Summary: Mirroring our moments of significant life events, setting the stage for a profound narrative of sacrifice and devotion

"Beloved congregation, let's imagine we are stepping into a time of great anticipation, like the night before a significant event like a wedding, where the air is filled with expectancy and excitement. This is how we enter the scene of Matthew 26, where Jerusalem buzzes with tension and the sense of imminent change. Just as we feel the thrill of something big about to happen on a holiday eve, so does Jerusalem stand on the brink of a momentous event.

In this charged atmosphere, just before Passover, we are drawn into a story of deep intrigue and the looming reality of the cross. As Jesus prepares to complete His mission on earth, we witness a moving act of sacrifice and devotion. In Bethany, a woman anoints Jesus with costly perfume, a gesture beyond simple devotion, foreshadowing Christ's ultimate sacrifice for our salvation. This act is not just a personal tribute but a powerful sign pointing to Jesus' great act of love.

Imagine this perfume as a special, once-in-a-lifetime gift, much like those precious moments that are cherished and remembered. Through this act of anointing, we are invited to ponder the true meaning of sacrifice and devotion. It's like seeing the heart of Jesus' journey to the cross, encouraging us to truly understand and embrace the profound love and selflessness at the heart of our faith."

Point 1: Beyond Price: The Alabaster Sacrifice

In our narrative, we encounter a woman with an alabaster jar of pure nard, which represents something much greater than monetary value. This reminds us of a billionaire known for his immense success and wealth, who consistently wore a watch that appeared worn and nearly broken. Curious onlookers often wondered why he didn't replace it with a luxurious timepiece befitting his status. The billionaire's response was profound: the watch was a priceless gift from his mother during his early days of struggle. She had invested her trust and all she had in buying this watch to boost his confidence. For him, no other watch, regardless of its cost or grandeur, could ever compare to this watch's sentimental and irreplaceable value. Like the woman's alabaster jar, the watch symbolizes the depth of value found in love and sacrifice, transcending the mere financial worth of objects.

In the story we explore today, the woman with her alabaster jar steps into the sacred history, not with a treasure meant for the market, but with a priceless perfume, signifying her deep devotion. As she breaks the jar and anoints Jesus, her action transcends a mere financial sacrifice; it becomes a profound expression of love and surrender, a personal heirloom of her faith. This act is beautifully encapsulated by the words, "Love is not measured by how much you give, but by how much you sacrifice." – Unknown. Her gesture exemplifies this truth, showing that the most genuine forms of love are often found in the most selfless acts of sacrifice.

This act mirrors the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesus on the cross, where He poured out not just a physical possession but His very life for our redemption. Like the woman's offering, his sacrifice transcends the tangible and enters the realm of divine love, offering us salvation and inviting us into a life of surrendered devotion.

As we reflect on this, we are reminded that in God's kingdom, the true value isn't found in material wealth but in our willingness to give of ourselves, to pour out our lives in service and devotion to Him. The woman's perfume and Jesus' sacrifice teach us that the greatest value lies in what we give from the heart, not our hands.

Thus, as we delve into this story, let's allow it to challenge us to view our own lives through the lens of heavenly value, where sacrifice and devotion are the true measures of worth. Let's allow it to guide us to live in a way that honors the sacrificial love demonstrated by Jesus.

Point 2: Beyond Recognition: Anointing the Eternal King

"In the act of the woman anointing Jesus, we see far more than a simple gesture of love; it is a powerful statement of Jesus' true identity as our King. Imagine someone in our time bestowing a rare and precious gift upon a leader, not just for their role but for who they truly are. With her jar of costly perfume, this woman didn't just honor a teacher; she honored a King, acknowledging Jesus' unmatched authority and power. Her actions broke through the norms of her day, boldly declaring Jesus as Lord, even before the world recognized Him as such.

As we reflect on this, let's also consider the cross, where Jesus, the supreme King, demonstrated His absolute rule over all. His sacrifice wasn't just about forgiveness of sins; it was a declaration of His control over life and death. By dying, He defeated death; by rising, He showcased His eternal reign. In the words of Scripture, "Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" (Philippians 2:9-11). This passage powerfully affirms Jesus' sovereignty and eternal kingship, underlining the profound truth of His lordship over all creation.

This leads us to ponder Christ's role as Lord in our lives, recognizing that our identity and worth are found in Him. A humble potter named Eli and his son Joshua lived in a small village. Their work was overlooked despite their skill until Eli passed away, leaving Joshua to continue his legacy. When a merchant discovered Joshua's exquisite pottery and asked about his identity, Joshua said, "I am the son of Eli." His recognition came not through his own name but through his father's legacy.

Likewise, our acknowledgment of Jesus as Lord is more than lip service; it is living in a way that reveals His rule over our lives. We are known not just by our actions but by whose we are, children of the King. Just as Joshua's identity was tied to his father, Eli, our lives should reflect our relationship with Christ, our sovereign King. Through our devotion, sacrifices, and daily actions, we demonstrate that we are under His lordship, embracing the faith that declares Jesus as Lord for God's glory, much like Joshua, who was honored not merely for his pottery but as "the son of Eli."

So, in our daily journey, let's ensure that our deeds, words, and heart attitudes highlight this truth: Jesus Christ is Lord. We see the perfect King in Him, whose authority and value are unmatched. Let this understanding guide us, making His lordship the central theme of our lives."

Point 3: Beyond Preparation: Anointing for Eternity

"In that special moment when the woman anointed Jesus with expensive perfume, something much bigger was happening. Jesus saw her act as something more than just kindness. He said, 'She has done a beautiful thing to me,' seeing it as a preparation for His coming death. Without perhaps fully realizing it, she was getting Jesus ready for His burial, hinting at the great sacrifice He was about to make that would change history.

This moment reflects God's bigger plan, where Jesus' death was not just an end but a step toward something amazing — His resurrection, which opens the door to eternal life for us. Through His sacrifice, Jesus was making a way for us to be with Him forever, defeating death and building a bridge for us to be with God forever. His resurrection was more than just a triumph over death; it was an affirmation of His eternal kingship and a profound act of solidarity with humanity. Jesus, in rising from the dead and ascending to heaven, was not only preparing a place for us but also choosing to forever be our King, despite our sinfulness, finiteness, and limitations.

By assuming our flesh, Jesus declared an everlasting love, saying, in essence, "I love you so much that I became like you to elevate you to be like me." Through His resurrection and ascension, He has elevated our human nature to the heavenly realms, showing us that our relationship with Him transforms our identity and destiny. In this divine exchange, we see the depth of Jesus' commitment to us, as He took on our humanity to grant us a share in His divine life, forever bridging the gap between our finite existence and His eternal kingship.

This story brings us to an important point about being prepared in our Christian life. Like the woman prepared Jesus for what was coming, and Jesus prepared a place for us, we are also called to be ready. Our time on earth is about getting prepared for the eternal life that comes after. Everything we do in faith, every act of kindness, every time we surrender, is part of our journey toward our forever home with Jesus.

Preparation reminds us to live with heaven in mind, focusing on what lasts forever. It reminds us to be conscious of how we prepare ourselves and others for our final destination in heaven. Following Jesus' example, who gave His all, we should also do our best to serve, love, and dedicate ourselves to helping others walk toward eternal life with Christ.

In wrapping up, the act of the woman anointing Jesus and His great sacrifice on the cross comes together to show us how important it is to be ready. Reflecting on these truths, let's embrace the call to prepare, living every day in the light of Jesus' loving sacrifice, getting ourselves and others ready for the eternal joy of being with our King."


"As we combine our thoughts, we see the deep connection between the woman's loving act and Jesus' great sacrifice. She anointed Jesus, showing her love and hinting at His upcoming sacrifice. This moment was a sign of her respect and a preview of Jesus' journey to the cross, where He saved us. The scent of the perfume she used symbolizes Jesus' sacrifice, reminding us of the eternal life He offers, overcoming death, and giving us hope for heaven. This makes us wonder: does our way of living reflect the kind of deep love Jesus showed us? Inspired by the woman's act and Jesus' ultimate sacrifice, we should aim to live in a way that honors Him and His rule over us.

So, let's promise again to live out sacrifice and devotion in our actions, showing our respect and love for Jesus. He showed us what it means to love sacrificially, giving us the strength to lead lives that praise His name. Let's be motivated and empowered to keep honoring Jesus in everything we do, showing His love and authority in our everyday lives. As 1 John 3:16 reminds us, 'This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.' This Scripture encapsulates the call to mirror the sacrificial love of Jesus, challenging us to live lives marked by such devotion and love."