Summary: We as a church are the ‘Ekklesia’ set apart for the Lord. Let us understand how we can be those called apart people who can take a stand for the Lord and not compromise with the world.

We read in Matthew 16:18, “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”(ESV)

Jesus Christ said that He will build His church on the rock. Often people perceive that church is a building, and hence the first picture that comes to mind when we talk about going to church is that of people meeting in a certain kind of structure that we have called ‘church.’

The first point to note is that Jesus mentioned that it was ‘His Church’, which means that Jesus is the head of the church.

Secondly, Jesus is the one who also builds the church. To build the church is not about raising a building, but is about people being added to the church. This is what happened in the early church as thousands were added daily to the church. What this meant was that the multitudes that were going along with the ways of the world, those who were in darkness, in ignorance and in sin, came to the knowledge that Jesus as the Way, believed that there was no other way except Jesus, and surrendered their lives to Him. When such people join the church, wanting to see change and transformation in their lives, that’s when the church is being built up. Notice that this building up of the church, or adding souls into the Kingdom of God, is not done by any human beings, but by the Lord Himself. All of us therefore have been united in the church, by listening to the voice of God, and obeying Him.

Thirdly, the Lord said that ‘the gates of hell can never prevail against the church.’ Many imagine that there is a huge war going on between God in heaven, and Satan in hell. This is not so, for it is God’s who builds the church, and no one can stand against it. However, Satan strives hard to scatter God’s children who gather in the name of the Lord, as this goes against his evil plan to destroy everyone, and take them to hell. While God gathers His children, the devil’s goal is to scatter them.

Satan’s strategy against the church

Right here in our country, there is so much of opposition to the churches in various parts of our country. In many places church buildings, and property have been attacked and destroyed. Remember there are two ways in which Satan will work against the church. The first one is a direct attack on the church, with the thought that once the building is destroyed the church will also be destroyed. This is not so, for God dwells in the hearts of His people, and the bible clearly says that God does not dwell in temples made by hands. The second weapon in the hands of Satan is to make those of us who have separated themselves from the world, to compromise and become one with the world. While one is open attack the second one is subtle, and not so obvious.

For example there are many who engage in social drinking, and justify it as being harmless and causing no harm to anyone. Recently, in a survey done in our locality there was a shocking revelation that the percentage of children still in school who were addicted to drugs was quite high. This is not something to be taken lightly or be ignored, but something we should pray about as our children too are prone to these attacks. Therefore, as parents, and as a church we should be watchful and prayerful for the safety of our children. The enemy is constantly at work hoping to get God’s people to compromise in their beliefs, and become one with the world.

What is church?

The word church has its root in the Greek word ‘Ekklesia’ which means ‘those separated unto God and for God.’ This means that God chose us who were just ordinary people in this world, and called us out to be a special people for Himself. We are called to be with God, and to be used for His service. At one time we were one with the world, one with its traditions, and the Lord separated us from this, and united us to Himself.

Observe the twelve disciples of Jesus. All of them were called out from the world to be those in close communion with Jesus. Peter left his fishing profession, Matthew left his tax collector’s job and all other disciples left their professions to follow Jesus. What happened here was that there was a severing from the things of this world, and an attachment to Christ.

The same happened to Judas Iscariot too who broke away from the world, and made a commitment to be a disciple of Jesus. However, Judas Iscariot chose to get back into the world, and when he got attached to the world, he got detached from the Lord Jesus. Though Judas was with Jesus, he was unable to hold on to the anointing that was his because of his nearness to Jesus. Judas began to compromise when he decided that he wanted the Lord and the world, he wanted the Lord and the religious leaders, he wanted the Lord and money as well. As this process began Judas lost his closeness to Jesus, and became caught up with the world.

This is the devil’s scheme that as the Lord is building us up, Satan is busy trying to separate us from the Lord. We are a church not because we come together, but because we are a people separated unto the Lord. It is up to us to maintain this unison with the Lord, or to be detached from the Lord, and to become one with the world.

At that time when Jesus was observing the last Passover meal, He made a most astounding revelation to His disciples that the bread was His body that would be broken for them, and the wine the blood that would be shed for them. It was in that sacred place that Judas too was seated, and the Lord made Judas too take part in that sacred Passover meal. This means that right until the end, the hands of Jesus was stretched out towards Judas to welcome him back to Himself. Judas however separated himself from the Lord, and united himself with the world. Judas thought he had succeeded in his plans, and enjoyed the pleasures of his choice for a while. Jesus told him to not delay but to go, and to do whatever scheming he wanted to do quickly.

Think about this scene, Judas had the betrayal money with him, and as he brought the soldiers to arrest Jesus, he faked his love for Jesus by giving him a kiss, and called Jesus ‘Rabbi.’ Here was a man who was so close to Jesus, to whom Jesus had entrusted the treasury of the team, but such a man got separated from the Lord when he got attached to the world.

Judas Iscariot regretted his action, and tried to set things right by taking the money back to the religious leaders who allured him into the deal. He realized that he had betrayed innocent blood, but the response he got from the leaders was one of indifference and nonchalance, because the work they wanted to accomplish was finished through Judas, and they cared nothing about his predicament. Judas Iscariot was so heart-broken, and when he knew there was no way he could undo what he had done to Jesus, he ended his life.

As children of God let’s remember that sometimes Satan will attack us directly, and at other times he will allure us with small pleasures, and do all he can to draw us away from the Lord. For example a dealer who wants to get someone addicted to drugs will offer it free for the first time. A person who gets addicted to alcohol is tempted to enjoy himself to the maximum. Satan’s ploy is to make sin so pleasurable that people are enticed not knowing that he is a liar, and the father of lies. God’s children should make sure that once we have been disconnected themselves from the world that we should remain the same, and not get entangled in it sinful pleasures all over again, because God has separated us to be His own.

Holiness is defined by people in many ways. I believe holiness is being exclusively set apart from the world, for the Lord’s service, as a holy people of God. At home we use various cloths for various purposes. For example we have a cloth to shine our shoes, so also some have a cloth near the wash basin to wipe our hands, and there are others who use a cloth to wipe vessels after they are washed. Every cloth has a specific purpose. If a little child in that home took a cloth that is used for cleaning vessels, and wiped his shoes with it, that cloth will never again be used to wipe and clean vessels. So also, if we forget that we are consecrated, holy and a people separated for the Lord, and compromise with the world, it becomes very difficult to become a useful vessel in the hands of the Lord. We must never forget this identity, and also teach them to our children that we as a church of God are a chosen, and called out people.

We read in Revelation 2:14, But there are a few things I have against you: there are some among you who follow the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak how to lead the people of Israel into sin by persuading them to eat food that had been offered to idols and to practice sexual immorality. (GNB)

This is part of the letter to the church at Pergamum. It seemed that there were some within the church who were causing others to falter in their faith, just like Balaam misled Balak.

While God unites the church, anyone who tries to scatter the people in the church will always be defeated in the end. When we cause someone to stumble, we cause them to leave the fellowship of the church, and this is unacceptable to God.

In Revelation 2:16, we read, “Now turn from your sins! If you don't, I will come to you soon and fight against those people with the sword that comes out of my mouth.” (GNB)

If we compare this passage of scripture in Revelation to the Old Testament passage in Numbers 23 where the word of God comes to Balaam, there too the Lord withstood the rebellious prophet with a sword.

No one who rises up against the church, and tries to scatter the people of God will ever prevail against God and His church. The Lord is building His church, and people are being added daily, and the gates of hell can come against it. God is able to protect His church from the attacks of the enemy, and He will fight for His people.

Let us look at the characteristics of the church

• A people set apart

We read in Numbers 23:9, “I see these people from the mountain. I see them from the high hills. They live alone. They are not part of another nation.” (ERV)

This was the testimony of Balaam about the people of Israel, that they were a people who live alone, and do not mingle with the nations around them.

The first characteristic of the church is that we are a people ‘set apart’ by the Lord, and for the Lord. Though we live in the world we are not like people of the world. The question we need to ask is, ‘Is this true for all of us who are part of the church?’ If you are a student, you should be distinct from others, and not compromise with your peers. This means we choose to be different, and not conform to the ways of those who are with us. It is easy to blend in with the world, and do what everyone else is doing. The reason for this is that they do not want to be shunned by their peers, but want to be accepted by others.

This also happens in family get-togethers when we have unbelieving family members also join us. Often many want to compromise, and join in drinking with them just so that they do not feel left out. It is at those times that we have to take a stand and maintain our witness and God’s children, failing which Satan will gradually allure us into his trap.

One young man shared a testimony with me. He was being pressured to do some unethical things in his work place, and when he refused to do so other colleagues began to look at him differently and shunned him. As he prayed the situation changed, and those who dealt deceitfully were removed, and the Lord protected this young man.

Only when we don’t compromise as individuals, we will be able to stand together as a church. This is what the people of Israel did when they lived alone, and separated themselves from the nations around them. When we choose to please the Lord we will feel alone. There are many who feel why they are being side-lined by others, we must know that the spirit within us and theirs are not one and hence we are relinquished by them.

If you feel this kind of loneliness let us read Deuteronomy 33:28, “So Israel lived in safety, Jacob lived alone, in a land of grain and wine, whose heavens drop down dew.”(ESV)

We see God’s assurance that Israel will live in safety though Israel lives alone. It is true sometimes that we will be rejected by our family, at our work place or even at church or in our ministries. Nonetheless, we continue to live for the Lord, and do not compromise with the world. If there are those who feel they should please everyone, it will turn out to be a trap. As much as is possible we must live at peace with everyone, but it sure does not mean we have to compromise with people in everything. Sometimes when we take a stand we will be referred to as ‘Holy Joe’ but we have to maintain our testimony anyhow. It takes courage to stand up for what’s right be it at work, with our friends or family in every choice we make. If we compromise, we may feel things are going good, and we are successful, but in the end we will not have joy, but great sorrow. Remember that we are called to live alone, but we will live with God’s blessings, and in safety. As we stand for the Lord we may be hated by some and even looked down by others. Let’s not lose heart but keep running the race that God has set before us.

We read in Genesis 6:5, “The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” (ESV)

We also read in Genesis 6:9 that, “These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation. Noah walked with God.” (ESV)

The times in which Noah lived was a time when the world was filled with wickedness. In the midst of this generation, Noah lived a righteous life. You can imagine as Noah preached to the people and continued building the ark, the people must have jeered at him, and thought he was insane because he preached destruction and judgement from the Lord. All this would have continued until the rains started. On that day there was a big difference between those who walked with the Lord, and those who didn’t. Only Noah and his family of eight got into the ark, and were saved from the floods, and the destruction. Everyone else slighted the warning, and would have ostracized Noah, but in spite of it all Noah continued to walk with the Lord. He kept doing the work that God has assigned to him.

Every time you want to be set apart, and live for the Lord you too will feel alone, and rejected. However, remember that a day is coming when God will make a clear demarcation between those who are His, and those who are not. Now that you have chosen to come out, and be a child of God, do not get entangled again with the things of this world. Let us learn to say ‘no’ and let us never compromise. Also be careful as to who you entertain in your home, and whom you engage in conversation with. We should not get involved in conversations, but rather put an end to conversations, that will draw us away from the Lord. It is Satan’s ploy to use people to ensnare us, and make us compromise in our stand for the Lord. If we are watchful we will overcome the darts of the evil one. If we have compromised earlier, let’s decide to not do so but continue in the ways of the Lord so we can fulfil His plans for our lives. During the days of Noah if everyone had repented God would have relented, but sadly only Noah and his family were saved. Our associations with some people will defile our hearts, our minds and our lives.

May God help us to live alone, and in safety just like the people of Israel did. Let us never compromise, but heed the warning in Matthew 24:37, “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”(ESV) The people in Noah’s days were careless, and did not heed the warnings, but compromised and rejected Noah and his preaching. The choice is ours to entertain people and compromise with them, or to be different and stand alone with the Lord. May our relationship with the Lord never be severed, and let us be willing to lose everything else but never lose our relationship with the Lord. The Lord will help us be victorious, and overcome all the wiles of the evil one, and live a life of no compromise.

Rev. F. Andrew Dixon

Transcribed by: Sis. Esther Collins