Summary: "Oh, be careful little eyes what you see."

Psalms 101:3 I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.

If you were to go blind this second, what kind of things would you still see in your mind. Would they bring you comfort or torment?

Many of us have things flash through our minds during the day that we wish we had never seen. Early morning and late at night they might increase because our computer is trying to sort out the data we have input and it can bring up files we had not accessed in years and they may not be the files we ever wanted to access again.

During those times, we should repent of those files if we need to do that. If the devil starts condemning you for those thoughts or actions you can resist him by praising God that those sins are forgiven and remind him that his and his cohort's sins are not forgiven.

If they are painful files of past or present wounds then we should present them to Christ for healing. He can remove the pain and use you to help others that have been through that pain as you comfort them with what the Lord comforted you.

There are many evil or just unnecessary things that clamor for our attention and our eyes. We need to resist and fill our hearts/minds with things that would be pleasant to have sorted through our computer so that our mind's eyes will not cause our physical eyes to weep as we are tormented by those pictures and movies.

I am convinced that the constant replay of people's lives and seeing everything they did will be a part of the horrors of Hell. People endure physical pain better than emotional or mental pain. The flames may be an act of mercy to partially distract them from the torments of the mind. That is conjecture. I have no scripture for that so do not start a new doctrine or a church over that.

People split over whether Jonah died in the whale or not and that is not a good picture in God's mind. Let's start picturing unity as David said that was good and pleasant. (Psalms 133:1) That would have to put good things in our eyes and minds.

Bring smiles to your family. That may mean changing your language. Words of affirmation may not be your primary love language, but it is always good to know a second language. Spend time with what you find beautiful in the Lord, not your flesh. Watch Christian movies and sermons far more than secular things. Post your favorite verses on placards with some nice picture around your house. Look into the eyes of your spouse more often and dwell on their naked body not ones in the movies or the Net. Attend church more often as the fellowship and the worship will be a better picture than whatever you would be doing by not being there.

Movies rated R mean restricted. In most cases, it should mean raunchy. We need to keep our eyes RR rated meaning Restricted to Righteousness. PG should mean Paraclete Guided to the believer. Your mind will thank you, but even more your soul and spirit. Let's be blind to evil and have Christ's eyes as we walk through this war zone called life. Maranatha!