Summary: The most beautiful face in the universe forever will be the face of Jesus, for this is the face that made it possible for man to return to paradise and to fellowship with God.

You never know when something embarrassing will happen

to you. We are constantly on guard, for we do not like to be

humiliated. Mrs. Howard Field was walking to a near by

funeral home for the funeral of an old acquaintance when

she saw an Easter bonnet that caught her eye. She went in

and purchased it. She felt it was improper to carry it into

the chapel, so she asked an usher to take care of it for her.

You can imagine her dismay when she saw it being placed

on the coffin with the flowers. At the grave site she hoped to

recover it, but she was too embarrassed to do anything, and

so she watched her new Spring hat lowered into the ground.

She hardly knew the woman being buried, but she was

weeping as sincerely as the immediate family.

Her embarrassment was real but hidden. In other

situations we cannot hide, and we are embarrassed by what

is beyond our control. The poet gives an example-

I sat next to the Bishop at tea;

It was just as I feared it would be.

His rumblings abdominal

Were simply phenomenal,

And everyone thought it was me.

Then there are the deliberate efforts to get a laugh at the

expense of others. It can be funny to embarrass others. This

is the motive behind roasts and many other types of humor.

We do this frequently as men. It is part of our sense of

humor. Sometimes it borders on the cruel, however. For

example, Bernard Shaw was browsing in a secondhand book

shop when he found a copy of one of his own books peeping

out at him from a dusty shelf. He looked at the inside cover

and found it was an autographed copy he had given to a

friend. He bought his own book just so he could return it to

the friend with these words on the flyleaf- "With renewed

compliments of Bernard Shaw." You can imagine the

embarrassment of the friend.

The desire to humble another can be just good fun, and

when people are friends it can be good for a laugh, even for

the one embarrassed. But there is also sadistic side of this

that we see dominating the whole scene of the trial of Jesus.

John chapter 19 is just one embarrassing scene after another

as the church and state try to manipulate each other by

means of humiliation. Pilate represents the state. He is the

power of Rome, the secular Gentile state. In the other

corner of the ring are the chief priests and officials of Israel.

They are the church, or the religious establishment in the

legal conflict over the issue if Jesus is worthy of being

sentenced to death.

It is one of the greatest paradoxes of history that the state

tried hard to release Jesus, but the religious leaders would

not let the state do what was just, but used the power of

humiliation to compel Pilate to send Jesus to the cross. Let

me share with you the clear facts of this great paradox of

that pagan secular state trying to do the right thing, but the

clever religious people thwarted justice, and manipulated the

state to join them in the evil plot to officially murder the only

perfectly innocent man who ever lived.

Pilate was a pagan, but he knew when a man was

innocent, and he knew Jesus was just such a man. In fact,

the Gospels tell us Pilate acknowledged seven times that

Jesus was innocent. We see three of them in our text. In

verse 4 Pilate said to the Jews, "Look, I am bringing Him

out to you to let you know that I find no basis for a charge

against Him." In verse 6 he says it again, "As for me, I find

no basis for a charge against Him." In verse 12 we read,

"Pilate tried to set Jesus free." The Gospels confirm that

Pilate found no fault in Jesus, and that he did seek to release

Him. Even his own wife had a dream about Jesus and

warned Pilate not to sentence Him. He tried every trick in

the book to set Jesus free. He even gave the people a choice

to let Barabbas or Jesus go free. He thought for sure they

would choose Jesus rather than a known violent killer, but

they did not.

The record is clear, Jesus was killed by religious people

and not secular people. The religious leaders forced Pilate to

give the order to Crucify Jesus. They embarrassed him into

it. Here were the people who had the promise of God to

have a Messiah sent to them, and they demanded that the

state put this Messiah to death. There is no guarantee that

in a conflict between the religious and secular that the

religious will always be right and the secular wrong. Pilate

was a pagan but he was right. Jesus was innocent of any

crime. So why did he give in and sentence Jesus to death?

It was because of the clever minds of the Jewish leaders.

They knew that Pilate dreaded the thought of being

embarrassed before the Emperor Tiberius Caesar. It would

be humiliating to have Caesar get a report that he had let a

rival king live when the Jews were clamoring for His death

in order to be loyal to Caesar. Caesar was touchy about

rivals as most tyrants are, and Pilate would feel more

comfortable standing before him naked than with the charge

against Him that He was a traitor in supporting a rival ruler.

The Jews knew this and they shout in verse 12, "If you let

this man go, you are no friend of Caesar. Anyone who claims

to be a king opposes Caesar.

These hypocrites hated Caesar and would gladly see an

opponent take his throne, but they knew this threat would

be more than Pilate could defy. They were right, and Pilate

was humiliated into handing Jesus over to be crucified. He

played by their dirty rules to the end, however. Even

knowing Jesus was innocent, he had Him flogged and

mocked, and presented to the Jews as a pathetic king. He

hoped to embarrass them by mocking their fear of Jesus.

In verse 5 Pilate brings Jesus out to the Jews looking so

pathetic with His crown of thorns and purple robe, and he

says, "Here is the man!" He was saying that here is the man

you so fear. He is really dangerous looking isn't He? No

wonder you want Him dead so bad. He is so fierce and

threatening. But his plan did not work. They were too cold

hearted to slink away in embarrassment. Pilate could not

embarrass them to back off their plot. They were

harder-hearted than himself, and he gave in instead. But he

got in the last punch in this battle to embarrass. Verse 19

says Pilate had a notice fastened to the cross that read,

"Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews." The Jewish

leaders protested, but Pilate would not give in on this, and

he said, "What I have written I have written." They were

embarrassed by the message that they were killing their own

king, but they went ahead in spite of it.

Here is another paradox. The Jews were as determined

to get Jesus to the cross as He was determined to get there.

Jesus had set His face steadfastly to get to the cross, and not

all the power of Satan and evil men combined could make

Him swerve from this path. But those who despised and

rejected Him had the same goal, and they were equally

determined. They would not let their law or Roman law

stand in their way. Compassion and justice meant nothing

to them. They were hard as steel, and nothing could stop

them from getting Jesus to the cross.

The paradox is, you have the forces of evil and the forces

of good aiming for the same goal, which was the cross. Can

evil and good have the same goal? Of course they can. We

see it all the time. In every election we see good people and

evil people fighting for the same candidate. Even the Mafia

wants a certain candidate to win, for they feel he is more

likely to benefit them. The drug dealers and pimps vote for

someone too, for they feel that someone will be to their

advantage. Good and godly people can want the same

candidate to win also, but for very different reasons, but

both have the same goal and can be out supporting the same

man. The fight for freedom can mean freedom of religion,

freedom of the press, but also freedom to use drugs, or

practice anti-social behavior, and so forces for freedom to do

good or evil have the same goal.

So we see Jesus and His opponents aiming for the same

target-the cross. Their motives are radically different, of

course. Jesus is going to the cross because that is the only

way He can atone for man's sin and reconcile man to God.

The Jews want Jesus on the cross to get Him out of their hair

so they can go on with their legalistic religion that enables

them to manipulate people. A goal is not a bad one to aim

for just because evil men aim for it as well. The motive is

what matters. Jesus did not reason that these wicked leaders

want me crucified, and so if that is the goal of evil men I

must resist it and find another way. On the contrary, Jesus

sided with the evil Jews and did not give Pilate the support

he needed to stand against them.

Pilate is desperately searching for some way to get Jesus

released. He even violated Roman law in his efforts. He had

Jesus flogged and mocked as a an innocent man in hope of

placating the Jews, but it didn't work. Then he took Jesus

back inside to talk privately, and Jesus refused to answer

him. Jesus was uncooperative with Pilate, not because He

had anything against a man doing his best to be just and

fair, but because He did not want Pilate to succeed in

helping Him escape the hands of these wicked leaders.

Jesus is our advocate, which means He is our lawyer

before the court of God, and He pleads our case and seeks

acquittal for us as guilty sinners. But here He is being

condemned as an innocent man, and He does not speak in

His own defense. Poor Pilate, his perfect prisoner is siding

with his perverted prosecutors

to assure His condemnation. Pilate did not have a chance.

He was embarrassing alone, for he was the only man who

cared that Jesus was innocent. All His disciples had

forsaken Him, and there was not a single witness in His

defense. Jesus would not even defend Himself, and so Pilate

gives in to what seems inevitable and condemns an innocent

man to the cross.

Jesus embarrassed Pilate too by His refusal to cooperate,

but Jesus also comforted Pilate and let him know that He

understood his dilemma. Jesus knew Pilate had no real

choice, for Jesus would not let him save Him from the very

goal He was determined to reach. Even if Pilate could

change the minds of the Jews he could never change the

mind of Jesus. He was going to the cross one way or

another. But notice the comfort Jesus gives him in verse 11.

Here is another paradox, for we see the prisoner comforting

the judge who is about to sentence Him to death. Don't fee

ltoo bad judge, its and awful thing you are forced to do, but

the one who handed Me over to you is guilty of the greater

sin. The choice you are making to condemn Me is wrong, but

the real crime is in the hearts of those who are forcing you to

do it.

Jesus is saying that not all are equally guilty in this

wicked plot. Some are victims like Pilate. Others are the

master minds, and they will be held accountable for the

greater evil. By so saying, Jesus is in essence telling Pilate I

know you are the only good guy in this whole legal maze.

You can count on it, I will not hold it against you. The

prisoner is letting the judge off the hook. Pilate knew this

and fought like crazy to get Jesus released, but he could not

do it. The best he could do was to embarrass the wicked

schemers who forced him to be a partner in their evil plot.

The New Testament makes it clear, the primary guilt for

sending Jesus to the cross falls on the Jewish leaders. The

evidence is overwhelming. Yet the tragedy of this truth is

that Christians have used it to promote anti-Semitism. Jews

have been called Christ-killers, and have suffered repeatedly

at the hands of bigoted Christians who have the reasoning

power of a cutting board. To hate all Jews because of what

the Jews did to Jesus is as foolish as holding all white men

responsible for killing the Indians buffalo. Crimes of folly

and prejudice of the past are not pasted on through the

genes making future generations guilty of those crimes.

Besides this, Jesus forgave from the cross even that

generation who were fully guilty. Anyone who holds any

Jew responsible for the death of Jesus today is as blind as

those Jews who really were guilty of history's greatest legal


Some of history's greatest Christians were filled with

prejudice against the Jews because they refused to let the

spirit of Christ be their guide. Luther, for example, was

terribly anti-Semitic. It is easy to find plenty of New

Testament evidence to support being anti-Semitic toward

that generation of Jews who crucified Jesus. But to carry

that attitude beyond that generation should embarrass the

Christian. If is does not, that Christian is exhibiting the very

blindness that made the Jews who crucified Jesus so


What we need to see is that this hatred of Jesus by the

Jewish leaders was His final hurdle to overcome to get to the

cross. This is where other men would fail. I don't know

about you, but I would have a hard time choosing to suffer

one minute from a paper cut on the finger, let alone

crucifixion, for people who so despised me. This was the

final test of the love of Christ. Could He go through with the

plan to die for men when they could be so cruel? He could,

and He did. Here is the proof that love is the strongest

power in the universe. Hate met love in a head on collision,

and love just kept on going pushing hate off the road. They

could not stop Jesus from loving them. They were as cruel,

brutal, and hard-hearted as man is capable of being, yet

Jesus did not call ten thousand angels to wipe them from the

face of the earth. He said, "Father forgive them for they

know not what they do." Then He died for them that they

might be forgiven and restored to fellowship with God.

Their hate was as black as coal, but His love made them

able to be made as white as snow. Nothing, absolutely

nothing, could stop Jesus from loving even the most

unlovable of men. We do not even know what love is until

we study the love of Jesus and see the love of God reflected

in His face. In the Old Testament the highest source of glory

was the awesomeness of God's glory in creation. "The

heavens declare the glory of God...." But now in Jesus we

have a far greater glory. The sun, moon, and stars are still

wonders to behold, but the cannot give us the light we can

get from the face of Jesus. Paul says it in II Cor. 4:6, "For

God, who said, let light shine out of darkness, made His light

shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of

the glory of God in the face of Christ."

If you want to know how to think and act in any

situation, look to the face of Jesus, and ask, what would

Jesus do? This is not always easy, but there is no better way

for guidance for in the face of Jesus is all the light we need.

It will lead us to choices and attitudes where love will

conquer all the evil and prejudice we struggle with. The face

of Jesus was marred by unbelievable cruelty. Verse 3 tells us

the mocking soldiers used His face as a punching bag. He

was bruised and blackened, and the crown of thorns would

send blood running down His forehead. Jesus knows what

it is to be an abused person, and to be violently hurt by

brute force for no good reason. Yet we do not see His face

bitter with resentment. He was surrounded by faces of

horrible hatred who with sadistic determination would not

be satisfied until Jesus was crucified. Yet the face of Jesus

was calm with a love even more determined than their


Fritzgerald asked Tennyson, as they looked at the marble

busts of two famous men, "What is there in the face of Dante

which is absent from the face of Goethe." The poet

responded, "The Divine." The presence of God makes all

the difference in the world, and that was what we see in the

face of Jesus.

God of sun and stars and space,

We can your glory trace.

But your best we can embrace

In your Son's loving face.

Jesus met every hate filled face with a look of determined

grace. If you want to know how to face life with all of its

burdens and problems, turn your eyes upon Jesus and look

into His face and you will receive the light you need to go the

way that pleases God. The face of Jesus becomes the sun of

our spiritual solar system. On the Mt. of Transfiguration

the face that Jesus had for all eternity past, and which He

will have for all eternity future, broke through His limited

earthly face, and we read this in Matt. 17:2, "His face shown

like the sun." Jesus had to endure every indignity men could devise to

embarrass Him and humiliate Him, and create on Him a

face of bitterness. They did make His face ugly and

repulsive, but they could not, by their vile and violent

behavior, wipe the light of love from His face. Christina

Rossetti, the great poetess, wrote,

Is this the face that thrills with awe

Seraphs who veil their face above?

Is this the face without a flaw,

The face that is the face of love?

Yes, this defaced, lifeless clod

Hath all creation's love sufficed,

Hath satisfied the love of God,

This face the face of Jesus Christ.

There is an old legend that when Adam was driven from

the Garden of Eden he asked the angel who stood guard

with flaming sword, what shall I bring back to God when I

return? The angel replied, "Bring him back the face in gave

you in the garden, and I will let you in." Sin had changed

the face of man. The inner corruption distorted his external

features. We see it full blown in the trial of Jesus. The ugly

hatred of man is seen at its worse. In their rebellion against

God they marred the face of His Son. But Jesus refused to

let the externals change His inner face. He remained calm,

loving, and endured it all that He might have a face worthy

of entrance again for man into the paradise of God. Do you

realize that the vision of the face of Jesus is one of

the key blessings of heaven? In John 17:24 Jesus prayed,

"Father, I want those you have given me to be with me

where I am, and to see My glory...." The ultimate answer to

this prayer is revealed in

Rev. 22:3-4, "No longer will there be any curse. The throne

of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and His servants

will serve Him. They will see His face, and His name will be

on their foreheads."

The most beautiful face in the universe forever will be the

face of Jesus, for this is the face that made it possible for

man to return to paradise and to fellowship with God. Man

did his very worst to embarrass and shame the face of Jesus,

but He came through with a face aglow with love. Jesus

passed the final test and refused to forsake the goal of the

cross because of shame and embarrassment. May our Lord's

example motivate us to set goals in our service for God, and

then pursue them like our Savior did with His steadfast face.