Summary: In the late 1980s the word 'Gender' was intentionally turned into a sociological concept.

The word 'gender' comes from the Latin word 'genus' which means 'kind' or 'type.' In the few hundred years before the 1950s, the term 'gender' was used only in the field of grammar. In 1955, John William Money, a New Zealand psychologist, sexologist, and author researched human sexuality and gender identity and created the term 'gender role' and began to use it to mean something different from sex. The term was not applied to other animals which continued to have different 'sexes.' About 30 years ago the word 'gender' was intentionally turned into a sociological concept by theorists because they believe relations between men and women have differentiated social roles, and sex stereotypes are somehow socially and culturally constructed in addition to innate anatomical/biological sex.

"26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. 27 In the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." (Genesis 1:26-27 ESV)

The Bible declares that God created human beings, male and female, in His own image, "in the image of God He created him (Heb: 'oto' = in the demonstrative sense of entity; properly self); male (Heb: 'zakar' = a biological male) and female (Heb: 'neqebah' = a biological female) He created them" (v27). Humans are the only beings in the Universe created in the image of God.

The verse is not a figure of speech that expresses two contrasting parts. When God created the first humans as male and female, He did not add the words 'for your God is neither male nor female' nor use non-binary gender pronouns.

God created human beings as only male or female with anatomical differences and gave them very specific prescriptive roles for each sexual Gender (see Genesis 1:1-28, 2:1-24; also Matthew 19:4-6; Mark 10:6; 1 Corinthians 11:11; Ephesians 5:21–32; 1 Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9).

Gender theory and Transgenderism are intellectually dishonest ideological social constructs and psychological belief systems with roots in occultic metaphysics with no basis in objective science. Gender dysphoria has no scientific or medical grounds and is almost always temporary.

The facts are that sexual gender is, and always has been, relevant in the Bible. Sexual gender is essential to God. God is strong yet gentle, defends, and nurtures; He is independent and social because He is like a good father and mother. He created both male and female "in his image" (Genesis 1:27). It reveals that humans are the only beings in the universe made in the image of the Creator of all things.

God is not sexual or gender-neutral. He does not say anything about there being a non-binary gender. From the beginning of Creation, God made humans male or female. God chose to incorporate gender sexuality as part of His "very good" Creation (Genesis 1:31). All of Creation dictates procreation for the survival of the human race. The Transgender cult can't biologically reproduce so they focus on recruiting children and adolescents in public schools.

The cultural metaphysical term "non-binary" is used to describe anyone whose gender is not included in the socially constructed roles of male or female and could include dysphoria. Some may experience a more fluid sense of identity or always stay near to their way of presenting how they see themselves.

Others may not identify with any gender at all. Because of this, there are so many different identities that it would be impossible to name them all. A person could be a woman who wears make-up and a dress but still identifies as non-binary. They might even use she/her pronouns. Her gender identity is more about how she sees herself and not from anyone else's point of view.

Biological sex causes the human body to develop specific sex-related organs, affecting how people think and respond to the world around them. Human cells are biochemically different in males and females and affect many things emotionally and physically, which can be distinguished by various anatomical, physiological, and biochemical markers. Gender theorists refuse to acknowledge that sex has anything to do with gender despite overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary. Gender theory is a form of Gnosticism.

Biological males have significant physiological advantages over biological females. In sports, the performance gap between males and females reveals itself at puberty and is as high as a 50% difference. Biological males have 15-20 times more testosterone than biological females, and their bone mass is 26-45.5% more than females. Biological males have a higher red blood cell count, lower fat, more muscle, and 80% greater tendon strength and lung capacity.

An interesting side note is that Darwinism is no longer talked about because the theory discusses the survival of the species which is biologically impossible with same-sex transgender couples.


The aspects of men and women equally reflect parts of God's nature which is why the enemy of God, satan, whom Jesus called the father of lies, is hell-bent on destroying that through gender theory (John 8:44). Because the enemy hates God and His image with his whole being, he also hates what it means to be male and female because of what it represents. He is doing everything he can do to confuse the understanding of God's divine image and sowing confusion in the minds of our children and community leaders.

Thanks to the enemy, modern gender theory has built itself on terminological confusion, philosophical absurdities, and scientific errors. Since the Garden of Eden, a person's gender has been understood to refer to an aspect of human biology resulting from a person's genetic makeup. Gender was understood to refer to the characteristics shared by each sex. Many of these characteristics, including body shape, voice, ways of thinking and acting, etc., are partly shaped by a person's immutable biological sex, and others are shaped positively and negatively by culture. Human males have XY chromosomes, and females have XX chromosomes. The presence of the SRY (Sex-determining Region Y) gene provides instructions for making a protein involved in male-typical sex development, and the absence of the SRY gene leads to the development of a biological female.

Gender theorists hold to the unsubstantiated and absurd belief that there is no connection at all between sex which gender precedes, and that somehow biology and a person's genetic makeup do not cause gender, nor can it be understood to reflect or express sex. Gender is considered a spectrum that is acquired, and those who identify as male, female, neither, or both have nothing to do with their biological sex. Male and female are cultural constructs, and human beings are born androgynous even though it does not occur in nature in any shape, manner, or form. This theory is NOT based on empirical peer-reviewed scientific evidence but on mental illusion resulting from esoteric observation and, most importantly, demonic influence.

Gender theorists have declared themselves God and conclude that Human Beings do not choose one of the only two sexes. They refuse to acknowledge that sex has anything to do with gender. However, it is an immutable scientific fact that chromosomes determine a person's biological sex as either male or female. They do not determine sexual practices or orientation. It is both a spiritual and psychological reality that humans can have multiple sexual practices and preferences that oppose God's original design due to sin entering the human race, thanks to the Fall of Adam and Eve.

The primary method of indoctrination is through public schools. Christian parents must make the sacrifice to home school or send their children to Christian schools to dramatically limit the impact of Transgender metaphysical occultists who want the spirits, minds, and bodies of our children. There is no legitimate justification for a Christian parent to send their child to a public school. Children simply cannot be carriers of light in the darkness to overcome the onslaught of the enemy. Sending your child to a public school is like the Jews, after being delivered out of the slavery and moral chaos of Egypt, sending their kids back to Egypt to be educated. God will make a way.**

Being male or female is not what a person feels they are but what they actually are. Being "transgender" is at odds with science and God's design. Every cell in the body is marked as either male or female. On a biological level, Transgenderism doesn't physically exist.


The Bible does not distinguish between biological sex and mental, sexual gender. Abnormalities, mutations, and gender confusion result from the Fall in the Garden of Eden. A person's inclination to act like the opposite sexual gender is ultimately due to sin entering the human race, which causes the DNA to mutate and break down through entropy and into many variations. Sexual gender anomalies and same-sex attraction are psychological or genetic mutation issues.

Sin causes a person to do or desire those things contrary to God's desires, which are revealed in the Bible. When a person sins, they essentially say, "God, I know better than you do because I am god," which is precisely what occurs when a person says they are a different gender than their actual biology indicates (see Genesis 3:1-14). When Adam and Eve sinned, they were punished in ways that were different from each other.

Contrary to the uninformed ramblings of some, King David did not have a homosexual lover, and the Bible does not recognize six different sexual genders. However, Hebrew writings do reveal that six physical distinctions could be characterized as deformities.

Many people who identify as non-binary see themselves as those in the Bible who are eunuchs. However, eunuchs were not non-binary people. The word 'eunuch' comes from the Hebrew word 'saris,' which means incapable of marriage, an emasculated human male (ISBE). Eunuchs were enslaved people whose Masters trusted them to watch over their wives and daughters, be their couriers or diplomatic emissaries, military leaders, or fulfill other trusted roles. Interestingly, even though castration was forbidden in ancient Israel because God had commanded humans to be fruitful and multiply, they still did it anyway (see Genesis 1:28)


The Creator of the Universe gave us the Bible as the definitive authority and primary source for all eternal truth. It tells us that God created human beings as male and female - period! There is nothing in between. No one was born in the wrong body. As a result of the Fall in the Garden of Eden, human beings struggle with many issues, including Gender Dysphoria. God desires to heal their spirit, mind, and body, which can only begin when they receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

The Bible tells us that God did not create people with a non-binary identity or those with more than one gender, nor did He let them decide what they would be. There is no sex spectrum. Sexual gender is an "or" proposition, not a "both/and" proposition (See Deuteronomy 22:5; Psalm 139:13). Throughout the Bible, the vast majority of men and women are shown living within the biology they were born with.

Those suffering from Gender Dysphoria should receive our compassion and kindness, and we should meet and comfort them with God's love and merciful acceptance. We must always treat the hurting person with compassionate grace and teach our children to do the same so that we can help them realize that God created them with intricate and careful detail. We must also not let the father of lies use ideological pressure to intimidate us into believing the numerous gender myths. When you use someone's preferred gender pronoun corresponding with their expressed sexual gender identity and not their biological sex, you are bearing false witness against them (Exodus 20:16).

When you judge the behavior and beliefs of your fellow humans, you had better do so in a great deal of humility because every person, whether straight, LGBTQIAS+, or celibate, has only one righteous plea to make before their Maker; 'Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner.' Only when God has heard that appeal through the death and resurrection of Jesus is there any hope of abundant and eternal life for us.

In Christ, every human being can be justified in faith. God draws everyone to inherit His Kingdom. The choice to transition from sin by becoming Born-Again is theirs to make. Thanks be to God for His incredible mercy in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Christians are to treat one another as brothers and sisters - first and foremost. We must accept those with gender challenges just as we would anyone with any type of emotional or physical health issue. They must not be turned away from such things as small groups, church functions, or mission trips. The church is to be a spring of healing and fulfill the commandments of God. It must openly offer and affirm to those who desire to be set free, the way found only in Jesus, and show them kindness and grace as they learn what the Bible says about correct sexual and gender behavior. The ultimate challenge for every Christian is to allow the Holy Spirit to transform them "into His likeness with ever-increasing glory" (2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV).

It is time that the church puts away bigotry and prejudice against those who are not like them and walk in the merciful and kind goodness of God that "leads to repentance" and in the ministry of reconciliation and forgiveness so that we can fulfill God's Great Commandment by loving one another (Romans 2:4; 1 Corinthians 5:18-21; Matthew 22:32-40).

We must allow Jesus to be the healer through us by looking at others as He sees them - lost sheep in need of a Shepherd. Accept the sinner and not the sin without condoning their behavior, letting God "work out" their sins and failures. When we do, we will see the lives of everyone we touch healed as they righteously 'transition' into the image and likeness of Christ, thereby fulfilling the Great Commandment and Great Commission.


**If a Parent learns that their child is being taught Transgender theory in any form, filling in the legally vetted Letter below, and delivering it to the School Principal, is the first place to start. If a parent receives resistance from school leadership or a matter arises in school involving their child’s identity, they should resend a hard copy of this letter via FedEx/UPS or certified mail and copy the school Superintendent, school board chairman, and their family attorney, including “Esq.” and/or the name of the attorney’s law firm.



Sent via email to __________ and/or hand-delivered

Principal Name

School Name

Street Address

City, ST ZIP Code

Re: Parental Notice concerning [name of child(ren)] and issues related to Gender Identity Ideology at school

Dear Principal [Last name of Principal],

As parents and legal guardians of our minor child(ren), we/I exercise our/my right under the U.S. Constitution and the Constitution and laws of the State of ______________, to direct the upbringing, care, and education of our/my minor child(ren), and place school administrators on notice of the following:

WE/I DEMAND IMMEDIATE NOTIFICATION if my child ever expresses a different pronoun, name preference, or a different gender from his/her biological sex, or requests to be treated as any other identity that conflicts with his/her biological sex.

WE/I DO NOT CONSENT to my child receiving instruction or information on, or being subjected to a discussion concerning gender identity ideology, including but not limited to: transgenderism, gender identity, gender spectrum, gender dysphoria, alternate gender pronouns, pronoun preferences, clothes changing closets, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, gender reassignment surgery (“top” or “bottom” surgery), or similar related subject matter.

This shall also include exposure to or participation in any surveys, digital or physical instructional materials, internet websites, social media, chat rooms or similar digital platforms, curricula, writing prompts, videos, clubs, small groups, lunch discussions, or any similar materials or gatherings regarding any topics listed above.

WE/I DO NOT CONSENT to my child speaking to or meeting with any adults, teachers, counselors, librarians, other school officials, or third parties on or off campus regarding gender identity or any of the above subjects related to gender identity ideology. Such matters relate to mental and spiritual health which school personnel are not qualified or authorized to discuss without our/my prior notice, consent, and involvement.

WE/I DO NOT CONSENT to any manner of my child socially transitioning at school. “Social transitioning” involves treating an individual as something other than his or her biological sex and includes things such as addressing that person by alternative names and/or pronouns not associated with his or her biological sex, taking on the appearance of a different sex, using the privacy facilities (bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, overnight accommodations) of a different sex, or being included in activities (such as clubs or sports teams) reserved for a different sex. Properly understood, social transitioning a minor child is a significant mental health decision that school officials are not qualified or authorized to make and that necessitates the consent and involvement of a minor child’s parent(s).

WE/I DO NOT CONSENT to any referral of my child to a counselor, medical or mental health professional, or social worker, within or outside the school, including School Based Health Clinics (SBHC), for purposes of discussing or addressing issues related to my child’s gender identity, gender identity ideology, or any of the topics listed herein.

In addition to being medically controversial, such matters are directly contrary to our family’s Christian faith. Exposing our children to these materials, gatherings, or meetings violates our sincerely held religious beliefs.

Finally, should the school district interpret Title IX to require affirmation of a child’s asserted gender identity, please note that our constitutionally-protected parental rights to direct the upbringing, education, and medical and mental care of our child[ren] cannot be superseded by Title IX or any other federal statute.

We / I hereby request that we/I be given prior notice and instruct that our/my child be given alternative academic instruction during the same period that any presentation or instruction on any aspect regarding the above is provided.

We/I hereby direct that this notification be placed in our/my child[ren]’s permanent file[s] and be provided to all people instructing, advising, or interacting in any way with our/my child during the school year. Any violation of this notice will be the subject of further action to protect our/my child. We/I look forward to your prompt confirmation of receipt and your full compliance with the terms of this letter.



[Your name(s)]

Parent(s) of [child(ren) name(s)]

[Received by _____________________________]

cc: [Name of School Counselor]
