Summary: Many times, we get swayed away from the truth or the right path, only to regret later.

I watched a movie titled “The Last Kingdom” where two groups of plunderers met in a certain Kingdom. One group made a deal with the King that if they helped him to destroy his enemies, he would pay them 400 worth of silver. On their way to accomplish this mission, they met the army they were to destroy and their leader said he want to negotiate with them. He convinced the King’s aide that since they wanted the same thing, this King’s silver, they should lure the King and his army, kill his men and spare the King, so he would tell them where he had hidden his silver. This plan appealed to this guy who was supposed to help the King and he accepted. Their plan worked. After they killed the King’s men, he told them where he had hidden his silver, though he was also killed. These new found allies headed for the palace for the silver. They found it right where the King had told them, however the terms of the game changed. The King’s enemy told the other team leader, that they weren’t going to share the plunder, it would all be his. With all the disappointment, King’s aide tried to fight but he was over powered and he and his team lost the silver. He was deceived

Right from the beginning, God’s truth has been contested and his children ensnared away to believe lies. It’s unfortunate that behind the devils’ lies, there is a hidden big cost attached to it. To Adam and Eve, he seemed to imply that it was just the fruit and the benefit of being like God. But they never knew how much this act of disobedience would change the course of their lives and rob them of valuable fellowship with God the Father.

There is another disturbing story in 1 Kings 13, about the Old Prophet and the young prophet referred to as the man of God from Judah. God sent the young Prophet to King Jeroboam to deliver a message and he was given instruction not to stop nor eat from there. However, when the Old Prophet was told what had happened, he got on his horse and followed this man of God, gave him a false prophecy that God had allowed him to eat. After he finished eating, the word of God came saying;

“20And it came to pass that as they sat at the table, that the word of the LORD came unto the prophet that brought him back: 21 An he cried unto the man of God from Judah, saying, Thus says the LORD, because you have disobeyed the mouth of the LORD, and have not kept the commandment which the Lord your God commanded you, 22 But came back ,and have eaten bread and drunk water in the place, of which the LORD did say to you, eat no bread, and drink no water; your carcass shall not come unto the sepulcher of your fathers.” (1Kings 13:20-22)

Lessons from the Story of the Man Of God from Judah

We need to understand that God held this man of God accountable for his disobedience even though he was deceived by his senior and this is why;

We need to understand that God’s word will always be disputed and tested, but we have to be alert like Jesus not to be deceived. The devil asked Eve, “Did God actually (in reality, truly, really) say, “You shall not eat of any tree from the garden”? (Gen 3:1b). When we receive the word of God, do not doubt it. Let’s be like Abraham and Mary the mother of Jesus who believed the word of God without questioning.

As a true Christian, when we get contradicting words about a similar situation, don’t be hasty to take action. Take time to ask the Lord for confirmation. When Manoah, the Father of Samson heard from his wife that an angel had visited her and told her she was going to give birth to a son who would be a Nazarite, he take her word for it, but asked God that he would resend the angel to speak to him as well and God answered his prayer. Another example is that of Gideon. When the Lord told him he would be with him in battle, he set a fleece before the Lord, to be sure God meant his word and the Lord honoured his request.

The other lesson we can get from this story is that God expects full obedience from us no matter what. King Saul had received instruction from Samuel regarding how to handle his enemies and he wasn’t supposed to offer sacrifice because he wasn’t a Priest, but pressure from his men (which from the human perspective would have been understandable), made him disobey the Lord’s instruction. When Samuel arrived he rebuked him and told him that he had done foolishly and the Lord had rejected him, because the Lord prefers our obedience to any kind of sacrifice.

We also have to be aware of false prophets and false teachers. Paul warned the former church about these kinds of people. You need to know the true doctrine by studying the word of God so you aren’t deceived

Ways We Get Deceived

Your own mind. The mind is known as the battle field. And that an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Most actions are as result of predominant thoughts. So always renew your mind with the word of God.

Other People. Many times we get influenced by people around us. They could be friends, parents, colleagues. But always remember to choose your friends or advisers prayerfully and wisely. For we are told that bad company ruins good morals. Think about how many people were deceived to leave their spouses only to regret when it was too late. And just how many youth have got into trouble because of peer pressure.

False prophets and false teachers. These ones are all over telling lies and preaching wrong doctrine. Unfortunately so many people have already fallen into their traps. Let’s be praying for their deliverance and also that the false prophets and teachers will be converted to the truth. Mt 24:24-26, 1John 4:1-3. They also teach people wrong doctrine

Through Social Media. Information moves so fast through facebook, twitter, watsapp, instagram and some people take it as gospel truth. In fact in some countries, the suicide and depression rates are on the rise because of social media. Maximize its benefits but be wise too while using it.

Why People Easily Believe Lies

It appeals to their ears. Lies are soothing and appealing to what we want to hear or what we are comfortable with.

“For the time is coming when people will not tolerate (endure) sound and wholesome instruction, but having ears itching (for something pleasing and gratifying), they will gather to themselves one teacher after another to a considerable number, chosen to satisfy their own liking and to foster the errors they hold. And will turn aside from hearing the truth and wander off into myths and man-made fictions”( 2Tim 4:3-4)

Need for acceptance by others. Peers may go by lies because they don’t want to be rejected. They don’t want to be the odd one in the clique

Not being rooted in the word of God. Imagine what would have happened to Jesus when he was tempted by the devil, if he had no knowledge of what scripture said.

Lack of discernment and not taking time to test spirits and prophecies.

“Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1John 4:1)


The bible tells us that the devil is the father of lies while Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. The word of God is truth and we have to hold on to it at all times. Because as long as heaven and earth will exist, the devil will always try to dispute this true and seek to lure God’s children away from it.

When we fall into the devil’s snare of lies, not only do we lose our fellowship with our heavenly father, but he also steals something precious from us. For some it has been their souls, their inheritance like Esau, their marriages or even the future that God had ordained for them.

However, if this message has ministered to you and you recognize some of the ways you have been deceived, it’s not too late for you to make it right with God and the people involved. God is a God of many chances and he loves you very much. He will restore to you what you have lost with a double portion and for some there will be a seven fold restoration.