Summary: This even, teh birth of Christ, was a God event.

Matt 1:18-25 God Events (Christmas)

Read Texts Matt 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38

- It is that time of the year

- When we as a society get into the spirit of the season

- We go about celebrating Christmas

- By putting up decorations

- Lights, trees, wreaths

- All over our homes inside and out

- We seek out the right gifts for the family and friends

- Enduring crowded stores and difficult traffic

Of course that is our custom and it has grown over the years

- It has some traditional roots

- Just as the Magi gave gifts to the infant Jesus

- We give gifts

- But many of our traditions have roots in the ancient culture of northern Europe

- Under all that custom and culture is found the real story

- The birth of the Messiah

- The birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God

- The Father’s chosen Son

- Who came to bring salvation to the world

- And to establish His kingdom

- It was a time when God came Himself to accomplish

- The task of reconciling the world to Himself

- He came in the flesh

- To do for us what we could not do for ourselves

- To bring us into relationship with Him

- Through the blood of Christ and our faith in Him

This event, the birth of Jesus

- Was a God event

- Look at vs 20

- “It is by the Holy Spirit that she has conceived this child.”

- Jesus was fully man and fully God

- He was God come to earth as a man

- God dramatically broke into human history

- To change everything forever

- Jesus’ birth was a God event

- Blackaby calls it a milestone

- There are other God events recorded in the Bible

- These are times when God does something of significance

- To move history toward its fulfillment in Himself

- The creation, the flood, calling Abraham

- Calling Moses, rescuing His people from Egypt

- Mount Sinai and the Law

- David coming as king, building the temple

- The captivity, the crucifixion, Pentecost

All these are recorded in the Bible

- And are the activity of God in ways

- That changed the course of history

- And brought God’s purpose closer to fulfillment

Some of these God events involved nations and peoples

- But often they involved only one or two persons

- Who were called of God to do something for Him

- Some things were large and impacted thousands

- Some were smaller and impacted only a few

- But all had eternal significance and involved divine intervention into human affairs

- To bring God’s purpose to pass

Let’s look closer at Matthew 1:18-25 and also at Luke 1:26-38

- Looking at the characters involved

- We find Mary and Joseph

- And God

- Mary was a simple, devout young girl

- She was not particularly note-worthy

- She was not wealthy or well-educated

- She was not prominent in any particular way

- But she had a heart for God

- She was living in the small backwater town of Nazareth

- And she was engaged to a man named Joseph

- Some think Joseph was an older widower

- Taking Mary as a younger wife

- But there wasn’t anything particular

- That would make her stand out in her town

- Then God intrudes into her life

- Gabriel was sent by God to that town in Galilee called Nazareth

- With a message for Mary

- A message that would bring her to a crisis

- She was told she had been chosen by God Himself to conceive and bear a son

- He would be called Jesus, the Son of the Most High

- That the Lord God would give Him the throne of His ancestor David

- Wow, what an announcement

- Think of the impact and implications of that announcement

- Mary had to decide

- Just how she would react

- The Gospel of Luke tells us

- That she was at first frightened, troubled

- By the appearance of Gabriel, the Archangel

- Then came those words of peace

- That Jesus Himself would speak so many times “Do not be afraid.”

- God knows that God events frighten and unsettle us

- He understands that we have trouble grasping these things

- Because they go against so much of our own expectations and experience

Now we have Mary, pregnant with the Son of God

- And engaged to a man

- Who expects her to be a chaste virgin

- How does she explain

- That she is a virgin but chosen by God to bear His Son?

- The common practice of the day

- To deal with unfaithful brides-to-be

- Was to put them away

- Setting them aside quietly

- Or exposing them publicly to shame them

- They could have been stoned

- Mary risked being stoned for her situation

- Her fate lay in Joseph’s hands

- But not really

- You see, God never leaves things to chance

- He had plans for Joseph as well in this God event

Matthew tells us

- That Joseph remained a man of principle

- He did not want to take Mary as his wife

- Since she was pregnant with a child not his own

- He also did not want to expose her to harm

- So he decided to have the marriage contract set aside quietly

- He had considered the situation thoroughly

- And resolved that this was best for all concerned

- But God had other plans

He sent an angel

- Who appeared to Joseph in a dream

- “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home with you as your wife. It is by the Holy Spirit she has conceived this child. She will bear a son; and you shall give him the name Jesus (Savior) for he will save his people from their sins.” (Matt1:20-21)

- “Joseph,” God said through the angel, “I have plans for you in this God event.”

- Did you catch the words “do not be afraid” in the angel’s message?

- “Joseph, it’s ok. Take Mary home with you as your wife. The child is mine.”

Matthew goes on to tell us in vs 24

- “Rising from sleep, Joseph took Mary home to be his wife, but he had no intercourse with her until her son was born. And he named the child Jesus.”

- Joseph was a man of principle

- And followed the directions God gave him

- Just as he had been told

- He changed his mind about what to do

- In order to do what God showed him

And because of the faith and obedience of these 2 simple people

- God changed human history forever

- He changed human destiny forever as well

Can you imagine what Joseph and Mary thought on that day after Jesus’ birth?

- Mary wondering, who is this child?

- What will happen?

- And Joseph wondering, what he is to do next

- Here was a child unlike any other ever before born

- Here was one conceived by the Holy Spirit

- One who was born to reign

- One promised to be the Son of God, the Messiah

- To sit on the throne of David forever

- One whose birth was celebrated by angels and shepherds

- One who was born in the humblest circumstances

- But who was God’s King of Kings

- One who was heralded by angels

- And to die on a Roman cross

- Buried in a borrowed tomb

- And raised to life on the 3rd day

- One who will come in power to judge the world

- And establish His kingdom on earth

What a God event!

- Simple people chosen by God to do a God-sized task

- To participate in what God directed

We have people here who are also chosen by God to participate in God events

- Maybe not so big as Mary and Joseph

- But equally important

- We are called to herald the coming of God’s Son

- So that others might find new life and new hope and new purpose, new destiny in Him

- Is it any more miraculous when someone we know receives Jesus as Lord and Savior?

- I have been privileged to be present as God says to someone “Do not be afraid”

- “Believe in Me and put your trust in Me”

- The wonder of that God event amazes me and thrills me

- I have seen right here God take simple everyday people

- And do wondrous things

- Have you seen a child accept Christ in faith here?

- Have you seen someone find love and acceptance?

- Have you seen someone’s need met, material or emotional?

- Have you seen God provide in ways you never expected?

- Just the New Hope Trailer Park project is an example

- God gave Mark an idea

- We saw $809 plus a large box of toys come in

- We saw the surprised faces of families receiving gifts when there was not much hope of gifts this Christmas

- We saw faces light up as we gave them a white bag with fruit and nuts and the Jesus video

- God events every one

- I have seen people here

- Come to worship

- Reach out to God in song, testimony and prayer

- I have seen people young and old

- Sing, lead singing, do drama

- Share their hearts

- Because of what God has shown them

- God events

- I have seen people right here share how God has told them what they are to do

- Teach a class, share a story, love someone

- And I know they all heard the same words “Do not be afraid”

- As they saw what was asked of them

- And saw their own ability

- Their obedience to God

- Brought another God event to pass

And God is not through with us yet

- We are just getting started

- Look at what He is doing in our midst

- Look at our vision

- The vision God has given us

- I have to admit it is too big for us

- So we must trust God to work through us

- We need to hear the “Do not be afraid”

- And continue to move toward the goal He has set before us

- Many here believe God wants to use this church

- To reach many for Him

- We see this church needing new facilities

- And new teachers, new workers

- God is in the process of developing us to meet those needs

- He is raising up workers and giving us tasks to train us to hear Him

- And allow Him to do His work through us

- Each one of you has a part

- And are an important part of that process

- He put us all here for a purpose

- Not for us alone

- He wants to build this body here in love and unity of purpose

- So He can do more God events here

- So He can change the course of history

- At least the history of those we touch

- In His name and for His sake

As we celebrate Christmas

- Let us go to Him

- Whose birth we celebrate

- And say “Lord, use me, use this church for Your work”

- Listen to Him as He replies, “Do not be afraid. I am going to take you where you cannot go without Me”

- Celebrate that God wants to enter your life and do extraordinary things through you

- He wants to do God events with you.

