Summary: Gideon delivered the Israelites from the Midianites, but he would never have done it without the encouragement of his servant Purah. Leaders and churches today need a host of Purahs to help us succeed.


Judges 7:10-11



1. A lady walked by a pet store. A talking bird at an open window looked at her and squawked, “Hey Lady! You’re ugly!” She harrumphed & went on. Next day she passed by again and the bird said again, “Hey Lady! You’re ugly!” She got even madder.

2. It happened again the third day, so she stormed into the store and accosted the manager, “This is an outrage! This is harassment! You must stop this bird from insulting people!” The owner said, “Don’t worry Ma’am, I’ll take care of it right away!”

3. The next day the lady walked by again and the bird was silent. She felt vindicated. When she was almost out of range, the bird said, “Hey Lady!” She looked back and he said, “You Know!”


Judges 6:12 When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said, "The LORD is with you, mighty warrior." 7:16 Dividing the 300 men into three companies, he placed trumpets and empty jars in the hands of all of them, with torches inside. 18 When I and all who are with me blow our trumpets, then from all around the camp blow yours and shout, 'For the LORD and for Gideon.'" 20 The three companies blew the trumpets and smashed the jars. Grasping the torches in their left hands and holding in their right hands the trumpets they were to blow, they shouted, "A sword for the LORD and for Gideon!" 21 While each man held his position around the camp, all the Midianites ran, crying out as they fled. 22....the LORD caused the men throughout the camp to turn on each other with their swords. The army [of the Midianites] fled... Judges 6:12; 7:16,18,20-22.


1. This is the story of Gideon's great victory. But tonight I want to introduce you to a Bible character who was personally responsible for this victory. You would probably say, "Then that would be Gideon." Gideon would not have been able to conquer without this key individual.

2. Notice: Gideon by nature was always fearful:

a. When first called, Gideon was hiding in a wine press;

b. Gideon destroyed the altar of Baal by night because he was afraid of the people;

c. He was so nervous about fighting the Midianites that he had to have a double confirmation by the fleece.

d. And again here, with the 300, his courage waned and he wouldn't have gone into battle but for a human instrument which gave him courage.

3. God had said, "You’re the mighty man of valor! You're the man I'm going to use to defeat the Midianites!" But let's go back to chapter 7:9; “During that night the LORD said to Gideon, "Get up, go down against the camp, because I am going to give it into your hands.

4. Now if God told you ‘it's a done deal’, couldn't you believe God? But then God added, as he spoke to Gideon, “If you are afraid to attack, go down to the camp with your servant Purah and listen to what they are saying. Afterward, you will be encouraged to attack the camp." So he and Purah his servant went down to the outposts of the camp” (vss. 10-11).


1. Every home needs a Purah; every great leader needs a Purah. Purah was Gideon's servant, but also his friend and companion. Gideon had 300 mighty men, but they couldn't give Gideon comfort or courage; only Purah could. Gideon had to turn to someone who could lend strength to him.

2. Let me say something about leadership. Leadership is not as brave as you think it is. You think your dad is so strong and powerful; you think your parents are so strong and invincible; you think your pastor always has victory in Jesus?

3. The truth is, every leader I’ve ever met had an element of fear. Often times they’re scared to death. But, thank God, He also sends them Purah’s.



1. A Purah stands in the shadows while Gideon stands in the limelight. Nobody talks about Purah’s 300. We have many Purah’s working in the preschool and nursery. People like Burt & Christina Vimont, the Buchecks, Mrs. Faith, Deanna Gustafson, Helen Farmer and many more. I appreciate the Board members, who stand in the gap and strengthen the hands of leadership.

2. Wives often support their husbands when they face a crisis or discouragement; they’re Purah’s to them. Daughters are often strengths to their mothers.


1. Look at verses 10 and 11. God had said to Gideon, "I'll go with you, mighty man of valor." But Gideon was still weak, afraid -- second-guessing himself. Don’t we do that? Then our spouse says, "Honey, you're doing such a good job, I believe in you. We're going to see this through, together!"

2. CBS News anchor Dan Rather admitted he was fascinated by the sport of boxing, even though he was never good at it. "In boxing you're on your own; there's no place to hide," he says. "At the end of the match only one boxer has his hand up. That's it. He has no one to credit or to blame except himself."

3. Rather, who boxed in high school, says his coach's greatest goal was to teach his boxers that they absolutely, had to be "get up" fighters. "If you get knocked down but you get back up again, it's an never-to-be-forgotten experience. Your sense of achievement is distinct and unique. And sometimes the only thing making you get up is someone in your corner yelling." [Reader's Digest, December, 1990]

4. Purahs stand in the shadows, shouting strength and encouragement.


And Purahs always join the fight. They don't just say a few words and pat you on the back, but they pick up their swords and enter the battle with you and fight alongside you.


God has sent many Purahs to me over the years, who have lifted my hands. Can you think of the Purahs in your life?


1. I remember when I was going to school as a child and got an “F” in a class. I was so terribly discouraged and told my mother, "I just can't do geometry!" But she responded, "Yes you can son! You're smart and capable. You can do it!"

2. Mothers are often Purah’s to their children; they breathe in love and encouragement to make them a success.

3. Edward Steichen, who eventually became one of the world's most renowned photographers, almost abandoned his dream. At 16, he bought a camera and took 50 photos. Only one turned out -- a portrait of his

sister at the piano. Edward's father thought that was a poor showing. But his mother insisted that the photograph of his sister was so beautiful that it more than compensated for 49 failures. Her encouragement convinced the younger to stick with his new hobby. He stayed with it for the rest of his life. What tipped the scales? The spot of excellence noticed in the midst of his failure. [Bits & Pieces, February 4, 1993, pp. 4-5].


1. Teachers are often Purah’s to their students. They encourage them when the kids feel like quitting. I can remember two different teachers who helped me and helped establish my self-esteem level.

2. Our hats are off to all of our teachers – whether in private school, public school, Sunday school or other outreach to children -- thank you for bringing encouragement to kids so they will keep learning!


1. I know several Grandparents who are the Purah’s to their grandchildren. They rescue another generation. They breathe encouragement into their grandkids.

2. That's what grandparents do; that's what wives do; that's what church workers and pastors do.


Often, when I'm blue and don't even realize I look that way, Angela is the greatest encouragement to me. She has just the right word for me. She says, “Quit worrying. Either resolve it or give it to God and forget about it but don't let it depress you without a resolution.”


1. Many times we have been encouraged by other Christians, especially more mature Christians who

were friends and, pastors.

2. A Purah keeps their eyes open for other fellow believers who look discouraged or who drop out, and tries to bring them back to the fold.



So many grandparents are raising their grandkids; you're being a Purah. Angela & I raised our grandson Gage for 7 years, until our daughter overcame her addiction. Gage was spared from a horrible life and is graduating high school this year – he's a fine young man now.


Our spouses and kids need our encouragement. I remember the funny story of the little boy who said to his father: "Let's play darts. I'll throw and you say 'Wonderful!'"


Think of how many times Jesus told someone, “Do not be afraid!” or “Only believe!” or “All things are possible with God.” Jesus was an encourager, a faith-builder in everyone around Him. Part of His mission was to build up the faith of the people around Him. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every Christian took that as their mission?



1. One man who was ousted from his desk job had to work as a common laborer to put bread on the table. He was suddenly plunged into heat and struggle, pushing a wheel barrow of concrete up a ramp to the fifth level of a construction site.

2. Gone was the piped-in classical music, air conditioning, and perfumed air. Now he endured blaring music, unbearable heat, and toil. Profanity shot through the air, as frustration or intimidation; "Can't you do anything right? I never worked with such a bunch of worthless people in all my life..."

3. Near the end of the third week, he felt like he couldn’t take it anymore; it was time to quit. "I'll work till break time this morning, and then I’ll quit" he told himself. But at break time, he decided to wait until lunchtime to quit.

4. Shortly before noon, the foreman came around with paychecks. As he handed the man his envelope, "Hey, there's a woman working in the front office who knows you. Says she takes care of your kids at church. She says to say ‘Hi.’”

5. When the he opened his envelope, he found, along with his check, a handwritten note from the payroll clerk: "When one part of the body of Christ suffers, we all suffer with it. Just wanted you to know that I'm praying for you these days." He stared at the note, astonished at God's timing. He hadn't even known the woman worked for this company. Here at his lowest hour, she gave him the courage to go on, to push another wheelbarrow of mortar up that ramp. [Dean Merrill, Another Chance, Zondervan, 1981, p. 138].


1. Our church has many Purahs -- singers, drivers, workers, ushers, those who give, musicians, etc. -- that stand in the shadows and make the work of the church go forward. Thank you for being Purahs!

2. I hope you're saying to yourself, "I'm leaving here with determination to be a Purah to someone." Can you think of someone you could be a Purah to?

3. How many of you here tonight could stand some encouragement? Stand – we want to pray for you.