Summary: Conviction can be cultivated. And the more passion you develop… the more clarity you get that this could be a mission from God that motivates me and matters to someone else. (It doesn’t have to be the last project I do… it probably won’t be…)

Last time: Conviction can be cultivated

Stories so far…

life group jumping in and coming back for 6pm tear-down

33-year-old mom who didn’t realize they’re doing a dream already

friend: “We came to this church because it’s real and not weird… And I didn’t grow up going to church. I think I can help others feel comfortable who aren’t used to church, too.”

Talked to someone this week in their 60’s, “I think I know what I’m supposed to do… where I’m supposed to serve… but I’m afraid.”

Many of us are afraid…

afraid of failing

afraid of commitment

afraid of missing out on something else

afraid my thing isn’t cool enough

Be where you are.


Taking a leap

Conviction can be cultivated. And the more passion you develop… the more clarity you get that this could be a mission from God that motivates me and matters to someone else. (It doesn’t have to be the last project I do… it probably won’t be… but it’s the next.)

This week: Favor—don’t leave home without it

Every great project begins with a blessing.

You need someone’s blessing.

Don’t be mad about that. It’s life.

You are who you are… you are where you are. Don’t resent it. Work with it.

not “I’m just…”

significance of every role

Nehemiah, “I was cupbearer to the king”

God wants to take you from here to somewhere else. Be where you are. And serve the people in authority.

Millennials: Entitlement generation? Perhaps? But it’s not just Millennials. We’re all entitled.

Anyone who is alive at this time of incredible technological advancement. We have access to everything. We can create our own platforms, brands, and companies in a day.

We all have a built-in resistance to authority.


rebelled in our origin

tend to want to rebel still

God wants us to live under HIS authority so he puts other authorities in front of us to teach us


You might get the idea of authority, but it seems limiting. “What if they tell me ‘no?’” But it’s how God designed the universe.

It’s not just now that you’ll need authority. You always will. Even if you start the next great Killer App… you will have a board of directors and investors that you’ll answer to. You will never be free of authority. It’s part of life.

Don’t hate it. Don’t resist it. Work with it.

Ex: Hilary—moving to OC

Ex: Kenton—supporting our journey

You honor God when you when you honor authority.

Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. 2 So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted Romans 13:1-2

Illust: Asked younger leader to speak to small group of Jr High kids

“God has called me to speak to large audiences.”


who’s listening?

thinks they are called to do what I’m doing so I should let them

don’t realized I started speaking to high school kids in a home

college students in a dorm

singles ministry at saddleback

women’s networking events in tacoma

then 100 adults in the chapel at Irvine

then HB

…and I prepared just as much where there were 100 people in one service as I do when I’m going to speak at auditorium of 3,000.

At every stage I’m under someone’s authority, and I’ve been invited…

Yes, vision

…but I’m not entitled to anything

My influence expands as my favor increases…

pray for it

work with excellence in each season, with each opportunity

Favor comes from God and through kings

Give your servant success today by granting him favor in the presence of this man.

I was cupbearer to the king. Nehemiah 1:11b

Whose favor do you need?

Are you praying for it?

Are you serving that leader like crazy?

even if you think they’re missing it

even if you think they’re not a good enough leader

even if they are corrupt

Artaxerxes was not a nice guy… very tough king

But Nehemiah believed…

The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes. Proverbs 21:1 (NKJV)

Only God can change hearts


There is a role our work and effort plays

Nehemiah was a man under authority… and he crushed it for his boss.

I had not been sad in his presence before, so the king asked me, “Why does your face look so sad… (2:1b-2a)

No bad days

not high maintenance

not the boy who cried wolf

not the girl who cried daily

Working hard while waiting

5-6 months until Nehemiah had this conversation

Win while you wait.

Waiting is not wasted time.

serving… impressing… learning

Then, his moment of opportunity,

The king said to me, “What is it you want?” Then I prayed to the God of heaven, and I answered the king… (2:4-5a)

Pray and be prepared

Pray and don’t plan


Plan and don’t pray

It’s both

If Nehemiah had only prayed and not planned, he wouldn’t have been ready to answer the king. Missed opportunity

But this verse bring sup a very important question…

Question: What do you want?

What could it look like?

If God gives you favor, what might happen?

If your dream becomes reality, what will be the result?

Be bold enough to say it. Write it down.

a raise

a new role

more influence

serving in a new way

trust of someone

Outline what you need to get there.

Ex: Moms Need Moms

“We want to connect young moms who need support and community”

Hil: vision to connect moms

but three years until God brought a team together that’s doing it

Ex: Young Adults

“I want to see a safe place where young adults can connect and grow together”

Question: Are you so committed to the vision that you don’t care who gets the credit?

What do you want?

Is it an effort that’s through you but FOR someone else?

or is it really just for you?

Some of you are discontent and complaining about your life, but you don’t even know what you want. How can anyone help you if you don’t even know?

Don’t chase after fame or money. They won’t satisfy you.

Don’t just want to be important.

Who are you serving? What’s the outcome you want for THEM?

You have a mission from God that motivates you and matters to someone else.

Whatever you do needs to be in service others or you won’t be happy.

Others can be…



customers you’ll never meet in person



poor and marginalized

We’ve considered what breaks our heart

We’ve identified with the people

We’ve prayed and fasted

We’ve worked hard and been great your job

We’ve preparing and planning for favor

…and now… we trust God with the timing

Don’t complain because you work for someone and aren’t happy about it.

Work with excellence, learn everything you can, make your leaders look great… until you get good and clear about your own mission. Then… if you do that… watch and see if your leaders don’t bend over backwards to help you be successful.

Question: What is it your leader wants?


Are you delivering that?

Because helping them do their dream might be the path to you doing yours.

Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Ephesians 6:7 (NLT)

Remember… doing your dream… or your mission from God… or your project you’re passionate about… it doesn’t mean working for yourself. You’ll always answer to someone.

After all… this work is not about you.

It’s a mission from God that motivates you and matters to someone else. It’s for others. Others will always be involved.

Who’s favor do you need?

Who’s blessing do you need?

Are you praying for it?

“Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.”—St. Augustine

Are you working with excellence now so that you’re ready when God gives you favor?

And… do you know what you want when the king turns to you asks?

Nehemiah prayed and worked with excellence….

and He found favor with God and a king.

Then, even though he was comfy, lived in luxury, and was respected… he left the palace of Persia

When the calling is clear, walk away from the castle.


what do you want? you want to be well?

made excuses for circumstances… “I can’t, i’m stuck, no one helps me..”

Jesus heals

Good news: You don’t have earn favor with Jesus.

Gospel: You are forgiven. Can’t earn God’s grace.

This is not about earning something with God.

This is about advancing a mission…

Starting a ministry…

Helping a cause…

Pray to God for favor

Work with excellence

…and have the courage know what you want and go after it!