Summary: One of the Ten Commandments tells us not to have any other gods before Almighty God… but our nation is serving many gods. What would America be like if we obeyed the Ten Commandments? There would be a revival of holiness.

And God spoke all these words, "I am the Lord your God Who brought you out of Egypt. Out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before Me." The laws that God gave to Moses thousands of years ago at Mount Sinai seems to have been forgotten today. The same laws our founding fathers followed have the power to change the heart of America.

Exodus chapter 20 is where we will be going today, as we delve into the subject of the Ten Commandments.

Why a sermon on the Ten Commandments? Because only five percent of Americans can name two of these commandments. David said, "Thy word have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against God." Hidden in my heart means he memorized them. The word that you will use in life is the word that you truly know.

Knowing about the Ten Commandments and knowing the Ten Commandments are two different things. Why sermon on the Ten Commandments? Because the Ten Commandments hold the secret to America's survival as the land of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The bible says, "All nations that forget God are turned into hell." America is forgetting the God of the bible. let's read together the Ten Commandments.

First commandment, "Thou shall have no other gods before Me."

The second, "Thou shall not make unto you any graven image."

The third, "Thou shall not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain."

Four, "Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy."

Five, "Honor thy father and thy mother."

Six, "Thou shall not kill."

Seven, "Thou shall not commit adultery."

Eight, "Thou shall not steal."

Nine, "Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

Ten, "Thou shall not covet."

Exodus 20:1 says, "And God spoke all these words saying I am the Lord your God Who brought you out of Egypt and out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me." What would happen if America obeyed all of the Ten Commandments? Our schools would be teaching the Ten Commandments,

not throwing them out the back door. There wouldn't be a critical race theory being taught. There would be no transgender sex being taught. If the Ten Commandments were in the schools, there would not be condoms in the restrooms. There wouldn't be crime in the street, for you shall not steal. There would be no murder. You shall not commit murder. There would be no abortions, because I assure you in God's opinion abortion is murder!

Proverbs 6:16-17 says, "These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood," There is no more innocent blood than the blood of a baby in the womb of its mother. If America obeyed the Ten Commandments, there would be no corrupt politicians because no one would be lying or bearing false witness. That would put about half of them out of business right there!

America is sick and tired of corruption in our congress! We deserve better than that! The Ten Commandments demands a society built on a work ethic. Can you imagine that? It says, "Six days you shall work." Listen to me, you have no right to expect anything until you work for it! That's God's Word! On the Lord's Day, every able-bodied person would be in church. If we honored the Ten Commandments, the only god recognized by our government would be the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. No other gods!

The Ten Commandments are not ten recommendations. They are ten commandments to be obeyed. The ten commandments are a rebuke to philosophers, to liberal college professors, to pseudo-intellectuals who say, "The right to determine what is right and what is wrong is up to the individual." Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!!! The ten commandments are binding! They are absolute! What part of, "Thou shall not", do you not understand? It's not a recommendation! It IS a commandment by God Almighty! Do it! Or pay the price!

It's simply that if we kept the Ten Commandments, America would be transformed overnight! Our massive national problems of crime, murder in the streets, policemen being executed, cities being burned down by anarchists, sex trafficking, terrorists being smuggled into America across our borders right now! Do you know that one hundred thousand young Americans died last year from drugs that were that were brought into this country from a foreign country? And it is a lethal kind of drug that is destroying this nation! It is a weapon of mass destruction, yet it is allowed to come across the borders of this nation! We call upon the President of the United States to fulfill his presidential commission to protect and defend the people of the United States of America!

Suppose that all churches in America were a blaze for the zeal of God, to live the Ten Commandments? There would be a revival of holiness! Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord! Think about that. Without holiness, NO MAN shall see the Lord!

Why a sermon on the Ten Commandments? Because the Ten Commandments are God's blueprint for your success and the success of this nation. Welcome to the Ten Commandments! It's the way to save America from destruction and to bring peace and prosperity into your life and to them and to this nation!

The first commandment, "No other god", this commandment is the greatest commandment. It's the mother

of all commandments. Why? Because if God is not your Father, if Jesus is not the Lord of your life and your Savior and Redeemer, you can keep all nine of the other commandments, but it will be to no avail. If you don't know God the Father through Jesus Christ, you're nobody! I don't care how much money you have in the bank and how big your car is, you're nothing until you become a child of God! That's the


America has as many false gods as Egypt or Rome. That makes this first commandment the most important. The One true God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He is the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Atheists cannot explain the origin of the earth. They love to gesticulate about there was a tadpole that wallowed around in a muddy pond and a billion years later, it developed legs and got out and walked and climbed a tree and hung by its tail, and that's your Great, Great Grandpa. No. This Earth is here because an Almighty God created it in a day.

We are still finding new constellations, but we serve a God Who calls the stars by name. He holds the seven seas in the palms of His hand. He weighs the mountains in a scale and the hills in the balance. He is the One true God Who liberated Israel from Egypt with ten plagues that crushed their economy! Then He drowned the Egyptian army in the Red Sea. He is the God Who brought water from the rock that fed a million people and all of their livestock! He's the One true God that put a cloud over them by day to cool them and fire by night to warm them. He rained bread from Heaven six days a week to feed that million people! For six days a week that happened for 40 years! Not one person was sick or feeble in all of that nation from Egypt to the promised land! That is our God! What a Mighty God we serve! Our God is an awesome God!!! HALLELUJAH to our God!!!

The God of the Ten Commandments was the God of our founding fathers who landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620 and entered into a covenant with God, which said, "In the Name of God, we whose names are underwritten for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith, covenant and bind ourselves together." They were here for the advancement of the glory of God the advancement of the Christian faith. And they came together in a covenant. Together they were unified. America right now is divided. We are on

the brink of a civil war! There is a seething hatred that divides this nation!

The God of the Ten Commandments was the God that George Washington prayed to in the snows of Valley Forge. When defeat seemed absolutely certain, and victory seemed impossible, George Washington, for those of you who went to public schools and learned how to get in touch with your inner feelings and don't know who he was because you didn't take American history, he was the father of our country. George Washington said, "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible."

Think about that. It is IMPOSSIBLE to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible! Today, America's news media and so-called "Political Experts" would mock and ridicule George Washington relentlessly and without mercy! They would declare he's unfit for office. "Certainly, he must be a racist!" That's their argument against everybody. Disagree with them, and you're racist! You can become an expositor for the leftists. All you have to learn is that phrase, "You're a racist!" Sound familiar?

The God of the Ten Commandments is the God that Abraham Lincoln prayed to when he fought to crush slavery in America. Abraham Lincoln said as he held up the Bible, "In regard to this great book, I have this to say it is the greatest gift God has given to all mankind. All the good our Savior gave to the world was communicated through this book." Think about that.

Recently socialist rioters tried to remove his statue from the Lincoln Memorial. Why? Because they must

force us to forget our past heroes so that they can control our historical future! Because socialists hate God Almighty! They hate the Bible and those who believe it! On this Rock we stand! There is no other! Thy Word have I hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee! As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!

Harry Truman recognized the God of the Ten Commandments. Harry Truman, again was the President that followed Franklin D. Roosevelt. He is the man who recognized Israel in 11 minutes. He was providentially put in that office for that assignment. He said, "The fundamental basis of this nation's laws were given to Moses on Mount Sinai." Listen, "if you don't have a proper fundamental, moral background, we will finally end up with a totalitarian government which does not believe in rights for anybody except the state."

That was in the late 1940's. That socialist totalitarian state is here! The prophecy of President Truman has come true! The state dictates our lives, "Wear a mask or go to jail! Close the churches but leave the bars open!" Obviously, politicians have no place to go. "Get vaccinated or lose your job! Your children do not belong to you. Therefore, we will teach them the critical race theory." Which is communism 101. Think about that. Your children belong to you! They don't belong to the state! But the state would have you believe otherwise and tell you, "When they come to us, we will teach them to question their sexuality. They will be so bright, when they leave this new form of education, they won't know whether they're really a man, or if they're actually a woman." How stupid can you get?!

The Bible is forbidden to be read in public schools. Public prayers are be forbidden. The Ten Commandments have been stripped from the walls of congress, schools and universities! The fact is that every crisis America is facing can be solved by obedience to the Ten Commandments. That's not an exaggeration, that's a fact! It's time for 65 million Christians in America to stand up and fight back! It's time to be counted! Vote the Bible! Vote the Bible! Vote the Bible! Bring righteousness back to America! Let freedom ring! It's time for 65 million people to take our bible-based convictions and drive this godless socialist administration out of office! Do it now! Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people!

2 King 17:33, God describes a backslidden Israel. Listen to how He does it, "They feared the Lord, yet served their own gods." They feared the Lord, but they serve their own gods. That describes America to a T right now. A nation will have one god or many gods. America has many gods. Many people go to church every week, but the god they serve is not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Look at America's gods. Movie stars. Sports stars. WWE has Roman Reigns, who calls himself, "The Tribal Chief", "The Head of the Table". I got news for Roman Reigns, and don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of Roman Reigns, but JESUS is MY Tribal Chief! And HE is the Head of the only Table that matters! Period! Look at other gods of America. Rock stars. Fallen stars. The only objective to our worship is to worship the Bright and the Morning Star! Jesus Christ is our star! He is the hope of Glory! He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah! He is the Prince of Peace! He is the Great Physician! He is the way maker! He is the chain breaker! He is the giant killer! He is God Almighty! He is higher than the highest! He is wiser than the wisest! He is greater than the greatest! He is our soon-coming King! He is the King of kings and Lord of ALL lords!!!

The Ten Commandments are God's blueprint for a beautiful life for every person who has the courage to

keep them. When a ten-year-old girl is ordered by the court to stop reading her Bible on the school bus, we have created a society the founding fathers would not recognize! We're NOT one nation under God, but a socialist society that is fighting God! The Bible says, "All nations that forget God are turned into hell." And America's mass media, liberal media, is trying to force God out off the stage!

When congressmen run a homosexual dating service out of their basement, when America's political leaders conspire with Russia to destroy a sitting President of the United States and destroy his political career, we are godless, and we are corrupt! If our justice system worked, someone would be going to jail! They're not, unfortunately. But when you go to the voting booth, you have the right to vote them out of office! Do it!

We are walking away from light into the arms of the prince of darkness. We're going from faith to fear.

People are afraid in this country! The policemen have been kicked out of business! We're going from the holy spirit to a demon spirit! We're going from "love thy neighbor" to hate. we're going from "one nation under God" to one nation that's gone under!

We need to wake up! Stop living in fear! Stop being conformed to this world! Be transformed by the renewing of your minds! Stop letting the Godless, sin-filled heathen of this world paralyze you with fear! Stand up! Be bold for Jesus! Be bold in your faith! Let the enemies of God know that His Church will be silent no longer! Shout unto God with a voice of victory and praise!!! Let God arise! And let His enemies be

scattered! Let the church come together and be the church! We are the salt and light of this world! Do not be afraid to turn on the light of truth! Do not be afraid to speak the truth! Do not be afraid to say, "Yes! I believe there is One God and He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! and there is no other!!!

Briefly, let's meet the gods of America. Secular humanism. Humanism is a god of self. It's where people believe that they are their own god. therefore, they refuse to worship. They refuse to obey the Ten Commandments. Think about that, then think about this, the god of self has murdered 63 million babies through abortion since roe versus wade. They say things like, "This is my body!" No, it's not your body. The Bible says, "you're not your own. you're bought with a price." "Well, it's my choice!" No, it's not your choice! Proverbs 6:16 says, there are six things that God hates, I say again, hands that shed innocent blood." I've noticed that everyone who's far abortion has already been born. Mother Teresa said, "The nation that kills its unborn, has lost its soul."

Fox news headline reports, "Abortion groups plan drastic action against Christian denominations on Mother's Day." This is nothing but a socialist communist tactic that they begin to physically harass you when you believe what they don't believe. "We have a right to believe this, and your intimidation is not working!"

I call for every Christian in America to pray for the members of the supreme court who are under fire because they had the audacity to say that abortion should not be allowed in this country. May God protect them, and may they know that we, the people, are standing behind them and standing for them! People from coast to coast are asking the question, "When is normal coming back?" Normal is not coming back, but Jesus is!

Another American god is pantheism. It's the worship of nature. Personally, I love nature. I love to walk

through the woods. I love to see the mountains. I like to see the waves in an ocean churn against the bank. There's something about water that's soothing. You see the genius of God on parade in nature, but nature is not God. It's a manifestation of God. If you think nature is God, the next time you get sick, go out and hug a tree and see what happens. Nothing. Unless it's got a nasty little surprise for you in its bark!

Another American god is hedonism. That's the god of pleasure. Any activity, any sport, any event that brings you more pleasure than your relationship with God, is hedonism. Hedonism demands that you look at the fifth commandment which says, "Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy." The Bible says, "Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together." This is a command! It is not a recommendation. "How good it is," the bible says, "when brethren gather together. For there the Lord commands the blessing." When we come together on Sunday morning or Wednesday night, or whenever the doors of the church are open, it is a testimonial to the city you live in that there is a righteous group of people who believe there is one God! He's the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. That He answers prayer! That nothing is impossible with that God! They have that faith! Yes, we do, and we are the salt and light of the Earth! God bless us all!

Socialism is a god. It makes the state god. Socialism makes the government god. Socialism always, always leads to communism! Unless you think that's an extremist statement, let me give you a word-by-word Webster's Dictionary definition, "Socialism is a transitional stage of society between capitalism and communism." Meaning it always leads to communism! Socialism lets the powerful few rule over the enslaved masses! And I'm going to tell you, everybody who carries the Bible, will be in those enslaved masses!

Socialism wants to bring a new world order, also called globalist, to control America. President Joe Biden said recently, "There's going to be a new world order out there and we have to lead it." "We" is not America! I assure you of that! "We" is certainly not bible-believing Christian's. President Biden recently formed a disinformation board that's nothing more than a thought police telling you what to think. The thought police tell the news media what to tell the American people to think. And then what they can do and what their children must learn. What is justified.

The new world order is wanting a one world government. A one world currency. A one world religion. I want you to open your Bibles and you will find out that there is a God in Heaven Who can supply all of your needs according to His riches in Glory! When you mention the Name of Jesus, every demon in hell starts to tremble with fear! When you mention that majestic Name and Blood of the Cross, there is no power that can conquer who you are or what you're trying to do! Our God reigns! He is the One true God of the Bible!