Summary: Are you "stuck" in life or "seeking" God’s will for you?

Stuck or Seeking? Mark 10:46-52


Pastor Steve Heartsill shares a story of A young man, who had worked for years on the railroad, wanted a job as a signalman for the railroad. For his interview, he was told to meet the inspector at the signal box. The inspector asked him, "What would you do if you realized that two trains were heading toward each other on the same track?" The young man said, "That¡¦s easy. I would switch the points for one of the trains." "The inspector then asked, "What if the lever broke?" The young man said, "Then I’d jump down out of the signal box and I’d use the manual lever over there." Next, the inspector said, "What if the lever had been struck by lightning?" The young man said, "Then, I would run to the signal box and phone the next signal box to let them know what was happening." The inspector continued on, "What if the phone was busy?" The young man said, "Well, in that case, I would rush down out of the signal box and use the public emergency phone at the crossing up there." Then, the inspector said, "What would you do if the public emergency phone had been vandalized?" The young man said, "Oh, well, then I would run into town and get my uncle." That answer puzzled the inspector. So, he asked, "Why would you go get your uncle?" The young man answered, "That’s simple. Because he’s never seen a train crash before."

Many folks today feel trapped or "stuck" they have tired everything that they know to do yet they still feel hopeless that anything will ever change. Often many of us become like the young signalman in the story I just shared. We doing everything we know to do to prevent the disaster but we finally just sit back and watch it happen before our eyes. We may not like it, but we feel "stuck" in our situation. Some feel "stuck" in a marriage or "stuck" in a job, or even in our "stuck" in our spiritual lives. When we are "stuck" often we stop seeking ways to improve our problems and just sit back and do nothing to make them better.

+ For those here who are married, we may need to say, "I am sorry" more and then show that we mean it. I know I do. What have you done lately to SHOW you love your spouse?

+ If you feel stuck in your job. Change your perspective. First, be thankful to have a job and to have the ability to work (Deut. 8:18). Work as unto the Lord and not for man. Keep seeking God through it all and He may even provide a new better job for you.

+ What about spiritual stagnation? Have you grown much spiritually? Have you become satisfied with your spiritual walk with the Lord? What ministries for the Lord are you currently doing?

We are not stuck if we have the Lord. God has a plan for you, for this church, for this country and this world. To illustrate Let us picture our life as a car traveling down life’s road. We notice many people have gotten stuck in a ditch. Then before we know it we are stuck in a ditch? What do you do?

+ Abandon your car and buy a new one? (although you may want to most would not just leave it)

+ Try to get it out yourself?

+ Get help? Others to help push, a tow truck, etc.

The Lord is our help. In our scripture today a blind man named Bartimaeus knew Jesus was his answer and sought him. Most would consider Bartimaeus - ¡§stuck¡¨ he was a blind beggar. Basically we might call him a hopeless cause. Yet, Bartimaeus was a seeker, he could not see with his eyes but he was not without hope. He never stopped seeking. (Read Mark 10:46-52)

I) Seekers Call on Jesus (v.46-48)

Bartimaeus was begging outside of Jericho (note: there is a similar story in Matt 20:29-34 - but it has 2 blind beggars in it and does not give the names of the beggars).

A) Stay put and call on Jesus first.

1) Don¡¦t wander on your own trying to find him - call him first (get directions)

2) "if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit." Matt 15:14

B) Let Him know your heart’s desire - "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" (v.47)

1) He needed God’s mercy. We do also.

2) ASK? What is your heart’s desire? Honestly let the Holy Spirit examine your heart. Are you seeking Jesus first? If not, let Him change that today.

Seekers call on Jesus with our heart’s desire.

C) Don’t let the negative voices of others side track you (v. 48)

1) Many people wanted Bartimaeus to be quiet. He would not let others stop him from seeking Jesus.

2) He didn¡¦t give up, verse 48 tells us "he kept crying out all the more."

ASK? Do we give up easily when we try to follow Jesus and negative voices oppose us?

Transition: If you want to be a seeker of Jesus, you just can call you must take the next and COME to Him.

II) Seekers Come to Jesus (v.49-51)

A) Jesus Answers our Cries (v.49)

1) Jesus stopped and called for Bartimaeus.

2) He answers our Cries also - (1 John 5:14 - This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us)

B) Be Ready to ACT on the opportunity He gives (v.50)

1) God gives us opportunities to act on.

2) What would have happened if Bartimaeus did act upon his opportunity? He would not have been healed. Earlier in this chapter we read of the story of the rich young ruler (Mark 10:17-22). This man didn¡¦t take the opportunity Jesus offered him. He missed out! Many today miss out on God’s will for their lives.

3) Illustrate - Levi Strauss making the most of an opportunity.

You probably have heard the name Levi Strauss, but do you know the name of Jacob Davis? You know of Levi Strauss because of Levi’s blue jeans. Levi made the most of an opportunity given him by a man named Jacob Davis. I got the following story from the Levi’s website. Levi Strauss was a dry goods merchant, who came to San Francisco in 1853 at the age of twenty-four to open a west coast branch of his brothers’ dry goods business. He had spent a number of years learning the trade in New York after emigrating there from his native Germany. He built up his business into a very successful operation over the succeeding twenty years, making a name for himself not only as a well-respected businessman, but as a local philanthropist as well.

One of Levi’s many customers was a man named Jacob Davis, who made his living as a tailor in Reno, Nevada. He regularly purchased bolts of cloth from the wholesale house of Levi Strauss & Co. Among Jacob’s customers was a difficult man who kept ripping the pockets of the pants that were made for him. Jacob tried to think of a way to strengthen his trousers, and one day hit upon the idea of putting metal rivets at points of strain: pocket corners, base of the button fly, etc. These riveted pants were an instant hit with everyone, and Jacob began to get worried that someone might steal this great idea. So, he decided to take out a patent on the process, but had trouble scraping together the $68 he needed to file the papers. What he needed was a business partner, and he immediately thought of Levi Strauss.

He wrote to Levi to suggest that the two men hold the patent together. Levi, being an astute businessman, saw the potential for this new product, and agreed to Jacob’s proposal. The two men received patent #139,121 from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on May 20, 1873 (the birthday of what we know as blue jeans). Jacob Davis was in charge of manufacturing once the company opened its two San Francisco factories. Within a very short time, all types of working men were buying up the innovative new clothing, and spreading the word.

Levi Strauss made the most of an opportunity and was rewarded. God gives us opportunities first to know Him (salvation) but also to serve Him (ministry).

ASK - Have you made the most of your opportunities?

C) Let your requests be made know (v. 51)

1) Jesus wants to hear - Jesus says, "What do you want me to do for you?"

2) Jesus asks us that question today. Let him know your deepest need today.

Transition: Seekers CALL and then COME to Jesus but they also must follow Him. I will call this chasing after Jesus.

III) Seekers Chase Jesus (V.52)

A) Bartimaeus had freedom - Jesus told him to "go your way"

1) God gives us freedom as believers. We have a choice to follow Jesus or not. Does our way match His way - are we chasing Jesus.

(a) True followers will chase Jesus - they don’t drop out.

2) Many people give up the chase saying I can’t keep up and they drop out.

(a) If you feel like you have "dropped out" you can get back with Him today.

(b) It begins with a choice to make "my way" now His way. That choice takes faith.

B) Power of Faith - "your faith has made you well"

1) Faith is powerful. (see Heb. 11 - "by faith" is listed 19 times NASB)

2) Many of use underestimate the power of God to use our "little" faith. However, if our faith is set solely on doing God’s will, then we will see our faith used powerfully by God.

C) A choice to Chase - Bartimaeus had a choice and he chose to follow Jesus. The verse tells us, "And immediately he regained his sight and began following Him on the road."

1) His choice had immediate results.

2) His choice blessed him - "he regained his sight"

3) His choice gave a new direction - He began following Jesus on the road.


Many folks are "stuck" in life. We are not stuck if we have the Lord. The Lord has a plan for you, for this church and this world. How do you fit in? Are you seeking the answer to that question, or our are you satisfied with were you are. I hope this sermon encourages you to seek Jesus like Bartimaeus did. I believe if we will seek Him we will find Him (Matt 7:7) and also find His will. Will you be a seeker of Jesus today?