Summary: Focusing on our desire to be a "God-centered church"

Henry Ward Beecher was one of the great preachers of the 19th Century. He was ill one Sunday, so a substitute pastor walked up to the pulpit as the worship service began. Seeing that Dr. Beecher would not be speaking that day, a number of people got up and headed for the door. The substitute preacher said, "All those who came to worship Dr. Beecher this morning may leave. All those who came to worship the Lord, may stay in their seats." Everyone sat back down. Friends, that story reminds me that sometimes we forget that God is the reason we come together each Sunday. He is the One that the church is about. As we continue our series on the purpose of our church, on "Why We Are Here," we focus today on our desire to be a "God-centered church." Of all the different ways folks might describe our congregation, I guess that would be one which I hope would stick - First Baptist, a God-centered church. Let