Summary: Will we accept the sacrifice of Christ as sufficient ... or will you continue doing life yourself? Easter is about the glory of the Father revealed in the Son, and we either accept that or turn away from it.

From Living to Life

1 Peter Sermon Series, Part 9

1 Peter 3:13-22


- Leading up to this AMAZING day we have covered three main points:

-- Three encouragements from Peter to the church on living fully for Christ

∆ - First, why is our testimony so important?

- v2:21, “To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.”

-- We are called to remember what Christ went through and willingly follow!

-- Our testimony is all we have at the end of the day … and it MATTERS!

∆ - Second, why is does our testimony matter?

- Jesus is the ONLY one who is totally sinless (v2:22-23)

-- There was no deceit, no lie, and no sin that was committed by the Messiah

-- He was literally the perfect sacrifice of God; suitable for our redemption

-- His testimony before us is the guide; the plumb line; He is the STANDARD

∆ - Third, how do we live out our testimony in our relationships?

- We discussed our relationship with one another (husband and wife) (v3:1-7)

-- HUGE: Our spiritual health depends on how WE treat one another!

-- If we treat one another poorly in marriage, we will be off-center with God

- And we examined our relationships IN the church (with one another)

- Harmony within the body of Christ is necessary; it is commanded to us (v3:8)

- Challenge: Do you live your life with a closed first or an open hand?

-- This will greatly affect how you respond to those around you, even in church

-- Bless those who persecute, return love for anger, show grace to all we encounter

-- It is what the Bible commands that we do … plain and simple

- So then, how in the WORLD does all this relate to Easter morning?

- Read 1 Peter 3:13-22 / Pray

∆ Point 1 – From Living to the Cross (13-18)

- Peter implies for us who need things to be clear (v13), “What good comes from suffering and going through trials for Christ?”

- The answer might really surprise you (v14): So you’d be BLESSED!

-- APP: A believer (letter written to church) is to live above that nonsense for Christ!

- In these few lines there are four direct commands given to the believer today:

• Do not fear (v14) – God is in control

• Revere Christ (v15) – He is Holy

• Be prepared with gentleness and respect (v15b) – Don’t be a jerk

• Be clear minded, no malice, letting the judgment be God’s (v16) – Live intentional

- Now, what do we all want to know? “Why … why should I do this?”

-- APP: (v17) It is better to live with integrity for God than without Him!

- TRANS: What we are about to see is the PERFECT example of this

-- Too many think they have all this figured out … let’s see if we fall into this trap

∆ Point 2 – From the Cross to Death (18-20)

- Christ suffered once for YOUR sins, to pay the price owed by YOU (v18)

-- He was put to death for what you deserved to please God’s punishment

-- IMP: This is the ultimate definition of Grace (it’s NOT about your needs)

- His death was about fulfilling what God had always planned and required

-- Hebrews 9:22, “And according to the Law, one may almost say, all things are cleansed with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.”

- Now, when Jesus died, most people want to know: “What happened then?”

-- Raise your hand if you’ve ever wondered what happened after the cross?

-- Peter answers this for us in about as much detail as we would ever need

- Peter uses the word “pneumasin” (means: souls); some translate this as “spirits”

-- What is clear is Jesus went to preach to those waiting on His arrival … but …

-- He also preaches to those who were disobedient long ago (v20) (days of Noah)

- Acts 2:31 records that He went to “Hades” … but Hades is not hell

-- The word "Hades" refers to the realm of the dead, this is a temporary place

-- This is where many waited the resurrection of the Messiah promised in OT

- Revelation 20:11-15 gives us a clear distinction between the two:

-- Hell is the permanent and final place of judgment for the lost

-- Hades is a temporary place, a holding place to await Christ (not Purgatory)

-- APP: Purgatory is a false term created by the Catholics, does not exist

- When Christ's atonement for sin was completed, His Spirit restored fellowship

-- It was a fellowship which had been broken by OUR sin (ref Genesis 3)

-- Upon His death, our Lord visited the realm of the dead to preach to them

- Peter did not tell us however WHAT He proclaimed to these imprisoned spirits

-- However, it could not be a message of redemption (angels cannot be saved)

-- Hebrews 2:16, “For surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham's descendants.”

- It was a declaration of victory over Satan and his hosts; a victory over death itself

-- Ephesians 4:8 indicates that Christ went to paradise: It says, “When he ascended on high, he took many captives and gave gifts to his people.”

-- APP: He took to heaven all those who had believed in Him prior to His death

--- He physically took those who had been waiting to be with the Father forever

- IMP: God and sin could not be together; so this was a clearing out of paradise

-- The place God had created for those who were obedient to the Law; faithful

- The passage doesn’t give any more detail about what occurred … however …

-- What we can know for sure is that Jesus was not giving people a second chance

- He was not preaching to those who had died that they could now accept Him

-- IMP: There is no second chance following our death, the bible is very clear

-- Hebrews 9:27, “People are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.”

-- APP: He was declaring victory, and taking those to their final reward in Heaven

- TRANS: So, why is this important … especially on Easter Sunday?

-- All we need to do is LOOK at what Jesus did on that glorious morning

∆ Point 3 – From Death to Life (21-22)

- What Jesus did was pay for YOUR sin, the punishment we deserved from God

-- Why? So that YOU could have eternal life if you submit fully to Him

-- IMP: By accepting what He has done, you turn your life over to Him fully

- We want to put conditions on Christ; how arrogant and presumptuous is this!?!

-- The work of the cross and Christ’s death was to repair what we caused (our sin)

-- But more than surrendering, we are to obedient to Him by doing what He did!

-- John 3:5, “Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.”

- So, Peter clarifies the act of Baptism for us: but it is NOT what saves you (v21)

-- It is the obedience of following Christ in the same manner of submission

-- Jesus was baptized to signify that He surrendered ALL to the Father

-- Jesus showed us how to give up all we wanted … for what God has for us

- Peter says “it’s not about the removal of dirt from your body … ”

-- But … “ … a PLEDGE of a CLEAR CONSCIENCE toward God”

-- CH: How exhausting is it to live a life convincing others you are saved?

- HUGE: It is a symbol you have been redeemed because Christ is alive today!

-- We are saved because of HIS resurrection, not because we are so awesome

-- We were special enough for God to send His Son to die for us …

-- But at no time were we awesome enough to be consulted on what He should do

- It has always been about what Christ did. And what has he done? (Read v22)




- TRANS: Hallelujah … He is risen INDEED!! Life is about His resurrection!

∆ Big Idea

- For weeks we’ve seen in God’s Word what Jesus has done

- Right now, we have a decision to make – a choice that only YOU can make

- Will we accept the sacrifice of Christ as sufficient / OR continue doing it yourself

-- DANGER: This is where deceived people “tune out” and figure they are good

-- The devil wants nothing more than you to think you are good; to be prideful

-- Jesus said in Mark 10:18, “Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good -- except God alone.” IMP: We are not good, we (you & I) need a Savior

- With a declaration like that, how can you keep trying to do it yourself?

- You need Christ’s sacrifice, there’s nothing more you need to be saved

- The path is clear for us, and it is truly what Easter is all about. You must:

• Accept that you are a sinner (Your living for you)

• Believe He died and rose again (Submit to His death on the cross)

• Confess Him as your Savior (Receive real, everlasting life)

- Prayer for Salvation / Continue directly into Lord’s Supper

∆ Lord’s Supper

- The Bible tells us that we celebrate the Lord’s Supper to remember Jesus

-- We remember His sacrifice; we remember His words, and His love for us

-- Jesus said, “Do this in remembrance of me”, and that is what we will do

- But before that, I want to ensure you have time to reflect on its importance

- If you are a believer in Christ, you are invited to come and partake

- But maybe this morning you are not ready to surrender, will you simply abstain?

-- 1 Corinthians 11:27-29, “So then, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup. For those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink judgment on themselves.”

- It is more important that you are right with God than keeping up appearances

-- The elements are here, but they are not magical and they will not save you

-- To the Christian they are a reminder of what Christ has done; it’s humbling

-- To the unbeliever, it’s a small cracker and a sip of grape juice from the store

- If you want to know Him, to stop running from Him, today is your day

-- I’ve seen believers saved who pretended for years they belonged to Christ

-- Won’t you come and be redeemed? Won’t you come be free … forever?

- Pray / Music