahead. It may have been a combination. Either way, John Mark left Paul and Barnabas and went to the house.

We have brothers and sisters who were once faithful to the mission and for whatever reason they just left. We have some members of this church that were on fire for the Lord one week and gone the next. Many times we don't know why they left; we just know that they are gone. Some of you that are present today may have "one foot out the door as we speak¨...I encourage you to remain devoted to the mission.

You may be tired

You may be weary

You may be fearful


John Mark had been a profitable servant but now he was idle. He was no longer on the mission-field. He was away from his brothers in Christ. It is probable that his own relationship with Christ suffered.His decision also had a negative impact on Paul & Barnabas.

Don't think that because you are in a church pew every week that you are exempt from this problem There are many who fill a pew each week that are as absent from the battle as John Mark was. And though you are present (in body) you have retreated from the mission. Several problems will occur when you retreat from the mission:

1. YOUR SERVICE TO THE LORD SUFFERS - God has called you and saved you and He has a plan for you! If you have walked away from the mission, you have walked away from your Father. There is no doubt that there were opportunities that John Mark forfeited because he left the mission. There were things that needed to be done and people that needed to be reached.

Friend, if you have left the mission, you are missing out on opportunities each and every day! Opportunities to serve the Lord... Opportunities to reach others... Opportunities to have an eternal impact! And one day you will look back on these days of idleness with much REGRET!

Is your service to the Lord suffering today? If it is, that is not your only problem.


John Mark did not just walk away from Paul, Barnabas and the people on the mission-field... HE WALKED AWAY FROM THE LORD! If you have walked away from the mission... If you are no longer serving in the capacity that God has called you to, then there is sin in your life. That sin creates a barrier between you and God.

As a result of that barrier, the progress that you could (and should) be making in your spiritual life is hindered. Instead of moving forward, you are moving backward.

The things that God would show you... YOU CAN¡¦T SEE!

The things that God would tell you... YOU CAN¡¦T HEAR!

The blessings that God would give you... YOU CAN¡¦T RECEIVE!

Let me assure you, as John Mark was away from the mission he did not remain stationary.He was going backward. And if you have abandoned the Lord's mission in your life you are not going to stay where you are. In the Christian life you are either moving forward or going backward... which direction are you going today?

Yes, there are many "Problems Concerning Those Who Have Retreated" ...but there are also problems that arise for those who are still serving. Notice:

B. WE HAVE A PROBLEM CONCERNING THOSE WHO REMAIN - v38 But Paul thought not good to take him with them, who departed from them from Pamphylia, and went not with them to the work. 39 And the contention was so sharp between them, that they departed asunder one from the other:

Here we have two men of God who WERE devoted to the mission. They both desired to move forward in the process of "strengthening the brethren". Paul did not think it was a good idea to take John Mark with them. But Barnabas was DETERMINED to take him with them.

I want to take some time and consider this "point of contention" between Paul & Barnabas. Barnabas had a special interest in John Mark... He was his cousin. There is a great example in Barnabas' reaction. He had compassion on his fallen brother. And in a moment we will see the great benefits that came from his heart of compassion. But for now, I would like to defend Paul's position for a moment.

Many times you will hear people criticize Paul for not allowing John Mark to go with them.

In fact, I have been guilty of this myself. Paul was an apostle of the Lord Jesus. He possessed apostolic authority. He was responsible for the mission that the Lord had assigned him. His sole purpose in this 2nd missionary journey was to go back to the churches who had been established and "strengthen them"

John Mark was not where he needed to be spiritually. He gave up... HE ABANDONED THE MISSION and the other MISSIONARIES!! Those who are not where there should be spiritually can, and will have a negative influence on the other brethren. Paul very well may have harbored some animosity toward John Mark. But his primary motive may have been to protect the mission.

We have some people who were once faithful servants in this church. They were once: Teachers, Ushers, Greeters, Deacons, Committee members, Singers & Witnesses But somewhere along the way they left the mission. And because of that, they are not fit for service.

When we need a teacher for a new class, they will not be chosen for that position. The worship leader is not going to schedule them to sing a solo. The deacons who left the church years ago and walked away from the Lord will not be present at out next deacons meeting. When nominating committee time comes around they will not be put on any committees When I need someone to go make a visit with me, I am not going to call them to go with me.

We are not going to put people in places of service that we cannot count on. And we are not going to use people who (because of their spiritual condition) may have a negative impact on others! John Marks decision to retreat brought about problems for him, and for Paul and Barnabas. But at the heart of this problem is the impact that his decision may have had on the mission. Notice with me that:


Consider the planned mission - v36 "Paul said unto Barnabas, Let us go again and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord, and see how they do".

John Mark didn't just leave his brothers.... He left the mission. Surely there were some responsibilities that had previously been delegated to John Mark. Now, they (Paul and Barnabas) had to pick up the slack. This missionary journey involved a great many people. We will find that Paul's desire was to "strengthen the churches" . The "churches" referred to are those that they had established in the previous year.

They planned to return to places like:Cyprus, Pamphylia, Pisidia, Lycaonia, Salamis, Paphos, Perga, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe and Antoch and "strengthen them"¨ - Paul knew that on this vast mission-field there were

1. Saved people who needed to be discipled

2. There were more lost people who needed to be saved

And if they were to invest in them, disciple them and strengthen them then those who were already saved to reach out to more lost people! As a church we have many new converts who need to be discipled. We need saved brethren to take the time and invest in these new converts! And eventually we will see those new converts step up and begin to invest in others as well! John Mark was once a part of that process, but he retreated and went back home.

a. Were you once faithful in the disciple making process?

b. Have you abandoned the mission and gone back home?

I am sure that the enemy whispered in John Mark's ear that he wasn't having an impact. He probably felt that Paul & Barnabas didn't need him. So he just left! But he didn't realize that he was having a positive impact. He had a positive impact:

1) On the lost

2) On the new believers

3) And on his fellow laborers

And friend, whether you believe it or not you are having a positive impact. And when you abandon the mission you will have a negative impact. When you abandon your Sunday school class, it will discourage your teacher who has prepared to teach you. When you abandon Church, it will discourage your pastor. When you abandon the class you teach, it will impact those children that need to learn about Jesus. When you abandon that job you have agreed to perform, some one else will have to pick up the slack (usually someone who has many other jobs already) When you abandon evangelism, it will impact those lost people that you could have reached When you abandon the discipleship process, it will impact those new converts who need to be strengthened. I could go on and on... You are having an impact; the question is "is it a positive or negative impact?"

Yes, John Mark's decision to retreat was a problem that hindered the mission. And we have people who have abandoned the mission and have caused a problem as well. But I have some encouraging news, look with me to verse 39 as we see:


Granted, we have addressed some topics today that are somewhat discouraging. But as we look to the action of Barnabas we find that there is hope. Notice how Barnabas responded: - v39b "Barnabas took John Mark with him and sailed for Cyprus"

Mark was Barnabas' cousin. Mark was more to Barnabas than an associate... HE WAS FAMILY! Though we are not privy to the details surrounding John Mark's restoration, we do have much evidence of his being restored to the mission field, the missionaries and ultimately to the Lord! Barnabas saw someone who was hurting and reached out to him.He did what was needed to see John Mark restored to spiritual health and fruitfulness.

Notice the result of Barnabas' compassion in the life of John Mark. On several occasions we find that John Mark did return to the mission- field.

Colossians 4:10 - Mark, Barnabas's cousin {send you his greetings}. As you were instructed before, make Mark welcome if he comes your way

Paul describes him as a co-laborer in Philemon 1:24

Mark was serving with Timothy in Ephesus when Paul wrote him during his second imprisonment

Paul describes John Mark as being "profitable to the ministry" in II Timothy 4:11

I can't help but wonder where Mark would be if it had not been for Barnabas' response. Many of you have been impacted by someone who cared enough to reach out to you when you had abandoned the mission. I have been personally impacted by people who showed me compassion after I retreated from the mission.

Back in October of 2002, (Oct. 22nd to be exact) I realized that the Lord was calling me to preach. I stood before a congregation and "surrendered" to that call. I have been active in the church and was being profitable to the Kingdom but almost immediately after announcing my call, I was consumed with fear. That fear caused me to retreat. I left the church and walked away from the Lord. For 2 years I lived in rebellion. There were some people who reached out to me... confronted me and I know that they were praying for me. I did not respond immediately. I resented them for "bothering me". I ignored them and did my best to avoid them. There were some who gave up on me, but praise God there was some who wouldn't give up!

The person who had the greatest impact on me was a close friend of the family. Though there were many who cared and reached out to me, but she was by far the most persistent. She would call me on Sunday morning and tell me that I still had time to get ready and go to church somewhere. I continued to say yes ma'am, but never really had any intentions of going. Finally in 2004 I gave in and went to church. The only reason was just to get her off of my back. Because of her compassion and care we went to Church. It was there that the Holy Spirit did a great work in my life. I was restored and began to serve in the church and to contribute to the ministry. One year later I FINALLY surrendered to the Lord's call on my life. That was 10 years ago and this October I will have been in the ministry for 9 years. All because someone cared enough to reach out to me. The Holy Spirit did the work, but the Lord used some people that cared enough to act, to minister to me.

You may be here and you have abandoned the mission. For whatever reason you have walked away. Friend, we need you back! There are lost people to reachThere are new concerts to strengthen And there are other brothers who are in the same shape that need to be reached!

Church... We Have A Problem

i. We Have A Problem That Involves People

ii. We Have A Problem That Hinders The Mission

iii. We Have A Problem That Has A Solution

I want to leave you with a challenge.

Look around this assembly...

Look in you church directory...

Look at your Sunday School class...

Look on your pew...

Look in your homes...

And find a John Mark. When you find that person... BE A BARNABAS TO THEM!!!