Summary: As we are inching closer to the Lord's return, the Lord is coming closer to His people, both spiritually and physically.

As we are inching closer to the Lord's return, the Lord is coming closer to His people, both spiritually and physically. Spiritually, there is going to be a revival among his people, and physically, as the Lord is coming physically close to earth, there will be many physical shakings and devastations. These external devastations and plagues are not intended to make you lose hope, but rather to remove your love and affection for material blessings and possessions. These external calamities will destroy the physical world and have an impact on the flesh, but your soul will be caught up in revival, where you will be filled with God’s overflowing joy and peace. There will be devastation everywhere, but God's people will be swept up in a revival and rejoice.

Those who look at the external things will see only destructions, while those who look inward will see a great revival. The peace and joy in the midst of catastrophes is what distinguishes God's people from others. In the midst of the turmoil, God's people will be filled with God’s overflowing joy and peace. Despite numerous disasters and plagues, people all around the world will only speak about revival. Disasters will appear normal, and the enemy will never be able to steal the joy of God’s people. There will be revival in, before and after devastations and plagues.

There will be revival before the devastations and plagues.

There will be revival in the midst of devastations and plagues.

There will be revival after devastations and plagues.

This revival will prepare us for Jesus' second coming. Many valleys of dry bones will be filled with God's life, and many thirsty lands will be filled with the fullness of God's life. People everywhere will be talking about the amazing revival that is taking place in the midst of catastrophes.

A large number of people, such as Esther, will be raised for such a time as this to be used in this revival. Just like Mordecai said to Esther in Esther 4:14, “Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”, maybe God has kept you in your current position or profession for such a time as this. God's timing is catching up with lot of Esther’s who are hidden in their field.

Many people like Esther will be raised from many professions to be instruments of this revival. They will come suddenly come on scene, as Esther came before the king to plead for the Jews. They will bring revival in every field.

Everyone will be surprised when these people appear, as they are the least of all those who can contribute to such a great task. Though they may have lived silently and in the shadows for many years, the moment has come for them to come on the scene and be a part of this great revival. There will be revival in every field, nation, and city. God's vessels will come suddenly on the scene and be used by God in this mighty revival. God's life will fill not only one valley of dry bones, but thousands of valleys of dry bones and millions of dry bones will be filled by God’s life. This revival will prepare us for the second coming of Jesus. Just like Korean revival of 1907 prepared the people for the Korean war, the end time revival will prepare us for the second coming of Jesus.

Prophetic rattling

There is a sound of prophetic rattling heard in the valley of dry bones around us. There is a sound of bones coming together, bone to bone, with sinews and flesh coming upon them. We are in a season where God’s life will fill all the valleys of dry bones in cities, church and nations and bring them to life. During Ezekiel’s time, only one valley of dry bones was filled with God’s life, but in this season all the valleys of dry bones will be filled with God’s life, forming an army of living God. There will be no more death and sickness in the valley of dry bones. The valleys of dry bones will be transformed into cities of living God, thriving with the life of Jesus.

Sound of chariots

In this season, there is a sound of chariots heard in the Spirit. The chariots which are prepared for end time war are about to come on the scene. Jesus (along with His army of heavenly hosts) is almost at the gates of heaven and will anytime soon enter the physical atmosphere of Earth. A spiritual alert for preparation for war is raised in the Spirit. Those who are spiritual sensitive can hear this alert. Jesus can arrive with his chariots anytime soon to fight against Satan's army. Time is short, and things are changing at a very faster pace. God's seasons are changing at an alarming rate. God is winding up this age and era to a close. Many things in heaven are also changing at a rapid pace.

Thrones are being put in place for the Ancient of days to take His rightful place. The Courts of the Ancient of Days will be convened soon. All these years, there was a fountain of living waters flowing from the cross, but now in the end times, there will be a river of fire flowing from His presence. Repent before the stream of living waters becomes a river of fire. Time is very very short for the second coming of Jesus.

Angelic activity

As the thrones were being put in place, it meant that the courts of the Ancient of Days was being prepared, which included the fulfilling of end-time plans, the formation of elders and scribes, and the construction of large auditoriums. Imagine how much vast auditorium would be required to hold millions of angels - it could potentially be as big as the universe. A large number of angels or working spirits are preparing this amphitheatre along with fulfilling God's end-time plans. Lot of angels or working spirits are fulfilling God’s end time plans. In the first coming of Jesus, an angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds who kept watch over their flock at night (Luke 2:28), just like that in this season, the angels of the Lord are appearing to a large number of faithful servants of God who keep watch over their congregations at all times, informing them about the approaching second coming of Jesus.

There is lot of angelic activity happening in this season. Many shepherds are awakened from their sleep and are made to weep between the porch and the altar. There is a sudden spiritual awakening in the lives of preachers, and they will prepare their congregations for the second coming. Many ministers of God will have sleepless nights, as God will make them to weep day and night, between the porch and the altar for their congregations.

God’s spirit will move mighty on His servants, causing them to weep for their congregations. Those servants who have not wept for their congregations for many years, will once again weep for their congregations. Tears for the lost and unsaved will get hold of the believers, and tears for congregations will get hold of the preachers. Everywhere there will be weeping for lost and unsaved. Every meeting will conclude in tears for those who are lost and unsaved. God is taking away all altar calls for blessings. There will be a short window for stage evangelism and evangelism campaigns. Altar calls for repentance, preparing for eternity, and sending missionaries to mission fields will be given once more.

God is about to raise preachers who will preach about eternity, heaven, and hell in this season. They will prepare you for eternity and teach you about millennium. They will prepare you on how to spend the next 1000 years in eternity with God.

In this season, God is about to move mightily on this land once again. Are you ready to be a part of this historic end time revival?