Summary: Esther Esther Esther ( shake head) what an interesting book. Pride, excessive consumption of alcohol, lust, divorce, Sex, lies and murder and that’s just the first 2 chapters. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Good morning church

Today is a great day to be with you in the house of the Lord. Today our study on finding Jesus throughout God’s word brings us to the book of Esther. Now usually when I’m studying these books trying to find Jesus I look for key things like the names of God. Names like Yahweh, God, Elohim, Jehovah, LORD in all capitals things like that. Come to find out Esther doesn’t mention God not even once. So I have a question for the congregation this morning. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God? At this time can we have all the children and people under 18 head down stairs the content of this book may be considered risque.

Esther Esther Esther ( shake head) what an interesting book. Pride, excessive consumption of alcohol, lust, divorce, Sex, lies and murder and that’s just the first 2 chapters. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

So I’m reading the first few chapters and what filth.. the first chapter starts off with King Ahasuerus deciding to have a 7 day drunken banquet. To show off all his riches. Proud much? How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Now on the 7th day in a drunken stupor he calls for his wife Queen Vashti to come, into the banquet wearing only her royal turban, To show off her beautiful naked body to all who attended. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Not wanting to subject herself to what in her mind amounted to Nothing more than a drunken orgy, she flat out refused. She said “no I won’t go” How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Still in a drunken state the king is angry he devises a plan to divorce Queen Vashti and sends out a decree that all women must obey their husbands and let them speak for her and The entire household. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Chapter 2 starts off with King Ahasuerus cooling off and remembering how he kicked his wife to the curb. Becoming lonely he told his men to go on a search for the finest virgins in all the land and come back with 10 of them so he could choose from them. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Next we are introduced to our main characters Esther and her uncle Mordecai. They are Jews still left over in Persia from the Babylonian exile. Could it be through one of them we find Jesus? How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Now Esther is an orphan and Mordecai took her as his daughter when she was young, the book says Esther was beautiful and because of that she was entered into this beauty pageant of sorts. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Because Esther was a Jew Mordecai advises her not to reveal her nationality to anyone within the palace gates. he is worried for her and stays by the door everyday to hear how she’s doing. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

The book tells us Esther finds favor with the officials and quickly becomes a favorite to win what I can only compare to the show the bachelor Monday nights at 8 / 7 central. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Well as the story goes Esther also finds favor with the king. it says he loved her more than any of the other virgins and he places the royal turban upon her head. Esther do you accept this final Rose? And How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Now in those days while Mordecai is sitting by the palace door he over hears 2 officials plotting to kill the king and tells Esther to advise the king of the plot for his life. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

When the king hears of this Scheme he orders the 2 officials be sent to the gallows. And they were hanged. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

The third chapter introduces us to a character named Haman. The king gave him authority over all the other officials. He thinks everyone should bow to him and respect his AUTHORITY. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Well Mordecai wouldn’t bow to no man, for he was a Jew and as we know from scripture faithful Jews only bow to God himself! Could this be where we can start preaching Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Hold your horses not just yet. I have to tell you the rest of the story first.

Haman enraged by the disrespect shown to him from Mordecai devises a plan to kill all the Jews throughout the kingdom. Because it was beneath him to kill Mordecai alone. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

The king does as Hamana requested and sends the decree all Jews are to be killed. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God ?

Upon hearing about the decree in the beginning of chapter 4 Mordecai and the rest of the Jews take to the streets tear their clothes and put on sackcloth covered in ashes, fasting, weeping and mourning. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Chapter 4 goes on to tell us Esther sends new garments for Mordecai to wear. He flat out refuses and sends back a message to her all the King decreed regarding the genocide of the Jews. Asking her to plead with the king on their behalf. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Esther sends a message back explaining to Mordecai that nobody is allowed to go into the king’s chamber without the threat of death not even her. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Mordecai sends a message back saying no Jew is safe from the decree including her and anyone else living within the palace gates and reminds her again not to reveal her nationality. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Well upon hearing this she sends a message back asking Mordecai to ask all the Jews to fast and not eat for 3 days. She is going to the King! In her own words she says “if I die I die” could this be how you start to preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

We’ll find out later…

Now it came the third day of the fast and Esther goes to the King and requests that the king and Haman attend a banquet she has prepared for tomorrow. The king calls for Haman’s presence and grants her request. how do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Haman as proud and arrogant as he is left the palace joyful and pleased the queen requested he attend the banquet. As he left the palace Mordecai was in his normal spot by the gate and again refuses to bow to him. Haman is enraged but controls himself. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Going home Haman boasts about his riches and glory and how the queen only wants him and the king to attend a banquet tomorrow. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Remembering how Mordecai again refused to bow to him he confides in his wife and friends, they advise him to build a wooden gallow to hang Mordecai. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Chapter 6 starts out with the king having a case of insomnia so he sent to have the book of records read to him so he could fall asleep. While the book is being read the king notices that Mordecai was never honored for saving his life in chapter 2. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

At the same time Haman comes into the courtyard requesting to speak with the king about wanting to hang Mordecai. But instead the king asks of Haman what should be done for a man the king wants to honor. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Haman thinking the king wanted to honor him told the king all that he should do to please him. Upon hearing everything Haman requested the king ordered Haman to do all those things for Mordecai which of whom he wanted to honor. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Humiliated Haman parades Mordecai around town honoring him as the king requested. Going home hanging his head he tells his wife and friends all that happened and they tell him he can not win against a Jew. Now we are getting somewhere but I still beg to question of you this morning church. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Chapter 6 ends by saying the king sent for Haman to be brought to the banquet which Esther had prepared for them. Tell me How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Chapter 7 starts on the 2nd day of the banquet and the king asks Esther all she requests. At this she reveals her true identity and reveals all Haman was plotting to do. Haman is terrified at hearing this. What’s going to happen next? And How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

The king now full of wine is drunk again and angry so he goes to the palace garden to cool off. But Haman stays to beg the queen for his life. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Coming back from cooling off the king sees Haman lounging on the couch close to the Queen. “Will he even assault the queen with me in the house?” at that word they covered Haman’s face and told the king of the gallows set up at Haman’s house meant for Mordecai. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God ?

And the king said, “Hang him on it.” 10 So they hanged Haman on the wooden gallows which he had prepared for Mordecai, and the king’s anger subsided. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Chapter 8 starts by telling us the king appoints Mordecai to Haman’s old position. But again Esther speaks to the king about all Haman had schemed against the Jews. Esther tells the king she can’t endure seeing her people suffer because of the decree. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

The king told Mordecai to write a new decree as he seen fit in the kings name. upon doing as the king requested Mordecai shouted and rejoiced. For the Jews there was light, joy, jubilation, and honor. In each and every province and in each and every city, wherever the king’s commandment and his decree arrived, there was joy and jubilation for the Jews, a feast and a [g]holiday. And many among the peoples of the land [h]became Jews, because the dread of the Jews had fallen on them. Now this is the type of stuff you could preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God!!!

Chapter 9 starts out with the Jews triumphing over all their enemies throughout all the provinces of the kingdom and towards the end we are introduced to the celebration of Purim which is still celebrated to this very day. Tell me where would you start to preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Does someone want to read the final chapter of Esther? Chapter 10 so we can finally figure out the question of the day. How do you preach Jesus through a book that doesn’t mention God?

Now King Ahasuerus imposed a tax on the land and the coastlands of the sea. 2 And every accomplishment of his authority and power, and the full account of the greatness of Mordecai with which the king honored him, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Media and Persia? 3 For Mordecai the Jew was second only to King Ahasuerus, and great among the Jews and in favor with his many kinsmen, one who sought the good of his people and one who spoke for the welfare of his entire [a]nation.

The book of Esther may not mention God or Jesus but through the life of Mordecai and queen Esther we can see a picture of Christ . The last chapter says Mordecai was great among the Jews one who sought the good of his people and who spoke for the welfare of his entire nation. Is the picture beginning to clear?

No, the book of Esther doesn’t mention God but we see God’s providence at work. When everything looks grim and godless we see God’s hand which is Jesus still at work.

See Haman wanted to hang Mordecai but God delivered him and exalted him. Because of his faith Mordecaii became great among his people. Mordecai would not bend his knee for anyone other than God!

And the devil said to jesus, “All these things I will give You, if You fall down and [c]worship me.” 10 Then Jesus *said to him, “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and [d]serve Him only.’” 11 Then the devil *left Him; and behold, angels came and began to serve Him.

Through the life of Mordecai we can see Jesus at work. God is always at work! Even in a book that doesn’t mention God such as the book of Esther.

With faith and goodwill towards his fellow man God delivered Mordecai and the Jews from certain destruction and he will also deliver you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom died so we can live..
