Summary: The feeding of the 5,000 is the ONLY miracle that is mentioned in all four Gospels.

10 Amazing Miracles In Scripture Sermon Series (6 of 10)

“Feeding of the 5,000: What Happens When God Does the Math”

John 6.5-15

November 8, 2015 CFBC Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker


A We’ve looked at 5 miracles so far (calming the storm, walking on water, Balaam’s talking donkey, parting of the Red Sea, casting out demons from the man in Gerasene.)

1 The feeding of the 5,000 is the ONLY miracle that is mentioned in all four Gospels.

a It took place in the spring, near Passover, the grass was still green in fact (summer had not burnt it up yet.)

b John 6.5-15

2 There is something to this story that gets our attention, pecks our interests.

a We’ve all been where these people were that day.

aa We needed something that we didn’t have.

bb We needed God to come through for us when there was no natural way for the need to be met.

b We’ll saw last week what happens when God is in the lead (gives protection/compassion), today we’ll see what happen when God does the math.

aa For us 5+2=7

bb For God, 5+2= what ever He wants it to.

B Let’s look at two aspects of this miracle (Pray)

I The Makings of a Miracle

A Jesus had all the ingredients to do something supernatural that would be talked about for eternity.

1 A Real Need: The people (probably between 15-20K) were getting physically hungry after a very long day.

a Probably no one was going to die if they skipped this meal, morning would arrive soon . . .but they were hungry.

b Jesus didn’t see it as a “small” thing or “no big deal.”

aa v. 5, “Where are we to buy bread, that these may eat?”

bb Jesus had already decided He was gonna do what He do when He asked Philip the question.

2 People Are Involved: The crowd, a boy, & disciples

a I think Philip was Jesus’ Chairman of the Fellowship Committee: it was his job to make sure people got feed/logistics.

aa We don’t have the budget to feed all these folks. It would take 8 months wages to feed them all, Jesus.

bb Philip was thinking with his head, doing the math.

b Andrew tracked down a boy who had 5 loaves of barely bread & two pickled fish. (Great value: cheap)

aa At least Andy made the attempt, “We got something, Jesus! It won’t go very far but here you go.”

bb You gotta give it the lil’boy who was willing to part with his supper. It wasn’t his fault nobody thought of bringing a sack lunch.

cc What no one took into consideration was the power of Jesus.

3 The Blessing of Jesus

a Mark 6.40, Jesus told His disciples to group the people in blocks of 50 to 100. (To avoid people rushing to get their meal.)

aa They sat in the grass waiting for the shepherd to feed them.

bb To me this is the prophetic realization of Psalm 23.

b v.11, Jesus took the loaves/fish and blessed them, and gave them to the disciples to give to the folks.

aa Jesus just bringing out more bread/fish as they needed it, until every one was filled of fish sandwiches.

bb He told His disciples what He wanted them to do and they did it. (Those 12 may not have had faith but they had obedience.

B Miracles are real, they do happen when God does the supernatural in the natural.

1 Typically, there must be a need (calming a storm, parting a sea, healing the blind, stopping the sun, raising the dead . . .)

a We all have a “need” in our lives.

aa Physical, marriage, church, . . . we just need God to move.

bb We can’t change, alter anything in any real way on our own.

b Miracles happen in the atmosphere where there is a need for something to happen off the grid of the natural.

2 You and I have a role in the miraculous. (Not that God needs us, He just chooses often to work through us, people.)

a He told the disciples: put the groups together, pass this bread out, gather up the left overs . . . that’ll be your lunch tomorrow!

aa I personally don’t think the disciples had an other worldly faith (freaking out because of lack of resources: food, money, logistics.)

bb But the one thing they did show was obedience.

b We must act on the promises, Word of God when He gives them to us.

aa I’m sick but I’ll get better; I’m down but I’ll be victorious; I’m dead but I will rise.

bb We don’t have to have all the answers, the whole thing figured out, just trust in the One who does!

cc Mark 9:24 (NASB) 24 Immediately the boy's father cried out and said, "I do believe; help my unbelief."

c Always believe in the power of Jesus to do what only He can do!

aa It may not work out on paper, math may not work, medicine may not work, what I’m doing doesn’t work . . . But You are still God!

bb I’ll be obedient, God . . . You just be God.

T.S.: After Jesus had healed their infirmities and satisfied their hunger, the crowd was ready to make them their king. (V.15)

II The Making of a King

A After His miracles, they thought for sure He was the one that Moses had prophesied about in Deut. 18.15, He’s the one!

1 They said, “We’ll force you to be our king, then you’ll march into Jerusalem, overthrow the Romans, and then you can take care of all our needs!” (Feed us & give us health care.)

a Jesus withdrew from them, walked away.

b Jesus wasn’t going to be king on their conditions, their selfishness, by force and on their unrepentant & manipulative terms.

aa Before the reign of the Lion from the tribe of Judah must come first the Lamb of God to take away the sins of the world.

bb We can’t force God to fit our plan, we can follow Him as He works His.

2 One of the mistakes in the modern church is that you cannot market Jesus.

a Come to Jesus and He’ll make you happy, wealthy, feel better, take care of you, make you feel good about yourself.

b This is calling Him King on our conditions, selfishness.

B Jesus does graciously love us, gives us joy/peace/comfort . . . but at the same time He calls sinners to repentance & to mourn over their sins, acknowledge Him as Lord and owe Him obedience.

1 A Pew Survey showed this week that the U.S. is becoming less religious. (A study of 35,000 people, using Church Attendance, Prayer, & belief in God as their measurement markers) PLEASE PUT THE FOLLOWING STATS UP

a Believe in God 2007=92% . . . 2014=89% (-4%)

b Absolutely Certain 2007=71% . . .2014=63% (-8%)

aa Church Attendance Born btwn 1990-96 50%

bb Born btwn 1928-45 71%

2 We’re witnessing a paradigm shift in our nation, in two generations we will be a nation filled with unbelievers & empty church buildings!

a What is the answer? It’s not just telling people Jesus is the one who can make you better, happier, healthier. (That’s coming to Him on our terms.)

aa It’s going to take people coming to Him in repentance, brokeness, mourning sin, surrendering to Him out of obedience.

bb That’s not popular preaching, seeker sensitive sermon, . . . we’ve called people to salvation without repentance, cross without change, Our Lord without obedience and Jesus has done what He did when we feed the 5,000 . . . He withdraws, steps away!

b As a nation we have a spiritual river 3 miles wide, 1" deep. . . who will be our elected officials, appointed judges, school teachers/administrators, and our future church leaders.

c We dredge the river by coming to Him on His terms, in repentance, mourning over sin, believing/living His Word.

aa By passing that on to our children and lifting up each other/holding each other accountable in our walk.

bb Preachers preaching the full Gospel and people living the full Gospel.

cc You wanna market Jesus? Tell them about the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony!


A The disciples gathered 12 baskets, Jesus was providing enough for the disciples meal for the next day.

1 Jesus always provides enough for everyone, and for tomorrow.

2 The Lord’s Table is provided for every believer.

aa It reminds us of God’s provision (physically & spiritually)

bb We all can be satisfied, filled . . . and there still more to have.

B We are the sheep on the grass, looking to the Good Shepherd to provide.

1 Bread: healing

2 Cup: Forgiving

C Lord’s Supper

Notice to Sermon Central Users:

My name is Mike Fogerson, and I pastor a Southern Baptist Church in Chester, Illinois. I have been a long-time user of Sermon Central and truly appreciate its content and contributors. Some of the best sermons I’ve ever preached have been reworked material from this website. As you use the material from my sermon bank, understand that it is work that has been done from not just myself, but from hundreds of other pastors as well. If you see part of your message, or a bunch of your message with my name on it and this upsets you, please email me and I will quickly respond and cite you as the main source. My intent is not to claim someone’s work as my own. I am disclaiming up front that I use the resources from Sermon Central and appreciate the tool. I simply want all those who use my work to know that some of these messages were inspired by the Holy Spirit working through other pastors. Because I do use the messages of other pastors I waive all claims of originality or origin of creativity for the messages posted under my messages. I pray God blesses your preaching ministry for the glory of His Kingdom.


Mike Fogerson