Summary: To show how God wants everyone to love and respect mothers whether they are biologically related or not.

Intoduction: To start with it is good to understand the correct biblical definition of the title "Mother". The original Hebrew word for mother is ame pronounced ah-may and it means the bond of the family. The word also signifies a force that strengthens and holds things together. Therefore, whether a woman has biologically birthed a child or has inherited a child, she should be recognized as the mother, for she is the strength that holds a family together.

Illustration: A mother can make a way out of what seems no way. I remember asking my wife to make a pot of navy beans. When the beans were made, they just didn’t have the same thick tasty liquid my mother used to call "pot liquor". I then called my sister and asked her if she knew what mother’s secret was. She replied "Just get a cup of water and add a little flour and you will get what is called a thickening!" When I relayed that to my wife she made it and the pot of beans turned into the same finger-lickin dish that mom used to make. And just think. it was done with only flour and water! That was one of the many tricks of the (motherhood) trade that many mothers know.

Let us now take a look at the instructions that God gives us in the bible on how to treat our mothers.

1. The first instruction: do not despise your mother.

In Proverbs 15:20 we are taught that it is a foolish man who despises (hates or thinks no good of) his mother. In order not to despise your mother, when she tells you to do something that you may not want to do, like obey a curfew, clean your room, study your school work, get off of the phone etc., or if you are an adult, your mother may ask you to go out of your way to take her to the store, or visit her more times than you may think is needed and vice versa, don’t think in your mind that you hate her or that she does not know what she is talking about. Remember that one day you will grow older and you will remember the things your mother told you and you no doubt will actually begin to agree with her! You will probably say most of the same things to your children.

Also, this scripture tells us that anyone who despises his mother is foolish (stupid). No one wants to be considered stupid, therefore, love and respect your mother.

2. The second instruction: obey the law of your mother.

Proverbs 6:20-23 tells us not to forsake our fathers command or the law of our mother! The scripture goes on to say that we should continually bind them upon our heart and tie them around our neck; for when you roam they will lead you (as you travel through life you will remember things mother taught you) and when you sleep they will keep you (you will be safe because you will lay down in the proper places) and when you awake they will speak with you (you will remember the instructions of your mother to help you conduct yourself in the proper manner). It goes on to say that the commandment (of the father) is a lamp, but the law (of the mother) is a light; reproofs and instruction are the way of life!

This teaches us that the lamp of the father supports a light which is what fathers do, they support the family, but the law of the mother is actually a light signifying knowledge to clearly show us direction in life.

3. The third instruction: treat older women in your church as mothers.

1Timothy 5:1-2 tells us to treat the older women in the church like mothers. Even if you don’t have a mother for whatever reason, God provided everyone with a mother by simply acknowledging the older women in your local church! That is where the term "church mothers" came from. The older women in your church would be happy to give you attention as well as get the same from you, just try it. It is an instruction that God has ordained.

4. God gives us an example of how strong a mother’s love is. In 1Kings 3:16-28 we are told the story of two harlots who lived together. Each one was pregnant and one gave birth three days after the other. One night, one of the women carelessly smothered her baby by laying on him in her sleep. She then placed her dead baby in the arms of the other women while she slept and took the live baby. In the morning when the women examined the dead baby in her arms, she knew that it was not her baby. The women argued and ended up in front of the king to settle the matter. The king decided to slice the live baby in half giving one half to one woman and the other half to the other women. Well, the woman who stole the baby in the first place said "go ahead, split the baby in two." The real mother of the baby said "let the baby live, give him to her." She said this because she had such a strong love for the safety of her child that she would rather lose custody than to harm him. After hearing this the king made his decision. He said "Give the baby to the woman who is willing to give the baby up because truly this is the real mother."

There is no love like a mothers love. I remember growing up in a really tough neighborhood. As a teen, I got involved with a gang of kids who were using drugs. I tried to sell a fake bag of marijuana to them and they threatened to kill me. They drew a gun and I began to run yelling "help, help" as loud as I could! As I ran toward my house with the gang in hot pursuit, my mother heard my voice yelling for my life and as I leaped over our backyard fence she was coming out of the backdoor. She pulled me behind her and began to scream to the gang "Get away from here and leave my son alone!" As I stood trembling behind my mother watching as the gang began to leave, she seemed so big and strong! I felt that I was now safe. My mother didn’t even think twice that she could have been killed for my sake. Of course, now I realize that it was the grace of God protecting us both. It was then that I began to look at my mother with more respect than I had ever done.

5. Even Jesus took time in the midst of his agony to see that His mother was cared for after His crucifixion. This is found in John 19:25-28. It also states in this scripture that once Jesus designated His disciple to care for His mother, all things had now been accomplished. This definitely shows that it is important to God that we care for and respect our mothers.

In John 2:1-12 we learn that Jesus respected and obeyed His mother by performing the first miracle even though He said that His time had not come yet. Jesus knew the scripture that we read earlier (Proverbs 6:21-23) not to forsake the law of your mother for it is light (direction for life).

If at any time you feel as though you don’t want to care for your mother, just remember how she took care of you all the years that she did. Think of how she carried you for nine months in her body, endured the pain of child birth, fed and nurtured you, and all the while putting up with your shortcomings. If she is not your biological mother, remember how she took you in and cared for you. To her, you are the same as if she physically birthed you.

Conclusion: Being a good Christian is more than attending church, paying tithes, reading the bible and praying. It is also loving, respecting, caring for, and never forsaking your mother!