Summary: The Bible has already revealed to us what we need to know about the End Times.

Series: Last Words

Message: The False Prophet, The Image, and the Mark of the Beast

Text: Rev. 13:11-18

Big Idea: Perhaps due to all that was 2020, not to mention the presidential election, corona virus, a toilet paper shortage and murder hornets, there has been an increased interest regarding end times prophecy. The vast array of prophecy resources available to the general public can create confusion, and some of it preys upon the gullible. The good news is that the Bible has already revealed to us what we need to know. Our goal for the coming weeks is to provide an overview of a few things that at the very least you should know.

“When the end of the world comes, I want to be in Kentucky. They’re always twenty years behind in everything.” – Mark Twain

John, who walked with Jesus as a disciple, the son of Zebedee, who’s brother James was executed by Herod Agrippa for his faith, outlives all the other apostles and has been exiled to the island of Patmos, just off the coast of Turkey. While there he begins to receive revelations regarding the End Times that are recorded for us. We’re going to be begin by looking at one of those visions that’s recorded in Rev. 13:11-18 that reveals some insights about the False Prophet, the image of the Antichrist, and the Mark of the Beast based upon revelations that are recorded in Rev. 13:11-18.

REV 13:11-18 ESV

Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. 12 It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence, and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed. 13 It performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of people, 14 and by the signs that it is allowed to work in the presence of the beast it deceives those who dwell on earth, telling them to make an image for the beast that was wounded by the sword and yet lived. (many think this will be a survived assassination attempt, i.e., imagine if JFK had recovered) 15 And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain. 16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18 This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.

These Scriptures make reference to a second beast, an image of the first beast, and a mark of the beast each which are interconnected and intertwined with the antichrist.

What John describes as the “first beast” is the antichrist who will be a geo-political leader during the End Times who seeks to establish and lead a global government with him as the leader. He will seek to eradicate Christianity from the earth, and will demand to be worshipped. That’s the end game. That’s the ultimate goal. That’s what he’s always wanted.

The False Prophet is “the second beast”


1-The False Prophet is the Religious Spokesman for the Antichrist

It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. It exercises all the authority of the first beast (Anti-christ) in its presence, and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast (Rev. 13:11b-12a)

He appears as a religious leader, i.e., looks like a lamb, but he promotes and speaks for the devil.

When it comes to teaching, False prophets generally only serve spiritual dessert. They talk much about the love of God but nothing of His holiness, much about people who are deprived but nothing about those who are depraved, much about happiness but nothing about sacrifice. (I know of one church that forbids preaching against sin.) There’s a lot of gaps, and missing information in their teaching.

The False Prophet is the spokesperson, right hand man, and worship leader for the antichrist. The False Prophet will be a worldwide religious figure.

Currently about 600 Million people recognize the Dahil Llama as their spiritual leader.

There are about 1.3 Billion Roman Catholics who recognize the pope as their leader.

They both will pale in comparison to the following and the religious influence of the False Prophet who will be a global leader, and directing people to worship the antichrist.

In addition to being a global religious leader.


2-The False Prophet is able to perform great miracles.

It performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of people (13:13)

Q: Ever wondered why so many people from around the world flock to celebrity preachers with serious credibility issues not to mention “prophets” who regularly make false predictions?

A: To put it bluntly, we're just plain gullible. I'm now convinced that a large segment of the American church will follow the anti-christ when he shows up because in addition to biblical illiteracy, American Christians in recent times have shown to be very lacking in discernment. As you know, many predictions were made about the fall of 2020 that didn’t come to fruition. You’d think that those who made the inaccurate predictions would go into hiding, but that hasn’t been the case. Rather, more people are following them than ever before, defending and in some cases even making excuses for their false predictions. Unlike the Bereans of Acts 17, many Christians are quick to believe the latest viral video, without filtering it through God’s Word nor doing a spiritual background check to see the prophet’s track record.

If you’re like me, you’re wondering why and how is that even possible? In his second letter to his protégé Timothy, Paul taught us that in the last days people would have “itching ears”. It’s an old phrase that means tell us what we want to hear and tell us something sensational. Rock our world with some special insight and revelation.

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, (2 Tim. 4:3)

The Message translates it like this:


You’re going to find that there will be times when people will have no stomach for solid teaching, but will fill up on spiritual junk food—catchy opinions that tickle their fancy. They’ll turn their backs on truth and chase mirages. But you—keep your eye on what you’re doing; accept the hard times along with the good; keep the Message alive; do a thorough job as God’s servant. (2 Tim. 4:3-5 The Message)

-A facet of Eve’s temptation was illumination, i.e., to obtain knowledge. There has always been a longing to know the secret inside scoop.

The False Prophet will not only tell you what you want to hear but will have some sensational revelations that will have people eating out of his hand. If that weren’t enough, he will also be a miracle worker who is also able to cause fire to come down from heaven in the presence of people. This will not be a blurry Bigfoot photo nor a shakey blair witch type video. Rather, it will be for all to see an din the presence of people.


This has the potential to be especially misleading to the Jews because they may falsely presume that the False Prophet is Elijah. In 1 Kings 18 the prophet calls fire down from heaven in an event akin to an old west shootout with the 450 prophets of Baal.

It’s important for you to know that as far as a holy angel of God (Luke 1) and our Lord Jesus is concerned (Mt. 17), John the Baptist was the forerunner, the Elijah, that Malachi had prophesied about.

However, by replicating Elijah calling fire down from heaven at Mt. Carmel, The False Prophet will be imitating Elijah and will subsequently direct people to worship the antichrist.

Remember and take note that the Holy Spirit always points people to Jesus. “He will testify of Me” Jesus said in (John 15:26). The False Prophet will point people to what looks like the Messiah but in reality is the devil.


3-The False Prophet will force people to worship the Antichrist.

“and he (the false prophet) makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast who’s wound was healed” (13:12)

Imagine an incredibly well liked and respected religious leader telling you to worship someone else as God. Imagine this same person had done some miracles. Maybe your mom was healed at one of his meetings, not to mention, he’s able to call fire down from heaven. And this same well-liked, well-spoken spiritual leader is telling you that a particular person is God and that you should worship him as such. On those conditions alone, most will.

However, if you want to live you will not really have a choice in the matter. In the same way that Hitler arranged for the execution of anyone with contrary opinions to his, the same will be true in the End Times regarding the worship of the antichrist.

The False Prophet will direct people to worship a geo-political leader, the antichrist. However, you will not really have much of a choice, i.e., worship him or die. Sounds very similar to the practices of Islamic terrorist groups that are presently functioning in this very manner throughout Africa. Not only will he force people to worship the antichrist but…

The Image


4-The False Prophet will also force people to worship an image of the antichrist

And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain (13:15).


“You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.” (Ex. 20:3-4)

For most of my ministry career, idol worship was something you’d only see in places like SE Asia, the South Pacific, Nepal, and India. For the longest time bible teachers and preachers in the States would contextualize idolatry by pointing out that whereas most Americans do not bow down to carved statues in worship, they do worship their careers, money, happiness, education, science, celebrities, power, position; meaning they give their lives to it. And all of that is true. Idolatry is not limited to carved images, anything we place as more important than God is an idol.

That being clearly said, today we are starting to see more Americans and Europeans worship and pray to idols of ceramic and carved stone.

Idols have been erected in Portland, St. Paul, and Atlanta…and people show up to worship them. It’s not unusual for college professors to bow before a ceramic image of buddha in their bedroom.

But this image will be unlike anything the world has seen before.

In some mysterious supernatural way, the False Prophet will “breathe life” into the image.


“…it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast” (Rev. 13:15)

Once again we see an imitation, a counterfeit.

“Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. (Gen. 2:7)

The False Prophet will seemingly replicate giving life to this image…whatever it is. Perhaps its some advanced form of transhumanism. I don’t know. But, what I do know is that the forces of darkness seek to imitate everything God does.

This image of the beast is able to speak and kill.

the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain (Rev. 13:15)

First hearing about this in the 80s sounded so very far-fetched to me, but not so much anymore. Is this image some form of Artificial Intelligence? Possibly so.

Anthony Levandowski is the founder of the First Church of Artificial Intelligence also known as The Way of the Future. He’s convinced AI will transform every aspect of human existence, disrupting employment, leisure, the economy and religion. “Actually, it’s inevitable. It’s guaranteed to happen.” – Wired.

In an interview with Anthony Levandowski, by Wired magazine, he said the following:


“What is going to be created (AI) will effectively be a god. [It’s not a god in the sense that it makes lightning or causes hurricanes. But] if there is something a billion times smarter than the smartest human, what else are you going to call it? With the internet as its nervous system, the world’s connected cell phones and sensors as its sense organs, and data centers as its brain, the ‘whatever’ will hear everything, see everything, and be everywhere at all times. The only rational word to describe that ‘whatever’ is ‘god’—and the only way to influence a deity is through prayer and worship.” -Anthony Levandowski, “Inside the First Church of Artificial Intelligence”, Wired Magazine. 11/15/17.

However, in regards to this image of the beast, in my personal opinion, I believe that there’s more than just technology involved here, most likely something demonic, but that’s my own personal opinion.

So, whatever the image of the antichrist is, AI, clone, transhuman, cyborg, it will be able to speak and kill those who refuse to worship it. Somehow this image is weaponized.

The Mark


5-The False Prophet Requires that everyone receive the Mark of the Beast.

“It (False Prophet) causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.” (Rev. 13:16-17)

In the first century the Roman Empire required a business license of all marketplace vendors. Without this license, much like here in the USA, you couldn’t legally do business. This is something you’d apply for on annual basis. You’d wait in line and pay your annual fee for which you’d receive a receipt for. Think of having to go to the MVD on an annual basis. However, you could apply for a life time membership which, in addition to being more expensive, you’d also swear your allegiance to the Roman Empire and worship Caesar as a god. Upon doing so you’d receive a tattoo giving you a lifetime membership.

As recent as 2019, the idea of needing a “mark” to buy or sell sounded like science fiction, but there are some banks and businesses that will not allow you into their premises unless you’ve been vaccinated. International travel to most countries, even Hawaii, requires a vaccine passport. Is it really such a stretch to imagine that at some point in the near future you would likewise need some type of special id, a mark, to do business, to buy or sell, to travel? The concept isn’t so far-fetched any more is it?


Amazon Pay by Palm with image

Amazon One is a new technology for its Amazon Go stores that lets shoppers pay for their groceries by scanning the palm of their hand. By analyzing the shape of your hand and the unique configuration of veins under your skin, Amazon says its technology can verify your identity the same way facial recognition does. In the future Amazon One hopes that this technology could not only be used for shopping but as a replacement for tickets at music and sporting events, and as an alternative to your office keycard, vehicle, allowing access with just a swipe of your hand. Although Amazon One will initially be used for payments only, but it’s clear the tech giant has much bigger ambitions for this hardware. In other words, Amazon One isn’t just a payment technology. It’s an identity technology, and one that could give Amazon more reach into your life than ever before. – The Verge, Oct. 1, 2020.

Secondly, crypto currencies, such as bitcoin have become a part of our vernacular.


Image of bitcoin

Crypto Currency

The Cashless society is on the horizon. In fact, some think that for environmental and health precautions, cash will probably become illegal. A lot of money is spent each year to protect from counterfeiting money. For a season various groups, perhaps even nations will all have their own form of digital currency. Not only is crypto currency easier to use but ultimately it also makes it easier to control.

For political reasons, several banks now refuse to work with gun manufacturers or those who are promoters of the 2nd amendment. Ben and Jerry’s refuses to sell it’s ice cream in the West Bank. There are companies, churches even, that required people to attend CRT to maintain their employment. Morgan Stanley requires a vaccine passport for entering their New York offices. Point being that we’re already seeing limits as to who can buy or sell right here in the land of the free.

Since 2020 we’ve seen procedures established that will make it more psychologically and culturally acceptable for implementing the requirement for a “mark” to buy and sell. Whereas my generation and older, still values freedom, privacy, and objective thinking, emerging generations are growing up to be much more conditioned to trusting in whatever the government says, and doing whatever the news media tells them to do.

We’re already seeing a number of financial precursors conditioning our world for needing government approval to buy, sell, or travel. At some point in the future, people will be required to have this “mark” in order to buy or sell. You will not be able to buy anything online without it, no gas, groceries, etc.

2 Things about the Mark


1The Mark's Disclaimers: Recognition of the antichrist as god.

I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. (Rev 20:4)

The mark symbolizes not only allegiance to, but worship of the antichrist. The mark of the beast will require something like an “I agree” type statement in which you pledge your allegiance to the antichrist. Of course, that’s not how he’ll refer to himself, but people who receive the mark will know exactly what they’re doing and that a stipulation of acquiring the mark necessitates total allegiance to a global leader and his system, including your affirmation of him as god.

ILLUS: Passport & Travel ID

Most nations have somewhat of a logo that are displayed on passports. I recently went through the process of acquiring a new travel id which is used for domestic travel and I noticed it has a star on it.

I believe there will be lots of people who are very proud of their allegiance to the beast. This may at first seem unthinkable but we already regularly see gay pride months and parades, where people boldly support a lifestyle that’s contrary to God’s design.

-Rev 14 foresees that there will be three End Times angels, each of which have a specific task. The first declares the gospel, and we’ll look at that later in the series, the second angel announces that Babylon has fallen, and the third gives a warning about the mark stating that those who receive it will experience the full extent of God’s wrath. An angel will be sent to warn people. This is because…


2-The wrath of God comes upon those who receive the mark of the beast.

And another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, 10 he also will drink the wine of God's wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger, and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb (Rev. 14:9-10).


Then I heard a loud voice from the temple telling the seven angels, “Go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of God.” So, the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth, and harmful and painful sores came upon the people who bore the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. (Rev. 16:1-2)

Zombie Apocalypse.

Have you ever heard of people talk, perhaps some in jest, others much more seriously, about a zombie apocalypse? Some doomsday preppers are actually prepping specifically for a zombie apocalypse.

When I first heard that people actually believed in a zombie apocalypse, I thought it was one of the more ridiculous things I’d ever heard. People who believe in a zombie apocalypse must have lost their minds…get it?

JOKE: Why cant zombies be arrested? You’ll never take them alive.

Did you hear about the zombie weightlifter who hurt his back? He was dead lifting.

Now, the term, Zombie Apocalypse, isn’t what you're thinking, i.e., slow moving monsters who can only be killed by a gunshot to the head. Rather, it's more akin to World War Z or The Walking Dead in that it's a reference to a pandemic that’s caused by, get this, a mutating virus or a biochemical agent resulting in open sores and dementia. In researching this I learned that Scotland's University of Glasgow has formally studied what we should expect from such a virus.Their solution is quarantine btw.

Side effects: Have you ever heard some of the absurd side effects that are listed as a disclaimer at the end of pharmaceutical commercials? Use of this drug may result in vomiting, loss of smell, rapid weight gain, diarrhea, night sweats, and nausea? I think I’ll just stick with what I’ve got…In fact I’m starting to feel better already.

Regardless, in the end times, we’re told that one of the side effects of those who receive the mark of the beast will be open sores and longing for death.


“And in those days people will seek death and will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee from them.” (Rev. 9:6). (This is possibly a reference to trans-humanism)

“…painful sores came upon the people who bore the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.” (Rev. 16:2)

A repercussion of receiving the mark of the beast will result in severe malignant, painful, sores that won’t heal. Open wounds that won’t heal. I guess you could say that it sounds something like zombies or World War Z. I’m sure that open sores and God’s wrath will not be included in the disclaimer for getting the mark of the beast, i.e., getting this mark may result in open sores, longing for death, and God’s wrath.


The Solution.

For starters dont get the mark. More importantly receive Jesus as your Savior.


Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus. (Rev. 14:12)

1-Determine to endure. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you fortitude. Resolve now to live for Jesus.

2-Keep God’s commands. As you do so you’ll glow in the dark.

3-Share the gospel while you can.

-Share the gospel on line.

-Invite people to a hearing of the gospel.

-Ask people how you can pray for them.

-If and as you’re able, serve on one of our teams.

We're currently in the church age and it's batter up for us to share the cure to sin-Jesus. By pooling our resources, like the first century church, we can accomplish more together than alone.

4-If you haven’t already ask Jesus to save you.