Summary: This is the 119th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 21st sermon from 2 Corinthians.

Series: Action [#119]


2 Corinthians 12:11-21


Today is always a tough Sermon for me to preach- Pastor Appreciation Day. I love telling stories about the people that God puts in my life and how He uses me and others for His glory; but I do not like bragging about myself. In fact, I struggle with being down on myself often. With that being said, Arturo Castillo sent me a text message on October 1st that suggested that I may use Hebrews 13:17 on Pastor Appreciation Day. I messaged him back that I would pray about it. As I began studying for the Sermon, I realized that it fits perfect with our text.

Hebrews 13:17

I have said many times that Bel Aire makes me joyful. I have not always been able to say this about Bel Aire; but I can now. What changed? What does it take to make the Leaders in a Congregation joyful? This morning we are going to look at what should not be in a Congregation.

2 Corinthians 12:11-13

In a Church, there should not be…

1. Pride.

These “super-apostles” were leaders in the Church that were all about themselves. They worked hard at drawing the attention to themselves and about how awesome they were. Paul told them that they should have commended him because he was not inferior to them; but he also knew that he was nothing apart from God. Paul did not draw attention to himself or promote himself, instead his confidence was in Jesus.

Pride is what must not be in the Church. Pride destroys harmony and unity. Pride destroys the family that we are to enjoy in Christ. Pride breeds all kinds of sinful thoughts and actions. Paul did nothing among these Christians to put himself 1st. He even forfeited his rights while serving these Christians.

2 Corinthians 12:14-19

In a Church, there should not be…

2. Burdensome Christians.

Paul did everything he could to not be a burden. He did not want what belonged to them; but wanted them. Christians should not take advantage of one another or make themselves a burden on others. They should think about the other person, not what they can get out of them. Paul says that this was what he showed them when he came to them. Paul was not deceptive or underhanded- He was concerned about these Christians, not himself. Paul uses an example from a family setting- Children are not obligated to save up for their parents, but parents for their children. Parents pay for and care for the children.

2 Corinthians 12:20

In a Church, there should not be…

3. Internal battles.

Paul told them that he was worried about what he would find when he returned to Corinth. He did not want to find them fighting each other. He lists the components of Church fights- ”Discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, slander, gossip, arrogance and disorder”.

2 Corinthians 12:21

In a Church, there should not be…

4. Sexual sins.

The Bible singles out sexual sin. Yes, all sin is evil; but sexual sins can destroy a family, a business, a Nation, or a Church quicker than anything. It has been said that the condition of a Nation can be determined by its attitude concerning sex. Our Nation is in trouble- Which also means that our Churches, families, etc… are also in trouble.


On this Pastor Appreciation Day, I want to thank you for bringing me joy. Bel Aire is not perfect by any means, and we can do better; but you are a blessing to me and my family. We have seen the numerous things that should not be in the Church; and I pray that we strive to not be the one to bring that here.