Summary: How To Evangelize and Teach People About Evangelism - How To Teach Christians to Bring Others to Christ! TEXT - Luke 19:1-10

How To Evangelize and Teach People About Evangelism

How To Teach Christians to Bring Others to Christ!

TEXT - Luke 19:1-10

Learning Objective

1. The students will learn the principles, patterns, and methods for effective evangelism by analyzing how Jesus Christ brought Zacchaeus to salvation.

Introduction - When we look at some people in our community, in our families, or in our schools we sometimes consider them as hopelessly lost. These people may appear to be so hardened against the truths of Jesus Christ that many of us do not even bother to witness to them. We look at them and say,

``Well, if they truly want to become Christians they will eventually ask a Pastor how to receive Christ as their Savior.’’

Little do we realize how hurting they may be underneath their rough exterior. Perhaps we need to look at the examples of how Jesus Christ turned several seemingly ``hopeless’’ people to repentance and faith in Himself for their salvation. If Jesus Christ said, ``All power in heaven and earth is given to you, go therefore and make disciples of all nations . . .’’ He must be able to equip us to meet the requirements of leading others to faith in Himself.

Preach the word, be ready in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience, and instruction.’’ (II Tim. 4:1,2)

Zacchaeus like Mary Magdalene, the demoniac of Gadara, and the woman at the well of Sycar, in Samaria, were all people who seemed hopelessly lost, but Jesus reached out to them and their lives were transformed. Let us not give up on some of the seemingly hopeless cases in our areas of life. Let us consider together how Jesus reached out to Zacchaeus to learn concepts, methods, and motivations for winning the lost in our areas!

I. Jesus Initiated the Witness by Visiting Zacchaeus’s Home Town (Luke 19:1-4)

A. Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector, meaning that he was over other tax collectors in his district. He probably rose to a high level in the government through corruption, pay-offs, and other devious means. He was a very wealthy man.

Example - Recently, a very important ruler who had gained his power through corrupt means confessed to his wrong-doings.

The people in his area were so surprised to hear about his admission that most men wholeheartedly forgave the man. Yet, there was a violent minority that wanted the man punished beyond the extent of any law. They stormed the man’s house, burnt it to the ground, and killed his children.

Despite all of the senseless revenge, the man, who had recently become a Christian, said, ``Let the one who is without any crime, cast the next stone.’’

The man now understood that forgiveness requires an understanding of how much the Lord has forgiven us before we can rightly forgive others. Zacchaeus was eventually converted because of Christ’s willingness to forgive his sins despite their number!

B. Jesus traveled down to Jericho to seek and to save those who were lost. (Luke 19:10)

C. Jesus was willing to go to where the needy, hopeless, and hurting were, He did not just say, ``Here I am, if you have a problem come to my office at 2:00 P.M.. You know I only see people during my office hours!’’

D. Jesus Christ’s search for the lost was not always loud and obtrusive. He made Himself available to the people who would call upon Him. (vs. 6)

E. Jesus initiated the encounter. He paused by the sycamore tree to notice Zacchaeus requesting lodging at his house. (vs. 5)

F. Jesus was able to approach Zacchaeus in a culturally acceptable way as visitation was an honor for anyone. Even some people got angry with Jesus for insisting that He would associate Himself with a tax-collector. (vs. 7)

G. Jesus was willing to suffer shame, rejection, and ridicule from the crowd and misunderstanding from his disciples to win Zacchaeus.

Example - Paul Gindiri is an example of Christ’s courageous witness. One day when he went to a certain town with members of the New Life for All team, they were met by an angry crowd who began to throw rocks at the preachers. When the police came to calm the crowd, Paul Gindiri told the police,

``Do not take them away to jail! Let them remain here to listen to the rich message of Christ’s love, forgiveness, and free gift of salvation for anyone who would believe in Him!’’

As a result of this man’s love for the enemies of the cross of Christ, several people became Christians that day!

H. Jesus Christ’s invitation, ``I want to stay at your house,’’ is extended to every human being. Christ wants to come and dwell in the hearts of everyone, in everyone’s family, in every tribe of people.

Christ is not partial to any tribe, sex (male or female), educational level, financial class, denomination, or culture!

``There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.’’ (Gal. 3:28)

II. The Effect of Christ’s Witness on Zacchaeus

A. Zacchaeus was curious to see Jesus Christ face to face. Many people want to know Christ, but they do not know how to.

B. Zacchaeus was trying to see Jesus but his physical limitations prevented him from seeing over the crowd. Many people use excuses with their limitations

1). Educational limitation - Some people might say, ``I cannot read’’ or ``I have a Ph.D. and I have heard all of that Christian falsehoods before.’’

2). Social - Some people might say,’’I am not apart of the tribe that holds to Christianity or I am a Christian because I was born into a Christian area!’’ Both of these excuses are insufficient reasons for rejecting Christ either knowingly or unknowingly!

3). Family - Some people might say, ``I was born as a Christian so I do not have to receive Christ and repent of my sins.’’

4). Financial - Some people might say, ``I am wealthy and successful or I am poor and do not have anything to give to the Lord.’’

5). Self- Image - Some people might say, ``I am unworthy to come to Jesus Christ’’ or ``I have all I need why should I want Jesus Christ?.’’ The first man has an inferiority complex, the second man has a superiority complex.

6). Background - Some people might say, ``I have sinned seriously against God and He could never overlook all my sins or I am not so bad at least I live a morally upright life.’’ When the rich young ruler came to Jesus asking him what would he have to do to inherit eternal life, Jesus said: ``Sell all that you have, give it to the poor and come follow me.’’ Christ knew that the man’s riches were more important to him than anything and they hindered him from putting Christ first in his life. When people want to become Christians they must be willing to acknowledge Christ as Lord! (Rom. 10:9)

``If you confess with your mouth, ’Jesus is Lord’ and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead you shall be saved.’’

7). Friends - Some people might say, ``If I become a Christian, many of my friends will desert me.’’

``Bad company corrupts good moral.’’ (I Cor. 15:33)

8). Philosophy - Some people might say, ``I do not believe there is a hell.’’

``See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of the world rather than on Christ.’’ (Col. 2:8)

9). Traditional religions - Some people might say, ``Our Fathers worshipped our ancestors at this mountain and we will not give up our traditions.’’

Example - Near Jos a certain tribe traditionally selected a chief every four years.

At the end of the chief’s period of rulership, he would be asked to go to the holy mountain where they would offer him up as a living sacrifice to their gods thereby purging the tribe through the atoning death of their chief.

One year the chief said, ``I am changing the rules and I will serve another four year term before going to the mountain to be offered up as a sacrifice!’’

The elders of the village met and insisted that if the chief be allowed to live, the gods would be displeased. Then disease, famine, and disaster would strike the village without an atoning sacrifice.

In the night, the strongest men in the village were sent to get the chief from his house. Soon the noise of the chief’s screams reached everyone in the village as the men took him by force to the mountain to be sacrificed. The traditional law had to be satisfied!

Without Christ people are slaves to their traditions, superstitions, fears, sins, and ignorance. Today, we are seeing some people returning to traditional religions for help in troubled times. They need to remember what the writer of Hebrews said in chapter 2:14,15;

``. . . So that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death, that is, the devil and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death!’’

III. Before Christ Converted Zacchaeus, He BeFriended Him (vv. 5-7)

A. Christ addressed Zacchaeus by name to show him that He loved him personally. (vs. 8)

Example - One thing that I try to do as a teacher is learn the names of all of my students the first day of class. A famous man once told me something that I will never forget;

``The sweetest sound that anyone hears is the sound of someone calling his own name!’’

The wise old man meant that when another calls our name it means we are acknowledged, we are important, we are noticed, accepted, wanted, needed, cared for, and given a sense of belonging!

``He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.’’ (Jn. 10:3)

B. Christ invited Himself to Zacchaeus home to identify closely with him. vs. 8 Visiting others is a wonderful way to witness, encourage, edify, and stimulate one another to love and good works!

C. Zacchaeus did not have any friends since the whole city of Jericho regarded him as a man who could not be trusted. (vs. 7)

D. Tax-collectors were ranked by Lucian with adulterers, panderers, flatterers, and sycophants (one who tries to win favor by acting in a slave-lie way to someone in this case the Roman government).

E. Jesus told him, ``Though all hate you, I want to be your friend.’’

``Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.’’ (John 15:13)

F. Many people in the town protested violently by saying, ``Look at that man, he has gone to be a guest at the house of a sinner.’’ (vs. 7) Expect persecution if you really mean business in your witnessing.

G. Jesus said, ``Come down immediately,’’ indicating that Jesus calls sinners with urgency. (vs. 5)

H. When Zacchaeus heard his name spoken by Christ he realized that the Lord knew all about his sin, but still wanted to be his friend. Do we only make friends with the righteous and neglect the lost and lonely?

I. When everything else will fail to reach people for Christ love will find a way into their hearts.

J. The lost can be won when we are willing to love the unlovely to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Example - Have you ever wondered how the most famous evangelist in the world today, Billy Graham, got saved? One Sunday afternoon, a group a rowdy young men entered a tavern to drink beer. As they stationed themselves in the saloon, they began to hear a group of people preaching the gospel and singing songs of praises to Jesus!

Immediately, for one of those boys, memories of his old church, rushed into his mind. He started to think of his Godly mother who read gospel stories to him from the Bible. Tears came to his eyes. Then this young man turned to his drunken friends and said,

``Fellows, I’m through with my old life. We’ve come to a parting of our ways and I’m turning to Jesus Christ!’’

Some of his companions mocked him, but others were silently shocked that this star athlete would make such a statement.

For nearly 40 years Billy Graham has preached the gospel to nearly 100 million people in person while reaching over 2 billion through radio and television!

The lost can be won if someone is willing to tell them of the forgiveness, eternal life, and substitutionary payment for the sins of all through faith in Jesus Christ!

IV. How Zacchaeus Became a Believer (vv. 8-10)

A. Zacchaeus had a changed of heart and a change of attitude. He said, ``LOOK LORD.’’ He recognized the control that Christ had over his life. (vs. 8)

Example - His first name was Sunday! At an early age he began to drink heavily and become violently angry with those around him. Sometimes he was referred to as ``Old Sunday!’’ One night in a drunken fight he hit a man so hard that he nearly killed him.

When the man saw him several weeks later, he hit ``Old Sunday’’ with a rock in his eye, causing him to go blind in one eye. From that day on he was known as ``Old-one eyed Sunday!’’

But something happened to ``Old-one eyed Sunday!’’ Someone told Sunday about the love and forgiveness found in Jesus Christ who could save him and give him a new life. In simple faith, he accepted the Savior and his life changed completely!

For many years ``Old one eyed Sunday’’ wanted to go to Bible School but his relatives hindered him from going. Finally, Sunday declared that he was no longer to be called ``Old one eyed Sunday’’ because he was accepted at a B.T.S. He was now to be referred to as ``New one eyed Sunday!’’

Up to this day, people do not remember his last name, but know him as ``New one eyed Sunday!!!’’

B. Prior to Jesus coming to Zacchaeus’s home he was living for Himself, now he was pledging to live for the Lord.

C. Zacchaeus changed from a wanton life of pleasure to life of service to others (vs. 8) ``Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor.’’

Example - A certain rich man was strong, husky, but small. At an early age he determined to make lots of money for himself. At the age of 33 he earned his first million naira. At the age of 43 he controlled the biggest company in the world. At age 53, he was the richest man on earth!

Then he developed a sickness called ``alopecia’’, where the hairs of his head dropped off, his eyelashes and eyebrows disappeared, and he was shrunken like a dried tomato. His weekly income was 6 million naira, but he was miserable! At this point in his life the only thing he could eat was milk and biscuits. He was so hated in his state that he had to have body-guards day and night. He could not sleep and he had stopped smiling long ago and enjoyed nothing in life!

Soon the doctors predicted, this rich man would die! The local newspapers had smugly written his obituary in advance. Those sleepless nights set him thinking. He realized with a new light that he could not take one kobo with him!

The next morning found that rich man as a new man with faith in Jesus Christ. He began to help churches with his amassed wealth; the poor and needy were not overlooked.

He established a giant Foundation whose funding of medical researches led to the discovery of penicillin and other wonder drugs. John began to sleep well, eat, and enjoy life once again!

The doctors had predicted he would not live over age 54. Because of his willingness to serve God with everything he had, he lived to the ripe old age of 98!!!

D. Zacchaeus was willing to repent and make things right with those that he had offended, a tremendous sign of humility. ``If I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.’’ (vs. 8)

E. Zacchaeus spoke in the present tense, ``I give,’’ not I will give. He meant business for God and was willing to demonstrate it.

F. Zacchaeus was willing to follow the O.T. law that said that when a man confessed to a crime of stealing, he had to return the stolen goods, add one-fifth (Numb. 5:7) and pay all he had offended back. Zacchaeus went beyond this amount and said four times.

G. A sign of genuine repentance will be evidence in a changed life as seen in the criteria for a born-again Christian in I John 4:7,8

Example - Today, we have many counterfeit Christians claiming they know Jesus Christ, but will be surprised when they face their Lord at the day of judgement. One man came to a missionary’s door claiming to be a Christian. He told the missionary that a friend of his was waiting at the Lagos airport, but he needed 200.00 to get to Jos. Gladly, the missionary gave the so-called Christian the money thanking him for his assistance in getting his friend to Jos where they would have a blessed reunion.

Unfortunately, the friend of the missionary never came. The messenger was just pretending to be a Christian. He had somehow intercepted the mail of the missionary and knew that one of his friends would soon fly into the country to visit the missionary. He used the information to masquerade as a friend of the Christian visitor.

Likewise, we have many people pretending to know Jesus Christ as their Savior but are trying to fool others, while in actuality they are just fooling themselves. On the judgement day, the Lord will say to them,

``Depart from me, for I never knew you!!’’

V. Christ Declared Zacchaeus to be a True Believer (vv. 9,10)

A. Zacchaeus became a true descendant of Abraham. He also believed in God and it was reckoned to him as righteousness. (vs. 9)

B. Everyone who confesses that Jesus is Lord and Believes in their heart that God has raised Him from the dead shall be saved. (Rom. 10:9,10)

C. The Lord delights in winning people who are seemingly hopelessly lost.

D. Christ can save and transform the hopeless, the lonely, the wicked, the liars, the cheats, and the corrupt.

II Pet. 3:9,10 says, ``The Lord is not slow concerning His promises, but is patient toward us, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.’’

E. Jesus cares for everyone equally. Jesus is not partial nor does He play favorites with anyone or any tribe. He is gracious to the most hardened sinner if he will repent and believe in the vicarious atonement that Jesus provides for the forgiveness of his sins.

``God is no respecter of persons.’’

F. No one to Jesus is hopeless.

G. Jesus uses changed lives to amplify his message to the world. Is your life a living testimony to the changes that Christ has made in you.

I John 3:18 says, ``My little children let us not just love in word only, but also in deed and in truth.’’

Conclusion - Once upon a time a wicked armed robber was sent to jail for killing the owner of a car. When the robber was in jail many people tried to witness to him, but to no avail. Finally, a man with a Bible in his hand came to visit the prisoner at the jail house. When the robber saw the man carrying the Bible, he screamed,

``I do not want to talk with any preacher, they are all hypocrites.’’ The man heard the robber, looked coldly at the prisoners eyes, turned and walked away.

The following week, the armed robber was about to face the firing squad when he was asked if he had any final requests. He said, ``I only have one request, who was that man who came to visit me last week?’’ The deputy police officer smiled at the armed robber with a look of cynicism and said,

``That was the governor who had come to the jail to offer you a pardon.’’ The armed robber said, ``You mean I’m going to die because of my crime?’’ The Police officer looked at the man sadly and said, ``Son today you are going to die, not because of your crime, but because you rejected the pardon that was offered to you.’’

People all over the world are going to go to hell, not just because of their sins, but because they are refusing to accept the pardon that Jesus Christ offers to them to forgive their sins. Are we doing all we can to offer others the chance to receive their pardon from Jesus Christ? Are you one who still needs to accept the pardon of forgiveness and a transformed life? Receive Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord as I lead you in prayer today!

Study Questions

1. How did Christ befriend Zacchaeus?

2. How did Zacchaeus respond to Christ’s approach? Why?

3. What lessons can we learn regarding evangelism and church planting from the way Christ converted Zacchaeus?

4. What evidences did Zacchaeus provide that he truly had a change of heart? How can you tell if your converts have a change of heart?