Summary: They can weigh up to 550 lbs. but still run at 50 mph for short bursts, covering 100 m in 5-6 seconds. A swipe of their paw can generate a strike force of up to almost 23,000 lb/ft.

They can weigh up to 550 lbs. but still run at 50 mph for short bursts, covering 100 m in 5-6 seconds. A swipe of their paw can generate a strike force of up to almost 23,000 lb/ft. In comparison, a professional boxer’s knockout-punch registers only 925 lb/ft. They can open their mouth nearly a foot wide, allowing their long teeth and powerful jaws to puncture skulls. Do you know what animal I’m talking about? Lion.

Stuffed toys and cartoon versions of these animals have made us think that lions are cuddly, but they remain deadly animals. A man in Ghana was mauled to death this past August when he decided to climb into the lion enclosure at a zoo. Between 1932 and 1947 in part of Tanzania, three generations of lions stalked and killed 1,500 people—nearly a hundred people a year. It’s not surprising to hear that ancient kings kept lions on hand to dispatch their enemies. It also makes you appreciate what a miracle it really was that the prophet Daniel survived the night in a lions’ den. Today we’re going to learn how that was possible. We’ll discover that when you stand firm with The Lion (of Judah), you stand firm against all lions. (Read text.)

Our sermon text about the prophet Daniel is appropriate for our Reformation celebration today. Reformation commemorates God’s use of the 16th century German monk, Martin Luther, to rediscover the truths that we are saved by God’s grace and not by any efforts of our own. Advocating for this truth, however, brought Luther persecution. Such persecution and ridicule still await God’s faithful children today. Do you know how to endure? Daniel’s experience gives us instruction and inspiration.

You may remember that Daniel was a teenager when he was carried off from his home in Jerusalem in 605 BC by the Babylonians. But God blessed Daniel. He made him into a trusted advisor to the Babylonian kings—a position he held for 60 years. The Babylonians were succeeded by the Medes and Persians, but Daniel continued as a government administrator. He was so well-liked by the new king that Darius planned on promoting him above all the other governors in the land. This didn’t sit well with the other administrators. They conspired to engineer Daniel’s downfall. At first, they tried to find something wrong with the way that Daniel handled the king’s affairs, hoping they could discredit Daniel. But after searching, it became clear that Daniel had never taken a bribe or had been inefficient in handling the king’s affairs.

If someone were to look at the jobs we have done, would they also conclude that we have always been honest and hardworking? Had Daniel been employed at Walmart would he have ever stretched his lunch break beyond what was allowed? Would he have ever “accidently” dropped a box of merchandise so that he could purchase the now-damaged goods at a discount? Would he have aimlessly walked the aisles to kill time? It doesn’t seem so. And keep in mind that Daniel was working for a government that had destroyed his country and taken him captive. He had every reason to be a grumpy employee, but he wasn’t. He was faithful in all he did because he knew that he was serving God himself. And that’s a truth that applies to each one of us. No matter how difficult our job, no matter how underappreciated we may be, there is no room for negligence or dishonesty. For when we do our best, we give glory to our God and King.

If Daniel’s enemies couldn’t get him into trouble with his work record, they were certain they could exploit his faith. The schemers approached King Darius, appealed to his vanity, and urged him to write a decree which stated that for thirty days people could only pray to him. Anyone who disobeyed would be thrown to the lions.

If you were Daniel, what would you have done in response to the edict? Would you have stopped praying for the next 30 days, rationalizing that a dead Daniel would be no use to God or to his people? Or perhaps you would have resolved to keep praying, but do so in secret? Daniel did neither. Instead, he continued to pray three times a day with his window open towards Jerusalem as he had always done. And can you recall what kind of prayers Daniel offered? First of all, he gave thanks. Thanks!?! Shouldn’t Daniel have fired off a prayer of protest? Daniel was after all 80 years old. He had served God faithfully. Is this how God was going to repay that loyalty—to have his life end in the jaws of a lion?

Friends, especially those of you who are seasoned citizens, are you ready to face challenges like Daniel did in the golden years of your life? Or would you get upset if your retirement is thrown into turmoil? The longer I serve as a pastor, it becomes more tempting for me to think that God owes me. I’ve put in my time. I’ve had some tough ministry situations. Shouldn’t God make the last third of my ministry a breeze? That wasn’t God’s plan for Daniel, however. Not a cakewalk but a cat-walk awaited him. You see, even in Daniel’s final years God was exercising and refining his faith. Be ready when he does the same for you. Be ready by standing firm with The Lion.

This is “The Lion” I referred to in my sermon theme. And who is that? In Revelation 5, our Savior Jesus is called the Lion of Judah (Rev. 5:5). Daniel stood firm with that lion when he refused to stop praying. This form of worship was so important to Daniel that he made a habit of formally praying three times a day. He did this even though he must have been an incredibly busy man as one of the top administrators in the government. Sure, we’re busy too. But can we ever be too busy to speak with our God and to offer him our worship and praise? Can we be too busy to listen to him speak words of encouragement to us—to receive from him the assurance of his presence and forgiveness in the bread and wine, and body and blood of Holy Communion? The answer of course should be no, we are not too busy, but we often act like it. But what is really often happening is that we prioritize our work, our hobbies, and our family over God and what he has to offer. And we don’t even have the threat of a lions’ den as an excuse. Is apathy over God’s blessings getting in the way of our piety?

Apathy must have been a temptation for Daniel too, for he was a sinner just as we are. That’s why he not only thanked God in his prayers, but also asked for help (Daniel 6:11). No doubt Daniel wanted help against the lions that were awaiting in that den. But there was another lion Daniel must have been concerned about—that roaring lion Satan who is always looking to devour believers (1 Pet. 5:8). Can’t you picture Daniel praying: “Lord God, you have been with me every step of the way in Babylon. You have given me the courage to stand firm with you before. Don’t let me falter now. Help me to keep believing what the psalmist wrote that ‘Your love is better than life.’ (Psalm 63:3) Yes, for with your love I have everything: forgiveness, peace, and the promise of eternal life in heaven. Make me a bold witness for this truth to your glory even now. Amen.”

Did God answer Daniel’s prayer? He still ended up being thrown into the lions’ den, but it seems that Daniel enjoyed a better night’s sleep than the king did. King Darius knew that Daniel didn’t deserve to be thrown to the lions. He realized that he had been tricked into signing that silly edict, but a law was a law! When the king rushed out early the next morning to see if Daniel was still alive, he was greeted by Daniel’s friendly voice which assured the king that God had sent his angel to shut the mouths of the lions. This prompted King Darius to issue a decree “…that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel. For he is the living God and he endures forever; his kingdom will not be destroyed, his dominion will never end. 27 He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.” (Daniel 6:26-27)

Indeed, the God of Daniel, the God of the Bible is a living God who takes an active interest in the lives of his people. He not only rescued Daniel from lions who were mere animals, he also rescued Daniel and us from the roaring lion Satan. Consider what God had to do to accomplish that. Our text records how after he realized his mistake, King Darius “…was determined to rescue Daniel and made every effort until sundown to save him.” (Daniel 6:14) But is that true? Did Darius make EVERY effort to save Daniel? Could he not have offered to go into the lions’ den himself instead of Daniel? After all, it was his own foolishness that had put Daniel in that predicament. Hah! Imagine a king doing that!

Well you don’t have to imagine it. You do have a king who did just that! The Lion of Judah, King Jesus willing took our place in the pit of hell. And he did this even though we are not above reproach when it comes to our work life. Nor are we nearly as faithful as Daniel was in his worship life. While God shut the mouths of the lion for Daniel, he did no such thing for his Son. Instead, God’s anger over our sin crushed and killed him.

There is another important point of comparison between Jesus and Daniel. Just as Daniel came out of the pit, so did Jesus. And through his death and resurrection, Jesus has forever shut the mouth of that roaring lion Satan who accuses us of being people God could never love. The Apostle Paul put it like this: “Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. 34 Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.” (Romans 8:33-34)

Yes, brothers and sisters. Stand firm with The Lion of Judah, and you will stand firm against all lions. Does this mean that you will escape death as did Daniel on this occasion? Not necessarily. Other believers were killed for their faith. But God used that to bring them out of this world into their eternal rest. That’s what God has in mind for you as well. Don’t let anything distract you from this goal or prompt you to hide your faith. Keep standing firm with The Lion of Judah. He who shut the mouths of the lions in the den will open your mouth to faithfully confess him even as did Daniel. Amen.


(pre-service warm up) What do you know about lions? List at least three facts.

(pre-service warm up) What do you know about the Lutheran Reformation? List at least three facts.

Our sermon today is about the Old Testament prophet Daniel. Describe three things you learned about him today.

Daniel was faithful in his work as government administrator. Why was that not surprising? Why was it surprising?

Daniel’s enemies realized that they could not get him into trouble with his work record, but they were sure they could nail him with his faith record. List three things you like about Daniel’s faith.

Daniel stood firm in his faith because he stood with The Lion of Judah. What does that mean?

The lions in the den were of course a threat to Daniel. But what other lion was even more dangerous? How does this lion most often threaten your faith?

King Darius knew that Daniel didn’t deserve to be thrown to the lions, so he reportedly made every effort to save Daniel. But that’s not true. What else could Darius have done? How does this help you marvel at the rescue Jesus secured for you?