Summary: A short Question and Answer write up for the Skeptical mind on Jesus

The world's most famous individual that ever-lived.Yeshua Ha-Mashiach aka Jesus the Christ. Having lived on our earth more than 2000 years ago, People questioned His existence, teachings, death and resurrection. Everybody have something to say about Him. Religious or Non-religious. Whether you believe the bible or not, Yeshua /Jesus is One person you can't ignore or avoid. The Skeptic has lots of questions and concepts of Him and here are some of the questions I have personally came across in my 28 years.This list, I pray it will be beneficial and will bring you closer to the Truth, the Saviour of Mankind.

In Matthew 16:15, Jesus asked His Disciples "Who do you say I Am?"

It is the most important question in Life. The Answer dictates where we would spend our After-life. And so it is important that we have the right Answer to the question "who do you say Jesus is?".

1. Y'shua/ Jesus did not say He is God, it was not stated in the bible that He is God.

Ans: The reason Y'shua/ Jesus was even crucified in the 1st place was because He claim equality with God of Israel. "Before Abraham was born, I AM." The Jewish Rabbis at the time knew what exactly Y'shua/ Jesus was saying. It was blasphemy to them. And that was

the reason they crucified Him.

2. The Bible was written by Men and is fabricated.

Ans: The Men who wrote it, the Apostles who were the disciples of Y'shua, exposed their shame, corrupted deeds. Bible showed Peter denied Y'shua/ Jesus, Paul was a murderer of the Believer of Y'shua etc. The writers shamed themselves and glorified Y'shua. Who in a clear mind will fabricate something of themselves like that. And Importantly, Most of the Writers were executed BECAUSE of their believe in Y'shua/ Jesus. Who would fabricate a story and carry it to the grave as truth?

3. Y'shua/ Jesus is a myth, did not exist.

Ans: Same thing, Most of the Writers were executed BECAUSE of their believe in Y'shua/ Jesus. Who would fabricate a story and carry it to the grave as truth? For those who start saying, the writers (Disciples) did not exist. Well how did Christianity spread in the 1st place? Who would really care to glorify one man, even give his life for that Man if He did not exist?

4. I believe in Y'shua/ Jesus, He's one of the gods.

Ans: This is simple. Either exclude Him from all the deities and believe Him not to be a god or ONLY believe in Him as the Only God. Because He said He is God and the Only One. "I am the Way the Truth and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father but by Me."

5. The Christians say that God never change, than why in the Old Testament God seem fierce. He punishes, judges. He asked to destroy, there's death. New Testament, He forgives?

Ans: You see, after the sin of Adam, Humankind has been corrupted with Sin, We are Criminals . God is a Just God, hates Sin and He is a Judge. As a Just God, He judges. Like how a Judge treats a Criminal, He treated Mankind with The Law. He loves Mankind but He has to be Fair. When Yeshua/ Jesus came. He came to take ALL that punishment, ALL that Judgement of God. God never change, He himself become the focus point of ALL that Judgement which only He can.

6. Well if God is Good than why is there a Hell?

Ans: Yeshua/ Jesus took ALL that Punishment and Judgement of God upon Himself. He became The Sacrifice for the Sin and corrupt nature of all mankind. What exactly is happening is, He became the convict instead of us. Those who approve and subscribe to the Sacrifice becomes free man while those have not subscribe to the Sacrifice are out on bail when alive. Bail time is till when we are alive. Once dead, we have to pay for our own sins in Hell as We did not subscribe to the One convicted for our sins, Yeshua/ Jesus. It's the Justice of God.

7. Yeshua/ Jesus was not the only one died and resurrected. There are other deities in stories that died and resurrected.

Ans: Yes, As a lover of mythology I know there are other characters that died and resurrected. Egyptian Osiris for e.g.But First and foremost, Yeshua is a Historical character. He existed during the great Roman age. Secondly, Unlike other characters, Yeshua died and resurrected with a purpose : For the Sins of Mankind. The other characters died for their own benefits, never for Mankind. Never for You and Me. The was never a purpose. Unlike Yeshua/ Jesus'.

8. If Christianity is true, How come the Christians are doing sins and Not Holy.

Ans: First and foremost, The Bible does not claim believers to be Holy as God is Holy. The Bible says all man are sinners, and as long we are in this world we would sin now and than. But the death and resurrection of Yeshua/ Jesus removes the Believers' sins. They are saints in God's eyes solely because of the payment Yeshua/ Jesus did on the Cross. The Believers are Justified Sinners and thus saints through Yeshua/Jesus. Believers will only have eternal life through Lord Yeshua/ Jesus. A Believer is someone who does not defend his/her sinful ways, but must truly accepts that the sin is Sin indeed.

9. I see the way Christians behave and I can't accept Jesus is the Only way to Heaven.

Ans: Christianity IS NEVER, WAS NEVER and WILL BE NEVER about the people's practices. Unlike other Belief systems, Christianity is about One Person's deed for the whole world. It's about Yeshua /Jesus, not the believers. Yes, The Believers should try to uphold a standard. But, as long we are in this world there would be sin, Only Yeshua and no other is sinless. Let me quote an incident: Philip, a disciple of Lord Yeshua, called his brother Nathaniel, telling him “We have found him of whom Moses in the Law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” Nathaniel was just skeptical answered, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.” Nathaniel judged Yeshua/ Jesus by the deeds of the people of Nazareth, but when He went and see like Philip told him too, He was amazed at the Power of Yeshua. So I challenge you to go to Yeshua and see, yourself. He may not be here bodily but His power is in the Church and is above all other.

10. What about the Crusades, the murders done in Jesus' name.

Ans: I condemn that and every Believer should condemn it too. Yeshua/ Jesus answered that question when He was here on earth, when Pontius Pilate asked Him, "Are You The King of The Jews?" Lord Yeshua answered “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.” That was what King Yeshua said.There was not a need for Believers to take up the physical sword to conquer but the Spiritual Sword which is the Bible to Conquer. If the Crusaders understood what Yeshua was saying they would not have done it. His kingdom was not of this World but of Heaven. That is why there are people who convert to Christianity, not by violence but by the Gospel.