Summary: A sermon on being passionate for God.

Did you hear that?

Today I will share one scripture. I want to speak to you about the passion for God… Look at John 2:17

Then his disciples remembered this prophecy from the Scriptures: “Passion for God’s house will consume me.” John 2:17

I want to talk with you briefly today about being passionate for Jesus. I mean in a personal relationship way, not just the standard “I go to church” way.

I feel like we need to open our eyes and make things about what they are truly are and not just what they seem to be. What does that mean? I mean we need to begin to realize that what we see with our eyes, is not exactly what is happening. I mean it is time to get serious and quit just playing Christian. Not in a hard, obey the rules way. This is not a correction message to get on to you. Think of it as a wake-up moment. If you can come to your senses then your passion will flame. Your excitement will be different… it will be contagious.

How we feel about things are misguided at times. The emphasis is on the wrong thing. We lose out on the real importance of what is taking place. We let the excitement of what God is doing pass right by.

Take for instance someone who does not go to church but for some reason they think they might visit a church. That feeling like they would give church a try, to check it out… You need to hear this differently…more than just thinking they are leaning towards going to church, realize that it is God calling them to more in their life. It isn’t about going to so and so church. It is about entering into a relationship with God. They are feeling the desire to go to church because the Holy Spirit is drawing them in that direction. I can assure you it is not Satan enticing them to go. That is something that should excite you… It is not just them choosing a church, but more so it is God choosing them.

When someone asks you about your church, the service times or where it is located… do not just give a pat answer… Like… it is at 10 AM on Sunday, we would love to have you visit. NO… get excited… not even pretend excitement, but real excitement. And that is not possible unless you can really begin to see and expect God to do something. Rather than give a boring run of the mill answer, say something like this: “How awesome is that? That you can feel God calling you, tugging at you for more of Him. This is more than just God wanting you to come to church. This is God wanting you to come to Him. For you to have a personal relationship with Him”, That needs to be how you answer every time, because that is the reality of what is taking place. They need to realize it as well… They need to know and just think for a second that God is looking for them. That is something to be excited about. It is not phony, it is not manufactured and it is a life changing opportunity.

Let’s start to focus on having a real relationship with God and church is just a byproduct of that. Church isn’t the main thing… it is an important thing. It is something that you should be doing actively… but the relationship one on one with God is the key thing.

This goes beyond just someone feeling like they need to go to church. You see God is speaking, the Holy Spirit is drawing in so many things… things we leave Him out of the equation of the why? You need to see your walk with God; exactly as that. A walk with Him, a relationship… a growing, personal relationship with God the Father.

When you feel like you should be reading your Bible more, or that you should be spending time more time in prayer… open your eyes to what is taking place. That is more than you just checking off things you could do better… That is the Holy Spirit drawing you in to a closer walk with God. It isn’t just a thought that came to you of the blue… it is God pulling at you. THAT is YOU hearing from God… that you should excite you.

Think of it this way… your wife or your husband coming to you and letting you know that they would want to spend more time with just you. That they long for your attention and fellowship. That they want to have deep talks about life and the future. To discuss with you about the things you are going through. This isn’t just something you do because you have a marriage. These are things you do because you have a love for one another.

Just like in a marriage God is looking for more personal focused, intimate time with you. You might say you go to church every week… but think about this. How many married couples live in the same house but do not spend anytime with one another. You might be home but it doesn’t mean you are there. So, you might be coming to church… you might physically be there but your heart is not connecting at all. Do not come to church just to come to church… Come to church focused on coming into the presence of the Lord. Come determined to worship God… to reach out and touch Him… to experience the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Do not come looking for who is here… come looking for Jesus. Come with a hunger that can never be satisfied… a determination to grab a hold of Jesus and never let go.

Your conversations should change. Your relationship with God should become more personal, real and active. When someone asks you about church…

How was church today they might ask? It was good will no longer cut it… Can you imagine the look on their face when you answer with passion… with JOY… telling them that you met Jesus today… that you were able to spend time in His presence and it was amazing. Telling them it was a good service will not evoke a hungry response from them… Them saying; “Really… really… it was good. Oh I got to get me some of that” No… you will more than likely get a “That’s nice”. NO… it should be so much more than that.

Your experience with God should be one that others would like to more about… they would like to have for themselves. Not manufactured… but REAL

Can I tell you something? Church doesn’t need to be a like a first date… spending awkward time getting to know each other each week, because it has been a while since you seen each other. Having to spend your time repenting of things gone wrong… apologizing for not getting with God more during the week. Church needs to be just a continuation of the relationship you had all week. You need to have passionate time in prayer with God… you need to have eye opening time reading the Bible… where it jumps out at you, excites you!

Living for God is exciting whether anyone else is excited or not. Living for Jesus bears powerful fruit even if no one in your life experiences it. God is still in the business of answering prayers, even if those around you do not believe it. Do not let the wet towel of others put out your flame and passion for God.

Let me ask you… Do you feel like you should do better? Hello… that is God calling you. He wants to spend more time with you too. Recognize it for what it is. It is more than just a passing thought you are having… it is a drawing of the Holy Spirit on your life. Fan that flame.