Summary: With so many people listening to something different there is no one “at the top of the charts” because there are so many charts. That prompts me to ask, who’s at the top of your chart?



INTRODUCTION: Wolfman Jack, Casey Cassum, Dick Clark, Rolling Stones Magazine. What’s this all about? Music’s top 40! It used to be pretty easy to keep up with what songs were at the top of the charts, but now with so many different genres of music the market is split. Now there are over 50 charts ranging from Country’s hottest to Rap’s raunchiest to R& B’s coolest. You have heavy metal, classic rock, contemporary Christian, southern gospel, oldies (50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s), modern rock, alternative rock, movie songs, broadway hits, opera and the list goes on.

With so many people listening to something different there is no one “at the top of the charts” because there are so many charts. That prompts me to ask, who’s at the top of your chart?

The music industry’s not the only ones split into all kinds of fan clubs – the church is too!

Look at this text. Note three ideas here.

I. Paul’s Appeal (V.10)

The church had some serious problems. There was severe internal discord. It threatened the church’s existence and witness. Divisions within the church are always disastrous. God has called us to unity! He’s not asking that every member be exactly alike. Underline a few words. “Appeal” = exhort. Call along side of. Call on God for help. Paul is saying, “Come and stand by me.” “Agree” = on the nature of Christ and the fundamentals of the faith. “Perfectly United” = it’s the picture of setting a broken bone in order to be made useful again.

Paul noted our differences when he wrote about our spiritual giftedness. Not everyone is alike. We may disagree on any number of issues, but there is one thing we all have in common – we are indwelt by the same Holy Spirit. There should be a harmony of spirit that enables us to work together for the cause of Christ.

II. Paul’s Analysis (v.11)

What was causing the division? They had taken their eyes off Jesus and placed them on certain men. They were “comparing preachers.” Bottom line: Jesus was not at the top of their charts! Look at these men.

A. Paul: A great missionary, evangelist, church planter. Interestingly enough Paul never sanctioned these people.

B. Apollos: Personally popular and, man, what a preacher! A great orator.

C. Cephas: Peter. Remember all those saved on the day of Pentecost.

D. Christ: These thought they were above (superior) to others. What was their problem? See I Cor. 3:1. Spiritual immaturity and carnality. In I Cor. 1:13-16 Paul pointed to their carnality.

III. Paul’s Answer (v.17-18)

He simply pointed them back to Christ and the cross. Only Christ can redeem and reconcile. There’s only one hero in the Christian faith. His name is Jesus! Put Him at the top of your chart!

CONCLUSION: The church that has Jesus at the top of her chart will be a church filled with unity, faithfulness, proper worship and prayer. That Jesus, man, He’s number one!