Summary: In the literature of success the theme you will confront most often is the theme of persistence. The athlete who didn't have a chance, but who by perseverance and persistence became the best. The Bible is loaded with this theme as well.

Captain Eddy Richenbacker was in an airplane crash in Atlanta

and was rushed to the hospital. He was going in and out of

consciousness. It was thought that he would not survive. The most

famous radio commentator in the U.S. then was the late Walter

Winchell. He said in his broadcast, "Friends, pray for Eddy

Richenbacker. He is dying in an Atlanta hospital. He is not expected

to live out the night." Richenbacker was listening to that broadcast,

and when he heard this he took a jug of water and threw it at the

radio knocking it across the room. He said, "I'm not going to die.

I'm not going to give up." Here was a man wh survived many trials

because he never gave up. When he received the Horatio Alger

Award, which was given to outstanding American men who fought

their way from poverty to success, he said, "My mother, a very poor

woman in Columbus, Ohio, taught her kids to pray, read the Bible, to

follow Jesus Christ and never to give up."

In the literature of success the theme you will confront most often

is the theme of persistence. The athlete who didn't have a chance, but

who by perseverance and persistence became the best. The Bible is

loaded with this theme as well, and one I never saw before is the

persistence of Lot. Two angels came to Sodom, and Lot seeing they

were strangers invited them to come to his house and spend the night.

Their response to his hospitality was very definite. We read in Gen.

19:2, "No, they answered, we will spend the night in the square." Lot

did not know he was arguing with angels or he might have weakened,

but he did not take no for an answer. Verse 3 says, "But he insisted so

strongly that they did go with him and entered his house." His

persistence in showing hospitality led to his being saved from the

destruction of the city. We could go on and on with illustrations of

how persistence is the key factor in every form of success.

Never give up, for the wisest is boldest,

Knowing that Providence mingles the cup;

And of all maxims, the best, as the oldest,

Is the stern watchward of 'Never give up!'


This morning we want to pursue this theme as it applies to our duty

as priests in offering to God the sacrifice of praise. One of the

primary dangers with every new idea is the danger of faddishness.

We jump on the current bandwagon of what is hot, and ride that until

we tire of it, and then hop on the next fad express that tingles our

fancy. It is a part of our culture, and Christians are as guilty of it as

anyone else. The church is constantly following fads and promoting

some theme as the greatest idea since sliced bread, and then a few

months after it is passe and nobody even remembers what it was, for

we have moved on to a whole new world of posters, flyers, and

promotional gimmick for a new idea.

There is a risk that we will treat praise like this and go through a

phase of praise thinking, and then move on to something else and leave

praise behind. It is my prayer that we will not treat praise as a fad,

but recognize that the Scripture demands that it become a perpetual

part of our lives. We are to never give up, but be persistent in praise

all of our days, and then on into eternity. To promote this kind of

persistence we want to focus our attention on the word in our

text-continually. "Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer

to God a sacrifice of praise." The Greek word is diapantos, which is

used 7 other times in the New Testament. It is used in the very last

verse of Luke: "And they stayed continually at the temple, praising


We know the Apostles did not live 24 hours a day at the temple

praising God. The point is, it was their regular pattern of life. They

did not just stop in on the day of atonement to praise God. They did it

persistently, and so for us also, praise is not to be a periodic function

of the priesthood of all believers. It is to be the regular and perpetual

duty we are to never forsake. In Heb. 9:6 the word is used again to

describe the duties of the Old Testament priesthood. "When

everything had been arranged like this, the priests entered regularly

into the outer room to carry on their ministry." The word regularly is

the same word as continually. Just as the Old Testament priests had a

ministry that did not cease, so the New Testament priesthood has such

a ministry-the ministry of persistence praise. We tend to have

regular times of prayer, but neglect to develop regular times of praise.

If someone asked you if you are in the ministry you would not

doubt be honest and say no. But in your supposed honesty you would,

in fact, be lying, for if you are a believer you are in a ministry that

never ceases, and it is this ministry of praise. You can get out of the

ministry of preaching, teaching, counseling, and visitation. You can

quit or retire or get too sick or die, and thus, end your ministry, but

there is no way out of the ministry of praise. In Psa. 146:2 we read, "I

will praise the Lord all my life, I will sing praise to my God as long as

I live." That sounds like there is an end, and at death you can give up

this ministry, but not so, for in Psa. 145:1 he has already said, "I will

praise your name for ever and ever." The only way out of this

ministry is by neglect and disobedience. As long as we walk in

obedience we are in the ministry where we are obligated to offer

persistently the sacrifice of praise.

What this means is that praise is the link that connects all of life

into a unity. For the praising Christians there is no distinction

between the sacred and the secular. The whole of creation, and the

whole of life, is full of things for which we are to praise to God. Praise

is not a Sunday thing, but as Psa. 145:2 says, "Everyday I will praise

you." It is a Sunday through Saturday thing. It is a perpetual

ministry with no days off. The Psalms tell us we are to look at all of

nature, and all of history, and see the providential hand of God in His

creative wisdom and praise Him ceaselessly.

If you just tell yourself it is your ministry to praise God, and begin

to look for reasons to do so, you will find them by numbers to great to

calculate. I got up one morning and began to praise God for my life,

wife, bed, clothes, the parsonage and all who helped build it for the

warmth of the heat, for the sink and water, mirror, towels, all the

people I love, and I had a good long list of comforts and pleasures of

life to praise God for even before I got to the breakfast table. I was

overwhelmed when I realized there are hundreds of things we take for

granted and neglect to praise God for.

We think of sacrifice as something we have to give up, and this can

be the case, but if you look up the word sacrifice, you discover it also

can simply mean the offering of something to God. It is your gift to

God, and it does not mean you have to suffer loss to offer this

sacrifice. In fact, in offering praise to God you actually gain, for there

is power in praise to heal, restore, and benefit the one who offers it in

many ways. You gain rather than give up when you offer the sacrifice

of praise. It is important that we grasp this or we will have a problem

that will make praise a legalistic work rather than a response of love.

C. S. Lewis, as a new Christian, was offended by the idea that God

was like a dictator, celebrity, or millionaire who demanded that

people tell them how wonderful they are. We are all offended at the

vain person who is ever fishing for compliments to reassure them of

their self-worth. Is this the kind of God we worship? Is He one who

needs men to be ever praising Him to feel good about Himself? This is

absurd, for God is self-sufficient and needs nothing to be content. He

demands praise, and is pleased with it for the same reason we want

our children to learn to be polite and thoughtful. It makes them

better and more pleasant people who will be liked and loved. God

wants us to learn to praise Him perpetually, for the praisers will be

the most effective and most loved children.

The Christian who sees the most in life to praise God for is the

Christian who will most fulfill his highest purpose, which is to glorify

God and enjoy Him forever. The more you praise God, the more you

enjoy Him. The more you praise God for His creation, the more you

enjoy His creation. The more you praise God for His Word, the more

you will enjoy the Word.

Your own happiness is in direct proportion to your persistence in

praise. God does not need your praise for His happiness. You need to

praise Him for your happiness. When C. S. Lewis discovered this, he

wrote in his book Reflection On The Psalms, "I had not noticed how

the humblest, and at the same time most balanced and capacious,

minds, praised most, while the cranks, misfits and malcontents praised

least. The good critics found something to praise in many imperfect

works; the bad ones continually narrowed the list of books we might

be allowed to read. The healthy and unaffected man, even is

luxuriously brought up an widely experienced in good cookery, could

praise a very modest meal: The dyspeptic and the snob found fault

with all. Except where intolerably adverse circumstances interfere,

praise almost seems to be inner health made audible."

In a sentence: The healthiest Christians are the Christians who

praise God persistently. God invites us to praise Him, not for His

need, but for ours. When we praise God and enjoy Him, we find the

highest happiness we are capable of experiencing. This is the paradox

of the sacrifice of praise. We offer it up to God, but it is we who get

the most benefit. The Old Testament sacrifice illustrates this. When

an ox or a lamb was offered to God, the parts that could be eaten were

grilled and then eaten by the priests, and on special occasions by the

people offering the sacrifice. God did not need the meat, but man did.

The sacrifice to God was enjoyed by the sacrificers. They feasted on

what they offered to God, and so it is with the sacrifice of praise. It is

the offerer of praise who most benefits by this grateful spirit. God is

pleased just as you are when your child learns to say thank you, but

your pleasure is not so much that you needed the encouragement, but

because it pleases you to have your child becoming a grateful person.

Praise is good news to God, for He knows thereby that the praiser is

becoming a better and happier child of God.

The more persistent we are in our praise of God the more we are

becoming what He wants us to be. All happiness is some form of

preoccupation. When we are preoccupied with something beyond

ourselves, and are not thinking about ourselves, we are happiest. That

is why hobbies and sports are so popular. They enable us to get

beyond ourselves, and this is the best thing for the self. Self-forgetful

devotion to something beyond the self is the key to happiness. That is

why praise is the key to the highest happiness, for it is devotion to the

highest. Glory to God in the highest, sang the angels, and we can know

they were happy angels, for they were preoccupied with God and not

focused on their own glory.

If the angels would cease to praise, they would cease to be happy,

and that is why heaven is always shown to be a place of perpetual

praise. Luther said that hell is hell because there is no praise there,

and heaven is heaven because the praise of God is always there. Psa.

84:4 says, "Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever

praising you." The nearest we can get to heaven on earth is perpetual

praise. Spurgeon preached a marvelous sermon on Psa. 145:2 which

says, "Everyday I will praise you." Listen to a portion of that


"Each day has its mercy, and should render its praise. When

Monday is over, you will have something to praise God for on

Tuesday. He that watches for God's hand will never belong

without seeing it. If you will only spy out God's mercies, with

half an eye you will see them every day of the year. Fresh are

the dews of each morning, and equally fresh are its blessings.

"Fresh trouble," says one. Praise God for the trouble, for it

is a richer form of blessing. "Fresh care," says one. Cast all

your care on Him who careth for you, and that act will in itself

bless you. "Fresh labor," says another. Yes, but fresh

strength, too.

There is never a night but what there comes a day after it:

never an affliction without its consolation. Every day you

must utter the memory of His great goodness.

If we cannot praise God on any one day for what we have

had that day, let us praise Him for it tomorrow. "It is better

on before." Let us learn that quaint verse:-

And a new song is in my mouth,

To long-lived music set:-

Glory to thee for all the grace

I have not tasted yet.

Let us forestall our future, and draw upon the promises. What

if today I am down; tomorrow I shall be up! What if today I

cast ashes on my head: Tomorrow the Lord shall crown me

with loving-kindness! What if today my pains trouble me,

they will soon be gone! It will be all the same a hundred years

hence, at any rate; and so let me praise God for what is within

measurable distance. In a few years I shall be with the angels,

and be with my Lord Himself. Blessed be His name! Begin to

enjoy your heaven now."

There is much of heaven we can enjoy now, but that part of it we

can enjoy now is praise. Praise brings us into the presence of God.

The more we praise, the more we live in His presence, and thus, the

more experience His guidance. This is a strong conviction of the Jews.

Mark Van Doren and Maurice Samuel, two outstanding Jewish

authors of our day, tell us that the book of Psalms, even though it is

the longest book of the Bible, is taken every day to the Western Wall

in Jerusalem, and two groups of Jews chat it from beginning to end.

These songs of praise to God are offered up every day in perpetual

praise. How much more should we as Christians praise God every

day who already have God's promise to Israel fulfilled in our Savior?

The Hebrew name of the Psalms is The Book Of Praises. They are

the main source of praise in Israel and the church. If they are taken

seriously we see that praise is no part time job. It is the duty of a

believer to offer praise to God daily and perpetually while there is any

breath in him. In some old monasteries the monks would take turns

before the alter repeating the Psalms every moment of the 24 hours in

a day. The problem with this, and the Jewish groups doing the same

thing, is that it is mechanical, legelistic, and sounds more like a work

of merit rather than a response of love to God.

I can not speak for God, but I know from my own point of view, I

love to see the grandchildren spontaneously express their love and

excitement to me in my presence. I can not imagine being as pleased if

they came to the house and read a prepared text. If God could really

be pleased with a mere mechanical reading of the Psalms, we could all

read them into a recorded, and let the recorded play every day, and

thereby fulfill our priestly duty of daily offering the sacrifice of praise.

The Pharisees would have loved it, but I doubt that God would be


God delights in the same thing we all delight in. We love to be

appreciated. God is no super-egoist who gets a kick out of man's

mechanical praise. He gets His kicks the same way we do; out of our

children and grandchildren sincerely expressing appreciation. I am

not opposed when Cindy will say to the grand kids,"Now say thank

you to grandpa." But this does not compare to the pleasure of their

coming on their own to express thanks. We are made in the image of

God, and we can assume that God likes His praise this way as well. He

wants it free and meaningful, and not forced and mechanical, because

His children really are thankful and want to express it.

Praise balances out prayer. Prayer is primarily asking. Praise is

primarily giving. We tend to spend most of our conversation with

God in asking, and very little in praising God for His blessings.

Children do the same to their parents and grandparents. We expect

it, and do not do a lot to help children balance out their requests with

respones of gratitude. The result is that children grow up always

wanting from parents, and not a lot concerned about giving to parents.

Christians have the same relationship to God by and large. I am sure

I have spent the greatest portion of my prayer time asking, and only a

fraction of it in giving God praise. I suspect I am not unusal. One of

my goals is to balance that out with a higher percentage of praise.

The paradox is that Jesus eliminated sacrifice, and at the same time

elevated sacrifice to a full time job for the believer. The sacrifice of

praise is to be offered continually. This could be seen as a negative, as

if Jesus was demanding too much, almost life slave labor, and to be

ever at it in praising. But we need to see praise, not as labor but as an

expression of love. Praise is the way we enjoy God, and this makes all

of life more enjoyable. Spurgeon recommended that we do more

singing. He says that as priests we have a duty to sing as much as

possible. We should encourage singing at the table. Jesus and His

disciples sang at the Last Supper. It is good for digestion, and family

joy, and it pleases God. Look for times when the family can sing

together more often. As priests we are never off duty, and so praising

God is not to be limited to our church experience. The job of praising

God, if we take it seriously, and do it perpetually, will eliminate most

of the complaining, gripping, and conflict that damages the family and

the church.

Persistent praise means one has to have a positive perspective on

life where they see the good, the true, the beautiful, even when llife is

not conspicuously full of these things, but just the opposite. One of the

most optimistic minds I have ever read about was that of the little boy

who got a new bat and ball for his birthday. "He was so eager to try it

out that he pestered his dad to take him to the park. Finally, the

father gave in. When they got there, the kid said, "Watch this, dad."

He tossed the ball up in the air, swung at it real hard with the bat and

missed. He picked the ball up again, and said, "Watch, dad." He

tossed it up, swung and missed again.

This went on and on many more times, but each time the kid was

just as enthused when he hollered "Watch this one, dad." Finally, the

kid picked the bat and ball up, walked over to his father and said,

"What do you think, dad. Have you ever seen such great pitching?"

The ability to see a good side to all of life is based on belief that

God means what he says, and will work in all things for good with

those who love Him, and that He will keep all His promises to be with

us forever.

I stand in the great forever,

I lave in the ocean of truth,

And I bask in the golden sunshine

Of endless love and youth.

And God is within and around me,

All good is forever mine,

To all who seek it is given,

And it comes by a law divine.

Thus I stand in the great forever

With Thee as eternities roll;

Thy Spirit forsakes me never,

Thy love is the home of my soul.

The more persistent we are in praise, the more we produce a

heavenly environment in time. The more we neglect and forget praise,

the more we produce the envioronment of hell. It is not how good life

is, nor how much of the grace of God you have experienced, that is the

measure of your spiritual success, but, rather, the degree to which you

have been persistent in praise.

Remember the ten lepers? They all experienced a miracle of healing

grace, but only one experienced the giving back to Christ the sacrifice

of praise. It may have cost him time and inconvenience, but listen to

this poem that describes the remorse of one who did not go back.

I meant to go back, but you may guess

I will filled with amazement I cannot express.

To think that after those horrible years,

That terrible loathing and passion of fears,

Of sores unendurable-eaten, defiled,

My flesh was then smooth as the flesh of a child.

I was drunken with joy; I was crazy with glee,

I scarely could walk and I coud scarely see,

For the dazzle of sunshine where all had been black;

But I meant to go back, Oh, I meant to go back!

I had thought to return, then my people came out,

There were tears of rejoicing and laughter and shout;

My cup was so full I seemed nothing to lack,

But I meant to go back; Oh, I meant to go back.


Your praise is the only wealth you have that is acceptable currency

in heaven. By means of it you can please God, and actually repay Him

in a minimal way for His goodness to you. Psa, 116:12 asks the

question, "How can I repay the Lord for all His goodness to me?" In

verse 17 we see His answer: "I will sacrifice a thank offering to you."

Thanking and praising God is like paying off the mortgage on your

heavenly home. Gold and jewels are no big deal in heaven, but praise

is priceless and will go on forever.

Kenneth Osbeck, a leading authority on church music, and author

of 9 books on church music, tells of how his father always sang as he

did his job. He was a painter, and his customers called him "The

singing painter." At his funeral many of his customers told of the

positive impact his cheerful attitude had on them as he painted. He

was offering the sacrifice of praise continually. We cannot all do that,

and singing on our job could be a great annoyance rather than

blessing. The point is, the Christian is to never cease to seek for ways

to make his life a life of praise, for this is our calling, to be persistent

in praise for all of our days.

C. S. Lewis wrote, "We-or at least I-shall not be able to adore God

on the highest occasions if we have learned no habit of doing so on the

lowest. At best, our faith and reason will tell us that He is adorable,

but we shall not have found Him so, not have "tasted and seen." Any

patch of sunlight in a wood will show you something about the sun

which you could never get from reading books on astronomy. These

pure and spontaneous pleasures are "patches of Godlight" in the

woods of our experience." If you want a happy New Year, and a year

of Christian growth, and a year of better spiritual health, the way to

these goals is to offer the sacrifice of praise continually, and be

persistent in praise.