Summary: By His Spirit we receive power For Effective Christian Work

Looking in the Right Direction

The season of focus & expectation

The season of shift & direction

Zechariah 4:6, & Corinthians 3:6

We find God speaking to Zerubbabel through the prophet Zechariah, I want you to tell Zerubbabel that the temple will be built by him, but it will not be, by might, nor power, but by my spirit says the Lord of host. It dosen't matter what we are facing, nor what we are going through, there is no reason to become discouraged, in so many situations we cannot restore or rebuild what has happened to us, but God can. Im Him we can do all things. The Holy Spirit is present to help.

Now this is a clear vision for the church today that operates in His spirit and understanding where the ability to be victorious in her perfect work originates, it is the spirit that perfects all things. It is the never changing vision that is given to all who labor for His glory, even now in our day of service. The only place to operate is in the flow of His spirit. It is the spirit that empowers us. It’s God’s power that is important, not ours. The power of God is more than enough. It is God who specializes in victories.

Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty

Zechariah 4:6, In contrast with 1 Corinthians 3:6 Paul plants and Apollo water, but it is God who gives the increase. A clear message to everyone that we can do nothing without Him. In Him we live, move, and have our being. 1 Corinthians 6:11 says we are sanctified and justified in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the Spirit of our God. Isaiah 61:1 The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me. Without His spirit there is no increase in our labor to produce good works.

This is what John meant when he said I must decrease, that Christ might increase. When Paul complained about his earthly thorns, The Lord said to Paul my grace is sufficient for thee, it’s enough. Even today there is a need to shift and look in the right direction, for all our help cometh from the Lord. We need the spirit of the Lord upon us. We can do the work, we just can’t do it without Him. It must be about Him, in Him and through Him, and that is the work of the Holy Spirit in us.

The question that must be raised in this season, are we struggling or striving to make something happen through our own strength or knowledge? Maybe someone is looking for a breakthrough in their finances or in a relationship. Maybe we are looking for a breakthrough in church growth or new church project. Maybe we are trying to fulfill an assignment without divine guidance, or the spirit of the Lord upon it.

It’s good to do everything we know to do in the natural, but we must always remember that victory doesn’t come by might nor power, but by the Spirit of the living God. If we are not looking in the right direction, as unto the Lord as the finisher and perfecto of our faith, we are powerless in this season. The church needs the fresh breath of the Lord today.

It’s by the breath of Almighty God. When you know God is breathing in your direction and dare to take a leap of faith and say, “Yes, this is my time; I’m going to accomplish my dreams,” that’s when you will feel a wind beneath your wings. That’s when you’ll feel a supernatural lift, an anointing that will help you accomplish what you could not accomplish on your own. Yes, it’s the spirit of the Lord fulfilling God’s purpose in your life. We need the spirit of the Lord in our lives and in the church today. We need the baptism of the Holy Ghost to overshadow us in this season, as it was on the day of Pentecost. The Spirit of God.

As it was in the days of Zerubbabel and Zechariah it was the Spirit of the Lord that was needed to build the temple. We need the same spirit to day to accomplish our task. Today this moment know that the wind of God is blowing. This is your season. This is your time to believe again. Believe that God can open doors that no man can shut. Believe that He is working behind the scenes in your favor. Believe that it’s your season; it’s your time and get ready to embrace every blessing He has in store for you! We can begin to build again; His spirit is still with us today. Just look in the right direction, the spirit of the Lord.

Its time to shift and look in the right direction. We can no longer look away from the things of God, nor ignore the work of the spirit in this season. This is the season of focus, and expectation, we need to start focusing on God even more than ever. We have been distracted to long by worrying about the things happening around us, things that we cannot change on our own, more than His kingdom work. Its time for the church to take another look in the right direction in fulfilling our God given assignment, we do need Him our helper the Holy Spirit. 2 Timothy 1:7-9 God gave us His Spirit.

We need great faith for great things in the Lord and not lower our expectations, nor deviate from our mission. In this season can you say the spirit of the Lord is upon me. I am anointed for this season. Sometimes we just need someone like Zachariah to encourage us to look to the Lord from whom comes all our help, or to hear the Lord say that His grace is sufficient for you while going through the valley to victory.

We need God’s intervention in this season, not our plan but His plan. We have been telling God what to do too long, and what we are not going to do. We have experienced setbacks, failures, and disappointments because of trying to do things in our own strength and power. God sent His Spirit because He expects us to finish strong, we need to focus on how we are finishing our course. We need to continue looking in the right direction toward God, living and operating in His ability.

Jesus His road to Calvary was difficulty, lonely, but Christ did not deviate from His assignment. Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane, not my will but thy will be done, the disciples were sleeping, those who followed Him, let us not be found sleeping in this season, the flesh is weak, but the spirit is willing. We need to be awakened to the spirit of God.,

We are just to content in dropping in and out of the throne room and expecting God to honor our man-made plan with His blessings. There should not be a spirit of rebellion when it comes to the things of God and our personal assignments. Jeremiah 29:11 the Lord says I know the plan I have for you. It has always been by His Spirit and by His plan that we prevail. This is the season of total submission. Can you say with me Lord not my will, but thy will be done? He that has an ear let him hear what the spirit saying to us in this season. The Lord wants to empower us with His winning Spirit.

In Jesus Name: