Summary: In Psalm 34, David is so grateful for God’s goodness that he invokes others to join him in witnessing and tasting God’s abundant love. He said, "Oh taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.”

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.” (Psalm 34:8)

This morning our message is “Mm Mm Good.” If you grew up in my generation you probably can remember a Campbell Soup commerical on television and the characters after eating a grill cheese sandwich and tomato soup would say, “Mm! Mm! Good!” The other day some students said in class discussion, “God is Mm, Mm Good?” As I pondered on this statement, I remembered King David saying similar words.

Introduction: Allow me to set the picture which begins in 1 Samuel 18-22 (really to chapter 26). It’s vitally important that you know the history of David in order to acquire an understanding to his behavior.

Jonathan (King Saul’s son) and David became best friends. Saul appointed David as a high army official where after a war there was a celebration. The women of Israel while dancing sang, “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands.” The scriptures continue that King Saul became extremely jealous and fearful of David. An evil spirit came upon Saul (that’s another sermon…but a tag is don’t leave doors open for the enemy to enter) and he attempted twice to kill David. Saul could see God’s anointing upon David so Saul (no longer in God’s blessing) sent David away. David was highly successful because God’s hands was upon him. Later on Saul plotted for the Philistines to kill David even after David married Saul’s daughter. Saul wanted David dead church!!! Jonathan intercedes on David’s behalf and converses with his father the king where Saul stated he would not attempt to kill David. But as soon as David goes to war again and successfully wins, King Saul became enraged again for the people spoke highly of David. Thus Saul attempted again kill David. Saul’s daughter, Michal (David’s wife) informed David of her father’s plan and helped David to escape. David goes to Ramah and informed the Prophet Samuel of his situation. Three more times Saul’s soliders attempted to capture David but the Prophet Samuel and other prophets interceded on David’s behalf where Saul’s men even began to prophesied. Finally Saul goes to capture David and he himself began to prophesied. Oh amazingly so, Saul walked into a true atmospheric presence of the Lord and began to prophesied for he was no longer in control but under the unction of God (another story). The story continues with David returning to speak with Jonathan and they made a covenant for David’s protection from King Saul. After three days of David not appearing to the dinner table, King Saul and Jonathan got into a conversation. Jonathan questioned his father as to why he desired to kill David. The king became angry and hurled a spear at his own son. Jonathan eyes open for he now realized that all David said to him was true. David and Jonathan agreed to a signal indicating freedom or death. Jonathan activated the signal and David fleed. He sought refuge with Achish, the King of Gath (also known as Abimelech, the priest). Hang in there with me, we’re going somewhere. Just when you think things can’t get any worst, something else surfaces. Someone recognized David; heard Abimelech and David’s conversation then informed Saul. Fearful of being recognized, David pretended to be insane. Abimelech becames aggravated and sent David away where he hid in the Cave of Adullam. Later, Saul sent for Abimelech and his family and ordered their death. The Edomite took their life except for Abimelech’s son Abiathar (who escaped and joined David).

As you can see, David endured a lot. Yet, “When he pretended to be insame before Abimelech…” David doesn’t become angry with God but rather he reveals his love for Him and writes Psalm 34. David said “8Oh taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him” which is our based scripture this morning.

What about you? Regardless of your going through experiences, are you so thankful to God that you’ll encourage others to taste Him for themselves? David did! David understood that Jehovah, (the Lord) was his provider, protector, and deliverer. He understood this because David had personal experience (taste) and witness (see) to the goodness of God. Regardless to what he encounter, David reflected on God’s undying love towards him. For, time after time, King Saul made every effort to kill David but God blocked the king’s every attempt. So David recognized (saw) God’s goodness and made a personal confession, “1I will extol (bless) the Lord at all times (in good and bad times) for His praise will always (not some times but every waking moment) be on my lips.” In Psalm 34, David is so grateful for God’s goodness that he invokes others to join him in witnessing and tasting God’s abundant love. He said, "Oh taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him”

Listen, listen! This word ‘taste’ means to perceive (by the perception of the organs of taste…the mouth), to try out something (someone). Can you think about a time when you just wanted a small taste of that special food only to find yourself going back for more and more. You just couldn’t get enough of it. Days later your mouth swells-up just reflecting about it because it tasted much better than you thought it would. Oh yes church! That’s how it is when you taste the goodness of God. You just can’t get enough so you desire more and more of Him. You desire so much of Him that you want others to enjoy His goodness as well; you can’t but share His blessings with others. "Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt His name together” (verse 3).

David tried the Lord and found the Lord to be “Mm Mm Good.” Let me see if I can’t make it a little easier for you to understand. For example:

• You’ll never know how good it is to drive to your destination of 15 miles vs walking until you ‘taste it’ by driving the car.

• You’ll never know how good Baskin-Robins 31 flavors of ice cream is but until you ‘taste’ try one of them.

• You’ll never know how good mama’s macroni and cheese is until you stop looking at it and ‘taste’ it.

• You’ll never know how good it is to have protection from the blows of the enemy until you ‘taste’ that you have protection.

• You’ll never know how good it is to be pain or worry free until you’ve ‘tasted’ being painless or free from worry.

• You’ll never know how good it is to love until you’ve ‘taste’ what it is not to be loved.

• You’ll never know how good it is to have a friend until you’ve ‘taste’what it is to be friendless.

You see God blessing others time after time but until you have your personal encounter with Him, you’ll never know “taste” just how good His blessings are.

Join in with me. . .

Oh taste, oh taste…come on and just take a sample! Taste Jesus for yourself and see (experience) His bountiful goodness for yourself! Amen! Has anybody here ever tasted the goodness of Jesus? Tell your neighbor, every believer should have his/her one-on-one experience in God’s goodness. And when you reverently entreat to God and obey His Word, God will watch over you and supply your needs. Why not give God a try? Come on my brothers and sisters and “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” You don’t have to take my word for it but I guarantee you one thing, in the words of Reverend Milton Thompson:

“(When you’re) … so heavy laden and burden down (like David)

You do not know just what to do

You go and I prayed to for strength to endure

(Only to hear) Jesus said, be still I will see you through

(All you need to do is) tried Him and I know Him

He’ll stick closer than any brother

Oh…, tried Him and know Him

He’ll be better to you than you could ever been to yourself

There’s could never be a friend

As dear to you as Jesus.”

Rest assure saints, God ‘is’ that friend who’ll stick closer than any brother. The latter part of verse 8 states, “Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.” This word ‘refuge’ means a place of safety, a safe-haven. The storms may form and the thieves may break in but the one who takes refuge in God will see (taste) His goodness, His peace.

Why is it so essential to taste God? I’m glad you asked.

First: God is a relational God. He desires that we not just know Him intellectually but He wants us to experience, to taste Him in our hearts. Look at:

Psalm 119:11-12a, “Thy Word have I hid in my heart…Blessed are You, Oh Lord!”

Psalms 119:103, “How sweet are Your words to my taste! Sweeter than honey to my mouth!”

1 Peter 2:2-3, “Like newborn babies crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.

The Bible states, “the heart of man is sinful.” However, God’s heart is sweet and good as proclaimed in His Word. Tasting God’s Word transforms the heart of man.

Second: God is a God of growth. The baby needs milk in order to grow. Without proper nourishment his/her growth comes to a grinding halt. We find ourselves sometimes in the position of a baby…not knowing which direction to pursue. Our tasting God affects our spiritual growth. Oh but we, just like David, serve a God is gracious. God desires that we grow in Him so much that He commands us to “Delight in His Word and meditate in His Word day and night” (Psalm 1:2).: Meditating on God’s Word avails us the opportunity to pray His Word back to Him especially when we find ourselves in sticky, stressful situations just like David did. David didn’t find refuge in things like most believers do today (food, entertainment, electronics, or people). Grant you these things aren’t necessarily bad but they shouldn’t keep a Child of God from seeking, tasting God. God’s never to busy for His child. God hears and answers our "spur-of-the-moment" prayers regardless to our location.

• We may be in our homes praying or in the car praying, or walking down the street praying…God hears and answers us!

• Our physical position doesn’t impede God from hearing our prayers. We may be in a cave like David; or on our knees, standing up, in a fetal position. Whatever the position is as long as our hearts are right, God not only hears our prayers but He answers them as well.

But we will never experience this, if we don’t “taste and see that the Lord is Mm Mm Good!”

My brothers and sisters, knowing God’s Word will bursts a hunger, a thirst to try Him even more and not just in those spur-of-the-moment times. In other words, we develop an appetite for God’s Word which results in our spiritual growth. For the more our appetite develops, the more we crave for Him. Thus, the more we “take refuge in Him” we trust Him. On the other hand, if we have no appetite for God’s Word could it be because we are not tasting (reading, meditating) in His Word. Amen! One minister said it this way:

“And when I honestly share what is troubling me, I taste the goodness of His presence. He is the warm blanket of love around me when I feel the cold of rejection. I experience the goodness of His peace in exchange for my worries. He is the sweet in the midst of my bittersweet. When I focus on His promise to never ever leave me or forsake me (Heb. 13:5), I taste the goodness of His faithful presence for He is my firm anchor keeping my boat afloat in the raging storm.”

In closing don’t just taste God’s Word as your Christian duty – a begrudging heart or to acquire more knowledge for selfish purposes. If so, you may acquire knowledge but you’ll never fully experience the awesome “taste-goodness” in knowing God.

David went through hell and high water; yet, he didn’t lose sight of God’s goodness because David “tasted” God for himself. David remembered his relationship with God. He had an overwhelming appetite for God because David found God to be “Mm Mm Good.”

Anybody here know that God is “Mm Mm Good?” Has anybody here tasted the “Mm Mm Good” God?

His name is Jesus; He is:

• “Mm Mm Good God” for He is Our Bright and Morning Star

• “Mm Mm Good God” for He is The Author and Perfector of our faith

• “Mm Mm Good God” for He is A Strength to the Poor

• “Mm Mm Good God” for He is Refuge from the Storm

• “Mm Mm Good God” for He is A Very Present Help in the Time of Trouble

• “Mm Mm Good God” for He is My Strong Rock, My Shield, and My Protector

• “Mm Mm Good God” for He is My Keeper, My Deliverer, My Peacemaker, My All-in-All

Has anybody here tasted the “Mm Mm Good” God? He was David’s “Mm Mm Good”God. And if you continue to read the story of Saul and David, you’ll see how good He was to David for David had two opportunities to kill King Saul (24:4 once in the cave of Adullum where David cut-off a corner of Saul’s rob. Second 26:7-11 when David denied Abishai permission to kill Saul while Saul slept inside the camp with his men). I’m telling you God is “Mm Mm Good” and He wants to be your “Mm Mm Good God.” Church just “Taste and see that the Lord is good and share His goodness with someone else so they too may have their own personal experience of the only "Mm Mm Good God!"