Summary: Revelation - What it will be like when we stand before the Lord



• We are all familiar with the hymn One Day – Verse 5 says:

• One day the trumpet will sound for His coming, One day the skies with His glories will shine,

• Wonderful day my beloved ones bringing; Glorious Savior, this Jesus is mine

• Friends one day we will see the Lord and I am looking forward to that day – Amen

• But at the same time I am not looking forward to that day and it terrifies me – In this sermon you will see why



• The book of Revelation, as most of you know was written, by John the Apostle

• John received this Revelation of future events and recorded it while in exile on the Isle of Patmos

• Tradition tells us that John had been banished to the Island after he had been dipped in boiling oil but was unharmed by it

• It is said that many came to Christ as a result of that miracle

• John was told by Jesus Himself to, “Write down all the things that he had seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter.”

• The book of Revelation stirs up different emotions and reactions within different people

o For instance, some stay away from it altogether because it frightens them or they don’t understand it

o There are others who are intrigued by it because they:

 Love the challenge of interpreting prophecy or they love to read about the future

 Others like to read about what heaven is like and imagine seeing loved ones there one day

 Some like to read about Satan being cast into the lake of fire forever and ever

o But tonight, I want to say, the thing that I love and also frightens me about the Book of Revelation

o Is the fact that John says, “And I saw Him - I saw His face.”

• Folks, I’m here to tell you that one day, whether lost or saved, we will see His face.


• Tonight, we are going to look at eight descriptions that John gives of Jesus

• In some of these descriptions John specifically says this is what the Lord’s face looks likes

• And in some of these I believe we can conclude from the context that His face would resemble what is being explained


• My prayer for us, in going through these descriptions of our Lord, is that we would think about how we would measure up if God came back today then adjust our lives accordingly. (think about what it will be like)

His face will be:

I. AN INCORRUPT FACE (Rev. 1: 12-16)

A. John said that He saw the Lord - and he is trying his best to describe what he saw

1. John says that Gods hair was white like wool – as white as snow

2. He describes his eyes as being a flame of fire

3. Out of His mouth is a two edged sword – the sword represents God’s word which is truth

4. He says that His voice was like many waters – I think of a waterfall/ocean – powerful & thundering

B. When I read John’s description of God, I instantly think of purity and holiness

1. In fact, many of these images symbolize purity

2. Friend God is not just pure and holy in his actions - He is the essence of purity and holiness

3. Another words He is the definition of these words – He is the standard

4. In Him is no error, in Him is no evil, In Him is no impurity – not even a hint of it.

5. When we stand before total purity one day, we will wish that we would had been pure,

6. here on this earth in our thoughts, in our actions, and in our motives.

C. The book of James says that one aspect of purity is that we keep ourselves unspotted from the world

1. Friends, we are to be in the world but not of the world

2. The Bible says to love not the world neither the things that are in it

3. Now, let me say that we are supposed to love and reach people

4. But scripture makes it clear to not love the worlds system – or the way it thinks

D. Here are three good reasons why we should not love the world

1. Because of its character – what it is (the Bible says that Satan is the prince of this world)

a) I don’t know about you but I don’t want to have the character of Satan

2. Because of its corruption – what it does (the world is for everything that God is against)

a) Friend, the world wants you to be:

(1) Immodest, Immoral, and disrespectful

(2) It wants you to lie, cheat, and steal

(3) It will lead you down a path of fear and false hope

(4) And will leave you cold, hungry, naked, and alone when it is done with you

3. Because of its condemnation – where it is headed

a) One day this earth is going to melt with fervent heat – it’s going to burn up

b) Folks, why would we want to live for fire wood?

E. Let’s live everyday like we could stand before His pure, holy, and incorrupt face that very day.

F. #2 His Face will also be:

II. AN INFORMED FACE (Rev. 2:2a; 2:9a; 2:13a; 2:19a; 3:1c; 3:8a; 3:15a) (There is someone who knows…)

A. When you were growing up, did any of you ever do something that you knew you shouldn’t be doing,

B. or not doing something you should have been - and you thought you got away with it?

1. But then you saw your mom or dad a little while later and they had this look on their face,

2. And they didn’t say a word but you just knew that somehow they knew what you did?

C. Friends, God knows everything you are thinking, doing, and what you are going to think and do

D. He even knows the motivation behind what you do

E. I’m so glad that believers sins have been forgiven and we will not have to answer for them one day

F. But, we are not off the hook

G. As a matter of fact we are even more under the microscope

H. You see, in the passages we just read God is talking to the Churches or saved people

I. He is basically saying that He is the head of the Churches and we are accountable to Him

J. One day we will give an account to God for what we did with the life he gave us after we were saved

K. it’s called the Bema Seat Judgment

L. You may be wondering, what is God looking at in my life or what will He require on that day?

M. Well, that’s a good question – I believe He will judge us based on three criteria that He used to criticized these seven churches in Revelation

N. Some of the churches were criticized for one of three things and some were a combination of these

O. He criticized them for there:

1. Heart – they fell out of love with Him (Some were lukewarm and some had lost their first love)

a) How is your closeness with Jesus today)? Scale 1-10

2. Hands – God told some of them that there were works were not complete or they were lacking

a) He was saying that they were just going through the motions

b) They looked good on the outside but God knew they were lazy – one was even dead

3. Holiness – He really blasted some of them for tolerating sin in their lives and allowing

4. false teachers in the church

5. Friend, what sin or lies of Satan are we tolerating in our lives?

P. One day we will wish that we would have been more diligent concerning our hearts, hands, and holiness

Q. His face is #1 an incorrupt face; #2 an informed face and #3 it is:


A. The Bible says that one day every eye shall see Him – even those that pierced Him

B. One day, the armies of this world are going to go to war against our God

C. And Scripture says that He is coming back on a white horse and guess what - we will be with Him.

1. You say, “Well, I don’t like the thought of fighting and war.”

2. That’s okay friend because this will be a war in which you won’t have to do anything

3. The Bible says that God will conquer the nations by the word of His mouth – He speaks it’s over

4. He then sets up His kingdom on earth and we rule and reign with Him for a thousand years

5. After that, there will be a new heaven and earth and we will be with God forever

D. Friends, God is not going anywhere

E. He is all powerful and indestructible and He is to be worshipped

F. When I read this I can’t help but think that one day when I stand before Him

G. I’ll wish I had worshipped Him more often and more passionately – how about you?

H. Friends, He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

I. His face is and incorrupt face, an informed face, an indestructible face and #4 an:


A. This is the passage that motivated this sermon

B. And I can’t seem to get this verse or this concept out of my mind

C. I would like to get this verse to stick in your minds as well

D. Could I possible get someone else to read this verse again aloud?

E. “From whose face the heavens and the earth fled away” – think about that

F. This means that everything in heaven and on earth was terrified of the one who sat on the throne

G. Often we see or hear people describe heaven and it’s usually all blissful and angels floating on clouds

H. Or God looks like some old man with a cane

I. But the scripture says that there is going to be a terrifying day in which everything tries to run but can’t

J. This is the Great White throne Judgment where those who never received Christ will give an account of their sins

K. Believers won’t stand before God in this judgment - but I believe we will be there to witness it

L. And I believe that the problem with the Church today is that we don’t tremble before God

M. But guess what - John the Apostle trembled when he was experiencing these things

N. Several times he mentions the fact that he fell down like a dead man - he was so terrified at what he saw

O. The Bible says that the demons believe and tremble at His name - how much more should we?

P. People say you shouldn’t be afraid of God but respect Him - and that’s true

Q. But respect has an element of fear in it – I respected my parent’s in that I knew what they could do

R. We should fear God for what He can do and what He will do in the future

S. Friends, if we were a people that would tremble before God, how much greater impact could we have?

T. If we would tremble at the thought of that day, our prayer lives would be greater and we’d be diligent

U. We would have a church on fire for God!!!

V. I don’t believe that in eternity we’re going to run up to Him and say “Hey buddy glad you died for me”

W. I believe that even with a glorified body and mind; we will tremble when we see Him.

X. God’s face is incorrupt, informed, indestructible, intimidating, and #5 it will also be:

V. AN INDICTING FACE (Rev. 20:12-15) “To bring an accusation against”

A. Has anyone in here ever stood before a judge at any time for any reason?

1. Did you try to look at the judge’s face and try to discern how he might possibly rule in your case?

2. Did you look to see if there might be a hint of mercy and compassion,

3. or if he would be firm and indifferent?

B. Friends, one day those whom we know and love who do not know Christ will stand before the judge

C. from whose face the heavens and the earth fled away – that intimidating face –they will be terrified!

D. The books will be opened and everything they ever thought, said, or did will be laid out in plain sight

E. And they will look at His face to see if there might be some sort of chance or maybe a hint of mercy

F. Will He have mercy?

G. But there will be no mercy, no understanding, no possibility of an appeal or retrial

H. There won’t even be a lawyer there to argue their case

I. For you see, they had their chance for mercy their entire life – and God wanted us to warn them

J. As-a-matter-of-fact, He gave His only son so that they might have mercy in the judgment

K. And God the righteous judge will slam His gavel down and pronounce a verdict of guilty

L. The sentence will be an eternity separated from Him in torment with no chance of parole

M. And they will be dragged, kicking and screaming, by the angels to be cast into the pit

N. Friends, on that day we will wish that we would have been serious about witnessing while we were here

O. God’s face is incorrupt, informed, indestructible, intimidating, indicting, and #6 it will be:

VI. AN INTIMATE FACE (Rev. 21:1-4)

A. The Bible says that one day God is going to wipe away all tears from our eyes

B. Why will there be tears in heaven?

1. Well, we just witnessed the Great White Throne judgment

2. And I believe that we will be thinking about what more we could have done

a) To try to keep those we knew out of hell

b) But also how much more we could have loved God and lived for Him on this earth

3. Maybe we’ll regret not having more treasure or crowns to cast at His feet to worship Him with

4. Hey, maybe if we shed more tears down here for His causes - we won’t shed as many on that day

5. That’s something to think about!!

C. Whatever the reason, God is going wipe away those tears

D. And I don’t know how He will do it

1. He could just speak and it will be done

2. But I’d like to think that He might step down off of His throne and walk up to us,

3. put His hands on our faces and wipe away our tears.

E. Friends that’s going to be a great day for believers.

F. God’s face will be incorrupt, informed, indestructible, intimidating, indicting, intimate, and #7 it will be:

VII. AN INCANDESCENT FACE (Rev. 21:22-24; 22:3-5)

A. In this passage John is describing the new Jerusalem

B. He says that there will be no need for the sun or moon because God’s countenance will light it forever

C. Friends, if God can light heaven and earth why are we not allowing Him to light our path here?

D. What struggle are you facing right now?

E. Our path may seem dark but God can light our darkest hour if we will just allow Him to

F. If we will ask Him

G. I think sometimes we’d prefer to worry ourselves to death instead of trusting Him with the need

H. We have looked at what God’s face will look like, but what does it look like right now? It is:

VIII. AN INVOKING FACE ( Rev. 22: 6-7; 12-14; 17; 20)

A. Invoke simply means to make a strong appeal

B. It carries a sense of urgency and can mean to beg

C. Friends, we need to hear the urgency that is in the voice of God

D. He is saying, “This isn’t a game – I am coming back soon and I have my reward with me.”

E. John, throughout the book is saying, “Wake up! This isn’t time to sleep! I have seen these things.”

F. “Heaven is real, hell is real,

G. there will be tribulation on this earth and you will have to stand before God one day.

H. Wake–up!!!! Wake-up!!!!!


There once was a king who was captured by the Roman army. They took the king

with his family to stand before the Roman general to receive the

sentence of death. The king fell on his face before the general and

said, "You may do with me what you will, but spare my wife and

children!" The Roman general was so moved by the plea that he

released them all.

Later, the king asked his wife about some of the things they had seen

while in the Roman general's chamber. She said, "I didn't

see anything. My eyes were only on the man who was willing to die for


• Friends are our eyes focused on the face of the King who died for us?

• Or are they on the fading treasures of this world?

• The things around us that are going to burn up one day? Why not get refocused today?