Summary: We can either spend our lives focused on the problems of life, or we can spend our time focusing on the Problem Solver. We can focus on what is wrong, or we can focus on the One who can make it right. Let's look at a Deacon and the legacy of love that he has left for us to remember.

Acts 7:54-60

“Love like Jesus Loves”

May 29, 2022

Intro: Beginning at Acts 6:8 through the close of this chapter, Luke records the ministry and martyr of Deacon Stephen. Stephen was one of the seven men chosen to be the first Deacons of the early church. He was a man filled with the Holy Ghost. He was a man God used greatly for His glory. The Jews were angry that Stephen was working miracles like Jesus. They called together their greatest religious minds to debate spiritual matters with Stephen, but they could not overcome his wisdom and knowledge of the things of God, Acts 6:9-10. Seeing they could not out-maneuver Stephen intellectually, they bribed men to lie about him, 6:11. They accused Stephen of blaspheme, of speaking against Moses and God. It was all lies BUT they had gotten quite good with lies! They worked in the past and even today lies still have power and influence in the world. Chapter 7 opens with the High Priest interrogating the new deacon. But Stephen began to preach the Word of God, he retold the history of the Jewish nation beginning with the call of Abraham and ending with the ministry of the Lord Jesus. Stephen’s words cut them to the heart, v.54 and they were brought under such conviction that they bared their teeth at him! Stephen reacted to their attack by telling them that he saw the risen Lord standing at God’s right hand. They flew into a rage, dragged him from the city and stoned him to death, v.58. But as he died, he displayed a love that we have only seen in Jesus before. I think that we can find some hope today in observing the ministry and martyr of this great deacon. Even though Stephen died in his valley, I hope to show you today that he was a victor and not a victim. Let us learn from the life and testimony of Stephen how we can enjoy ongoing victory when it’s our time to walk through the valley.


The Bible makes it clear that there was a vast difference between Stephen and his attackers. They are attacking him, but he has his attention focused on the Lord. Verse 55 draws attention to this difference by simply saying, “But he…” Stephen was different from the evil men around him and it showed in his life. The text tells us that Stephen was “full of the Holy Ghost”. At that moment in time, Stephen was exactly where God wanted him to be. God had led Stephen to that very place for that very moment for the very things that was happening to him. It doesn’t make sense from our perspective, but God got glory from the horrible death of Stephen. Remember, Stephen arrived where he did because he was following the leadership of the Holy Spirit. In other words, everything that took place was the will of God for Stephen’s life. Sometimes the Lord will lead you to places in life that make no sense. You will look around and wonder what in the world the Lord is doing. But, if He has done the leading, He has brought you to the perfect place, Psalms 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. Our duty in life is to yield to Him and allow Him to lead us to where He wants us to be, even when we don’t like the destination. God’s command for each of us, Romans 6:13 is to be an Instrument of Righteousness!


While the Jewish leaders are attacking Stephen, he has his eyes on another country. While they grind their teeth at him, Stephen is looking at the glory of God and seeing the risen Lord standing at the right hand of God in Heaven. People who live under the leadership of the Lord, see things ordinary people never get to see.

There is Stephen, they are going to stone him to death. He knows he will never see his family again. He will never preach or be used to perform another miracle. His earthly life is over and he knows it! What is He doing? He is not looking at the problem; He is looking at the Savior. He knows that they might abuse him here, but in a short time; he is going to be in the presence of the Lord! Stephen teaches us a valuable lesson in these verses. We can either spend our lives focused on the problems of life, or we can spend our time focusing on the Problem solver. We can look at what is wrong, or we can look at the One Who can make it right. We can fix our eyes on our situation, or we can fix them on the One Who determines the situations. Romans 8:18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us!


We must love like Jesus Loves! They drag Stephen outside the city and they begin to cast stones at him, and they continue until he is dead. Even as the stones fall on body tearing the skin, bruising the muscles and breaking the bones beneath, Stephen calls on God and commits His spirit to the Lord. He places his burden in the hand of His Lord. Just like Jesus, he even prays for those who are attacking him. “Do not charge them…”

I wish I could tell you that this story ended with Stephen miraculously rising from the heaps of stones. I wish I could tell you that he went home to his family. I wish I could tell you that he lived to preach another day. That is not what happened. Stephen died that day and he went home to be with the Lord. But look at the legacy of love that he left for us! You can love your enemy! You can love those who are against you! You can love like Jesus loves! The Father showed us how to do it, “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son…” The Son showed us how to do it, “who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

One Final Note: When Stephen saw Jesus He was standing and not sitting. That’s interesting because the Bible tells us that Jesus ascended to Heaven and sat down at the right hand of God’s throne, Colossians 3:1. Stephen is allowed the great honor of seeing the glorified Christ in Heaven standing. Why is Jesus standing? Jesus is the King of Kings. No worldly king would stand in the presence of a subject. King Jesus sees the boldness of His deacon and He stands to show His pride for Stephen’s resolve. He stands to honor this man who is honoring Him. He stands like a father witnessing his son giving his all in a competition. He stands to welcome the first martyr of the Christian era into Heaven. He stands for Stephen because Stephen has stood for Him! “Well done thy good and faithful servant.” That is what His standing communicates to Stephen! Jesus is saying, “Well done Stephen, You have stood for me long enough down there! It’s time to come up a little higher!”