Summary: As believers, we are called to protect and care for our loved ones, and one way to do this is by seeking spiritual protection against harm and negative energy.

As believers, we are called to protect and care for our loved ones, and one way to do this is by seeking spiritual protection against harm and negative energy. In the Bible, we find references to thorns and hedges as symbols of protection and defence.

The Thorn of Hedges in Scripture

In the Bible, thorns and hedges are mentioned as a means of protection and defence. For example, in Hosea 2:6, God says, "I will block her path with thorns; I will wall her in so that she cannot find her way." Here, God is using thorns as a means of protection, blocking the path of harm and negative energy.

Similarly, in Isaiah 5:5-6, we read, "Now I will take away their harvest, says the Lord. There will be no more grapes on the vine, no more figs on the tree, and no more leaves on the trees. I will take away their protection, and their city will be torn down." In this passage, God is removing the protection of the thorns and hedges, leaving the city vulnerable to harm.

Using Thorn of Hedges for Protection

So how can we use Thorn of Hedges as a protection against harm or negative energy directed towards our loved ones? Here are some ways to apply this biblical principle:

- Pray for a Hedge of Protection: Ask God to place a hedge of protection around your loved ones, just as He did for Job in Job 1:10.

- Use Thorn of Hedges in Prayer: Use thorns or hedges as a symbol of protection in your prayers, asking God to block the path of harm and negative energy.

- Create a Protective Barrier: Plant thorns or hedges around your home or property as a physical reminder of God's protection.

How can we apply this truth to our lives?

- Ask God to place a hedge of protection around you and your loved ones.

- Trust in God's protection and defense, just as the Israelites trusted in the thorns and hedges that surrounded their camps.

- Remember that God is our refuge and strength in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1).

Bible Verses for Protection

Here are some Bible verses you can use to pray for protection over your loved ones:

- "You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance." (Psalm 32:7)

- "The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore." (Psalm 121:7-8)

Let us rest in the protective power of Thorn of Hedges. May we trust in God's care and defence, knowing that He surrounds us with His love and protection. As we go through life's journey, may we find comfort in the knowledge that God is our protector and defender. Remember to always pray for protection over your loved ones, and trust in God's promises to keep them safe.