Summary: Saul’s actions after having been called, stricken blind, and healed are a model for each of us to follow when it comes to being obedient to Jesus. Would we be so bold today as to willingly allow our lives to be changed by Him?

To the Ends of the Earth, Part 12

Saul’s Radical Conversion and Fellowship

Acts 9:1-22


- Welcome to Seasons Church & 2024 sermon series, “To the Ends of the Earth”

-- In 2023 we unpacked the beginning of all history (Creation/Fall/Promise)

-- And we looked ahead, anticipated the coming & victory of Jesus (Revelation)

-- But, in order to get to the end, we have to be busy doing the work now (Acts)

- Last week we saw a faithful servant: Philip who was willing follow God’s call

-- He was called to go a desert road – and he willingly went to be available

-- His mission was simple: evangelize and present the Gospel to a seeker

-- This is exactly the same command or example we have right now

-- Our direction is to go and make disciples … at any cost … we must GO!

- Today, we’ll introduce ourselves to one of the most pivotal men of the NT

-- Many know of Saul (later Paul), today I want us to know of his testimony

-- Not just his conversation, but what his obedience meant to changing his life

- Read Acts 9:1-22 / Pray

- TR: Saul has a dramatic experience, and a choice to make, when …

Point 1 – Jesus confronts Saul

- RE: Saul’s life, or his purpose, is to tear down the church by persecution

-- His desire is simple: For the name of Jesus to be eliminated (v1-2)

- He literally takes in (or embodies) the hatred of the world against Christ

-- Greek: empneó; to breathe (on), to inhale

-- And then exhales it as fuel to destroy what it signifies

-- Greek: apeilé; threats. AND Greek: phonos; murder

-- APP: Saul is a one-man wrecking machine against the Church

- Miraculously, a light comes from heaven, as if out of nowhere (v3)

-- It was brighter than the noon sun, and in it Saul saw the risen Christ

- Know this: God is light, His very presence is signified by light …

-- It is why we left the lights on this morning – darkness is expelled by light!

-- DEEPER: In order for men to be saved, His light must penetrate their soul

- Saul has a conversation with Christ, one that will change his life forever (v4-5)

-- He is asked a straightforward question … “Why are you doing these things?”

-- Notice his response: He calls Jesus ‘lord’ … why? Why does this matter?

- Because when the creation meets the Creator, you knows voice that it is!

-- Opposing or refusing Christ is a choice that leads to destruction …

- Saul’s response, even though it is not said, is shown in his action (v6)

-- Jesus gives him a direction, and his response is one of obedience, or surrender

-- APP: He heard and acknowledged Christ, and followed the orders given to him

-- ‘Get up and go’ - There is no discussion, no debate, just a command to move

- Know this … this was for Saul, but it was experienced by others (v7)

-- They were not privy to the visual, nor did they experience Christ’s calling

-- But, traveling on the road with Saul they also heard the Lord’s voice

-- They would have seen Saul fall to the ground, seen him cry out, and respond

- Interesting: Notice how they heard His voice, but did not respond to it!

-- BIG: Tells us it is possible to hear God’s voice, and choose to ignore it! (exp.)

- Then, they would have seen his reaction – his obedience to Jesus’ instruction

-- Saul got up, dusted himself off … but was now stricken totally blind (v8-9)

-- SEE: He had to be helped into town – helped by his partners bent on killing!

- Don’t miss the obvious: Saul is now isolated from the world he knew

-- All of his rage, all his authority, his purpose of destruction has been replaced

-- He would even have to depend on others to get him there; to not lean on himself

- Coming face to face with Jesus, he has realized something: he is not in charge!

-- So much so, that for three days he was traumatized and not even be able to eat

-- Consider the radical effect of this 180 he has just had done in his life

- TR: We must see, there is a huge lesson for us as we continue on …

Point 2 – New believers require discipleship to flourish!

- Every believer, regardless of their walk of life, has three basic needs

-- APP: This is where the church comes in (not the bldg., but the people!)

Need 1: To receive help from believers (v10-15)

- Ananias was a man who was sensitive to God’s call, spent time with him (prayer)

-- He is not one of the disciples, or even an elder, just a regular servant of God

-- Ananias was faithful to pray – willing to listen – but not afraid to question

-- Why? Because he is being faithful to confirm; to pray and seek God

- IMP: He is not doubting God, but he is leaning in – confirming the call (v13)

-- Even though he sensed inadequacy / apprehension: Was Saul really a convert?

-- APP: Ananias was willing to obey, willing to (RE: “get to - not have to”)

Need 2: To have confidence in God’s calling (v15-16)

- He is given a clear explanation: Saul will be the messenger to the Gentiles

-- God is telling Ananias that this man’s life is changed, that he has a purpose

-- And in this, he (Ananias) will be part of fulfilling that – to be obedient to God

-- APP: Great lesson for us … what is God telling you to do today?

Need 3: To experience the ministry of Godly followers (v17-18)

- Every believer needs partnership, needs others to come alongside of them

-- It is the new convert that is easily swayed away, and it’s the same today

-- Ananias is called to be faithful – to go and pray for him – to be a comfort

-- Consider the change in Saul’s life over last three days … comfort is a MUST!

-- APP: For us, there can be no greater example to see than his obedience

- TR: Now, here is our challenge right now, a challenge we can take away

-- Yes, we must first receive (plan of salvation …) but what then? What’s next?

-- What Saul receives AFTER his experience is a blueprint for the Christian life

-- Here is our last point, and using Saul we can answer this question …

Point 3 – How can we live for Jesus in 2024?

- Saul’s actions, after having been healed (v18), are a model for each of us

-- Look at how the next few verses tell us what he did, and what we can do also

-- CH: Want you to consider: if you know Jesus, do you remember doing this?

-- Do you remember receiving from others – remember being willing to learn?

-- FACT: In 2024, this is the purpose of Seasons, and why we will reach out!

-- Look at how Saul responds to the restoration of his sight – and his calling:

• He cared for himself physically (v19)

- The first order of business was to eat and drink, to restore his strength

-- Saul began by taking care of his body so that he could do the work ahead

-- No magic formula here … eat good things, exercise, get rest, etc.

• He joined and identified with other disciples (v19)

-- He desired to have fellowship, to experience the strength of others

-- BIG: Do you desire to hang out with other believers in this same way?

-- TJ: I know that church can be messy, people are messy, but put it aside!

• He preached immediately (v20)

- Having been restored, his first response is to testify about what Jesus has done

-- He preached the resurrection, the restoration, and the forgiveness he received

-- CH: If you are not sharing what Jesus has done, what ARE you sharing?

• He stood as a faithful testimony to the faith (v21)

- I think it is safe to use the word ‘zealous’ here … he was truly on fire for Jesus!

-- Even under the persecution of doubt (he’s on the other side now, isn’t he?)

-- He preaches with confidence and assurance in his own future in Christ

• He was faithful and steadfast, continued his life with Christ (v22)

- Even his doubters could see he had changed: What changed him? Jesus!

-- He has gone from a murderous blasphemer … to a messenger of grace!

-- Lesson for us: Even the farthest one from Christ can be redeemed


- Maybe you need to go back to the beginning and try being refreshed?

-- I am not talking about being re-saved … that is not scriptural

-- Talking about being renewed … seeking the Lord, longing after Him

-- Maybe someone of us are long overdue to have an experience like this

-- To hear from God and seek His face … to desire His hand on our life

-- Maybe we need to remember the joy of our salvation … to be like Saul (Pray)