Summary: Why do we doubt? let's look at some of the reasons why we shouldn't doubt.

Doubts are going to come into your mind.

--With doubt comes discouragement and with discouragement comes depression

--Examples: John the Baptist----Disciple Thomas

--Some times we. as God's men, doubt

--Sometimes we need reassurance

--Everything will not go our way

--Every prayer will not be answered as we desire

--Sometimes we follow feelings instead of faith

--Many categories of doubt:

1. Love of God

2. Power of God

3. Presence of God

4. The reality of God (worst)

If He is real, why didn't He do something?

I've been there! (But you are a preacher)

Illus: Use tragedy in your own life

To God Be All Praise, Honor and Glory!!!!!!!

Mt. 11; 1-6 How To Deal With Doubt

I. Resist The Pressure To Give Up (2)

II. Don't settle for a counterfeit (2b-3)

III. Be Persistent (4)

----I will never leave you

----Where faith comes in.

IV. Accept As Fact The Power of Jesus (5)

V. Accept As Fact The Compassion of Jesus (6)

------Did not come to offend, but to defend Not hurt, but to help

-----Notice who He helped: Blind, Lame, Leapers, Deaf, Poor

-----What did all of these have in common? Beggars and outcasts

-----If He cares that much for others, you know He loves you.

How much you ask? ( Read John 3; 16 )

Write List of Reasons That I should Not be Depressed. Read it every day and remember,

God does love you!

Thank You Lord For What You Are Going To Do!!!!!!!