Summary: Based on 2 Kings 20 - Encourages hearers to not squander the second chances that God gives to us.


FBCF – 5/5/24

Jon Daniels

INTRO – Student pastor at FBC Brookhaven. Students have traumatic experiences. Give testimony as to how life was forever changed – committed to Jesus now – back to old life 2 weeks later. But there’s one story that stands out as different. Kid named Jason. Called him “Cheese” b/c he always had a cheesy grin on his face. Here's his story:

Mid-90’s. Cheese was freshman at MC. It was a snow day in December // His life was in a downward spiral – me-centered for sure. He was kicked off the football team before the first game of the season // that semester he never went to class, flunked out, was looking for everything the world had to offer for peace.

Left a party one night - was catching a ride home – 4 guys in car. Cheese was passed out so they took the long way making a country loop. The road turned - they didn’t. Hit an embankment.

For the 3 other guys in the car- jaws of life, coma for one, metal rod put in his leg for another, not to mention the driver having the emotional trauma of it all.

Cheese was back left - when car hit embankment, his face came forward & lodged into the back of driver’s head (like biting an apple in a way) and his front teeth pulled out in the driver’s head – messing up his trademark smile.

As he was laid up recovering really doing some soul searching, he remembers saying, “If all this is real, I need new influences, new friends, a new life.” In other words: He needed a second chance. And in Cheese’s words, “The Lord was gracious in that.”

The Lord brought key people into Cheese’s life who prayed for him & let him know that they were there for him. Lived next door to him. Began to go over often. Began to see discipleship in action // saw direct spiritual influences // Jesus was part of regular conversation.

That was key for Cheese. The influence of that family was integral in his faith journey. Out of that, he eventually started reading the Bible // first verses learned were Proverbs 3:5-6 // no cliche here- Cheese had type A personality & had to learn to trust - to yield his life - to die to self and trust God // that changed his life // He was new & began soaking it up. And, he started using the wreck as a testimony — Cheese will tell you that God changed my life at 19 (as a freshman in college)

As Cheese testifies: “My life changed. I was new. The Lord was so gracious in that. He gave me what I needed, when I needed it.”

He needed a second chance - & God gave it to him. And he married the girl next door. And he works w/ the guy who discipled him after the wreck. And they both are on staff at FBC Madison where Cheese is the Family Equipping Pastor.

EXPLANATION – 2 Kings 20:1-21

Hez’s 2nd chance timeline:

A debilitating sickness – v. 1a, 7 – Hez probably about 39 yrs old when he “became sick & was at the point of death.” Not sure exactly what the sickness or disease was. We do know from v. 7 that it manifested itself in some type of boil. Could have been leprosy or cancer or a serious infection. Whatever it was, it brought Hez to the point of death – “mortally ill” (NASB) – “stricken w/ a terminal illness” (NET) – “a fatal illness” (ISB).

A disturbing message – v. 1b – Isaiah, the prophet who had brought such a defiantly strong message against Senn, now brings a disturbingly sad message to Hez. Prophets had to bring whatever message the Lord told them to bring, good or bad – pleasing or unpleasing.

- “Set your house in order” – Get your will up to date. Make sure you’ve made everything right w/ everyone as much as you can. Go see whoever you need to go see. Tell your kids you love them. Don’t have any regrets.

- “…you shall die.” – This is a fatal condition you have.

- Then to drive the point home further: “you shall not recover.” – “You won’t get well.” (GW) – “Get ready to die.” (GNT).

Hard message to hear but truthfully should be the way we all live. Our houses need to be in order right now! We should work to be reconciled to everyone right now! We should tell our family members we love them right now! We want to have as few regrets as possible in our lives right now!

A desperate prayer – v. 2-3 – Hez responded to this disturbing message in the right way – he called out to God in desperation.

- “…turned his face to wall” – A sign of the earnestness & desperation of his prayer. He wanted no distractions as he came before the Lord to make his plea.

- He brought his case before the Lord – “Now, O Lord, please remember…” – May sound pompous –“Lord, I’ve been such a good boy & you’re not being fair to me. After all I’ve done, you owe me to let me live.” Or it may have been that Hez was praying humbly by saying, “Lord, remember me, whether I live or die.” Hez didn’t say, “Lord, heal me.” He just said, “Lord, remember me.”

o Thief on cross – “Lord, remember me when you come into your k’dom.”

- “And Hez wept bitterly.” – Maybe due to fear, to things still undone, to missed opportunities, to regrets. Another indication of the desperation in his prayer.

A divine answer – v. 4-7 – Isaiah had not even gotten out of the house when God answered Hez’s prayer. What an amazing answer!

- V. 5 – “I have heard your prayer.” – What a word of comfort to Hez AND to us!

o 1 John 5:14 – “And this is the confidence we have in approaching God, that if we ask anyting according to His will, He hears us.”

o Proverbs 15:29 – “The Lord is far from the wicked, but He hears the prayers of the righteous.”

- “I have seen your tears” – Psalm 34:18 – “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted…”

And God said, “This is what I am going to do” 4 things:

- I will heal – “Behold, I will heal you.” – He is Jehovah-Rapha – Exodus 15:26 – “…I am the LORD who heals you.”

- I will add – 15 yrs to Hez’s life

- I will deliver – Hez & Jerusalem out of hand of Senn

- I will defend - Jerusalem

In other words: “Hez, I am giving you a MAJOR 2nd chance!”

A dumb move – v. 12ff – God blessed Hez w/ an extension to his life. But instead of taking advantage of this blessing to honor God, Hez made a dumb move by pridefully showing the Babylonians all of his treasure house, which basically led to the Babylonians going back home & telling their leaders, “We’ve found our next victim!” Once again, Isaiah showed up & said, “That was dumb, dumb, dumb b/c, one day, the Babylonians will return & take all of it away, including your own sons. And to make matters worse, they will be castrated & will become eunuchs.”

Pastor friend of mine summed up chapter like this:

- God is sovereign over all things

- Prayer really does change some things

- Humility is the key to everything

APPLICATION – Today can be your day of second chances.

But remember these 3 important truths:

God gives 2nd chances based on His GRACE, not on our GOODNESS

- He is not a genie in a bottle.

- He is not a Santa Claus deity who is obligated to us b/c of OUR goodness or OUR right behavior.

- He doesn’t give us a 3-step formula: 1) Face the wall. 2) Pray real hard. 3) Cry real loud. – Presto!

His 2nd chances that He gives to His people are driven by His GRACE that He shows to us – Him giving to us what we do not deserve.

- The very fact that you & I are here today is evidence of His GRACE -evidence that He has given us another chance today to be in fellowship w/ Him – evidence that He is not through w/ us yet – evidence that He is still at work in our midst today.

- “There is never a time when we are so smart, so talented, so gifted, that we can do this in our own strength.” (Joe McKeever)

God gives 2nd chances to give us more opportunities to SERVE, not SQUANDER

I hope & pray that you are going to heaven. I hope & pray that you know Jesus as your Lord & Savior & have the 100% certainty that you have been given the gift of eternal life. If not, pray w/ me right now!

When you get to heaven, what are you going to hear Jesus say? Every Christ-follower should long to hear these words from Jesus: “Well done, good & faithful servant.” To hear those words you’ve got to serve the Lord while you have the opportunity – which is RIGHT NOW! That’s why God is giving you a 2nd chance today – so don’t squander it like Hez did!

- Share Christ as much as you can

- Serve others in every way you can

- Support K’dom work w/ your tithes & offerings as generously as you can

- Simply put: Love God – Love others!

God gives 2nd chances to the HUMBLE, not to the HAUGHTY

Pride is a horrible disease – worse than whatever disease Hez had. Pride is deadly – It is destructive – It is disruptive – & it will cause you to miss out on the 2nd chance that God wants to give to you.

- Pharisee & publican/tax collector – Luke 18:9-14 – Picture of pride vs. humility. Picture of one who left w/out a 2nd chance & one who did. The second chance came to the humble tax collector.

CONCLUSION - Don’t blow the 2nd chance that God is giving you right now.