Summary: The story of Jesus Christ is still worth telling because it’s not lifeless but full of new life!

A Story worth Telling!

Thesis: The story of Jesus Christ is still worth telling because it’s not lifeless but full of new life!

Opening Illustration: Opening skit by kids with David Phelps song being played - "End of the Beginning".

Song¡¦s message:

Verse 1

I was taking a trip on a plane the other day, just wishin that I could get out. When the man next to me saw the book in my hand and asked me what it was about. So I settled back in my seat. "A best seller," I said, "A history and mystery in one." Then I opened up the book and began to read from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.


He was born of a virgin one holy night in the little town of Bethlehem. Angels gathered around him underneath the star singing praises to the Great I Am.

He walked on the water, healed the lame, and made the blind to see again. And for the first time here on earth we learned that God could be a friend. And though he never , ever did a single thing wrong, the angry crowd chose Him. And then he walked down the road and died on the cross and that was the end¡K.of the beginning.

Verse 2

"That’s not a new book, that’s a Bible," he said, "And I’ve heard it all before. I’ve tried religion, its shame and guilt, and I don’t need it anymore. It’s superstition, made up tales, just to help the weak to survive. "Let me read it again," I said "But listen closely, This is gonna change your life."

Verse 3

"The end of the beginning" he said with a smile. "What more could there be? He’s dead. You said they hung him, put nails in his hands and a crown of thorns on his head." I said, "I’ll read it again, but this times there’s more. And I believe that this is true: His death wasn¡¦t the end but the beginning of life that’s completed in you. Don’t you see, He did all this for you."

Chorus 2

He was born of a virgin one holy night in the little town of Bethlehem. All the angels singing praises to the Great I Am. He walked on the water, healed the lame, and made the blind to see. And for the first time here on earth, did you know that God could be a friend. And though He never, ever did a single thing wrong. He was the one the crowd chose. And then he walked and he died , but three days later, three days later, three days later He rose! Three days later He rose!


You see, He came, He lived, and he died, but that was the end of the beginning.


This song is about a man sharing the story that’s worth telling to a man on a plane. It’s about the message given to us to by a person in history surrounded by mystery. This man went around declaring the message of new life. His message sang out about the power of Gods love to supersede the boundaries of nature to show mankind he loved them. His message of love and compassion is heralded as he makes the blind see. His hands of graceful healing heal the lame and the sick and the act cries out about his extravagant love. His willingness and power to raise the dead pronounce his ability and intention to produce new life and defeat death. Is it no wonder that at His birth the angels sang praises to the Great I AM!

Friends this song bellows out the message of God brought to us through Jesus Christ which is -He cares for you - He came for you - He lived for you - He died for you - He rose from the grave for you! Everything he did - He did it for you!

Andy is going to come help me out this morning as we learn more about the message of this song. The song¡¦s message and story is worth learning and understanding.

Listen closely as Andy sings the first part of our song today. (On the power point put up verse one’s words)

I was taking a trip on a plane the other day, just wishin that I could get out. When the man next to me saw the book in my hand and asked me what it was about. So I settled back in my seat. "A best seller," I said, "A history and mystery in one." Then I opened up the book and began to read from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.


He was born of a virgin one holy night in the little town of Bethlehem. Angels gathered around him underneath the star singing praises to the Great I Am.

He walked on the water, healed the lame, and made the blind to see again. And for the first time here on earth we learned that God could be a friend. And though he never , ever did a single thing wrong, the angry crowd chose Him. And then he walked down the road and died on the cross and that was the end¡K.of the beginning.

I. Verse one informs us that the man asked what is that book about?

a. The seeker was informed that it was a "Best Seller!"

i. Yes, the Bible has been a best seller for years.

1. Among households which own a Bible, the typical count is three Bibles per household. (1993)

2. Almost every household in America (92%) owns at least one copy of the Christian Bible. This includes most homes in which the adults are not practicing Christians as well as the homes of hundreds of thousands of atheists. (1993)

3. There have been Billions of copies sold in its history. In 1998 alone 20 million copies where sold.

b. The book is about someone who cares.

i. There is someone who cared enough and dared enough to love you. He did this by opening up his arms for you.

ii. He showed he cared by coming to this earth and living for you. He showed he cared also by dieing for you.

iii. His message challenges us to some how-some, where-some way, to run into the arms of God. To embrace the one who cares.

c. The Bible is a message from God to you and that’s why it still exists today. There is nothing else like it in the history of the world.

i. It is the most published book in the world and the most read book in the world. It’s the most studied book in the world. It’s the most unique book you will ever find.

ii. It is so unique nothing compares to it ( The following is taken from Josh McDowell’s book The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict page 4-7)

1. It was written over about a 1500 year time span.

2. It was written by more than forty authors from every walk of life, including kings, military leaders, peasants, philosophers, fishermen, tax collectors, poets, musicians, statesman, scholars, and shepherds.

3. It was written in different places:

a. By Moses in the wilderness.

b. By Jeremiah in a dungeon.

c. By Daniel in a palace

d. By King David in a palace and on the run

e. By Paul inside prison walls

f. By Luke as he traveled throughout the Middle East.

g. By John on an island in exile

4. Written in different times:

a. David in times of war

b. Solomon in times of Peace

5. Written during different moods:

a. Moments of joy

b. Moments of sorrow and remorse

c. Moments of depression

d. Moments of confusion and doubt.

e. Moments of ecstasy and prosperity.

6. Written on three continents:

a. Asia

b. Africa

c. Europe

7. Written in three languages:

a. Hebrew

b. Aramaic

c. Greek

8. Written in a wide variety of literary styles:

a. Poetry

b. Historical narrative

c. Song

d. Romance

e. Didactic treatise

f. Personal correspondence

g. Memoirs

h. Satire

i. Biography

j. Autobiography

k. Law

l. Prophecy

m. Parable

n. Allegory

9. The Bible addresses hundreds of controversial subjects and hot topics. Yet the writers kept an amazing degree of harmony in their approaches.

10. The Bible is diverse and McDowell notes, "In spite of its diversity, the Bible presents a single unfolding story: God’s redemption of human beings. Norman Geisler and William Nix put it this way: The Paradise Lost of Genesis becomes the Paradise Regained of Revelation. The unifying thread is salvation from sin and condemnation to a life of complete transformation and unending bliss in the presence of the one, merciful, holy God(6).

11. Finally, and the most important, among all the people described in the Bible, the leading character throughout is the one, true, living God made known through Jesus Christ.

d. That my friend is a highlight to what the Bible is about and why it is a "Best Seller!"

T.S. Andy will come and play verse two for us - once again listen to the words - the story is worth telling!

"That’s not a new book, that’s a Bible," he said, "And I’ve heard it all before. I’ve tried religion, its shame and guilt, and I don’t need it anymore. It’s superstition, made up tales, just to help the weak to survive. "Let me read it again," I said "But listen closely, This is gonna change your life."


He was born of a virgin one holy night in the little town of Bethlehem. Angels gathered around him underneath the star singing praises to the Great I Am.

He walked on the water, healed the lame, and made the blind to see again. And for the first time here on earth we learned that God could be a friend. And though he never , ever did a single thing wrong, the angry crowd chose Him. And then he walked down the road and died on the cross and that was the end¡K.of the beginning.

II. Verse Two informs us the man replied, "That’s not a new book, that’s a Bible. And I heard it all before."

a. But the Bible is a book full of newness and new life ( Information adapted from The booklet "The New Life" by Terry Edwards)

i. The Bible promises to those who read it and internalize it’s message into their heart, that they would have the promise of new life.

1. II Corinthians 5: 17 tells us: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

2. The promise is for the chance to start life new and fresh. A chance to start over again and do it different!

3. To get this chance to start over we need to be forgiven by God, then become Born Again, then live the life of faith.

ii. When you accept Christ newness flows into your life from this Bible which is always fresh and new every morning. Why? Because it lives and breathes forth with life giving power.

iii. When you read the Bible after you have accepted Jesus as you Savior you will discover that it is filled with newness not deadness: It talks of:

1. A New Identity - Galatians 3:26, 27: 26You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, 27for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.

2. A New Nature - Galatians 4:6: 6Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father."

3. A New Power - Ephesians 1:19: 19and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength.

4. A New Lordship - II Corinthians 4:5: 5For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake.

5. A New Understanding - Ephesians 1:17: 17I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.

6. A New Peace - Isaiah 26:3: You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.

7. A New Purpose - Revelation 4:11: 11You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.

*To live for the Lord and to praise Him for His great gift to you.

8. A New Destiny - I John 3:2: 2Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.

b. The man also responded with "I’ve tried religion, its shame and guilt, and I don’t need it anymore."

i. I say Amen to this- he is right religion is shame and guilt. But a personal relationship with the author of the book is one were freedom floods into a life and transforms it.

ii. Religion will never save mankind because human reason creates religion and it cannot build the kingdom of God nor bring people into the kingdom of God. Because man’s reasoning power is inadequate to fulfill God’s ways.

1. Isaiah 55:8, 9:

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

iii. Jesus himself opposed religion and he promoted that religion leads to bondage and death but a personal relationship with the Lord leads to freedom and eternal life.

1. Blackaby states:

In the wilderness Satan tried to entice Jesus into using the world’s methods to accomplish God’s will ( Matthew 4:1-11). Satan said in effect, "Provide food, and you’ll attract a large following. Use dramatic miracles, and you’ll win followers. Worship me, and you’ll provide Christianity without a cross." Of course Jesus saw through Satan¡¦s guise and recognized his reasoning as unscriptural. In fact, Jesus identified many of the world’s commonly accepted principles as being contrary to God’s ways. The World says being first is preferable. Jesus said the last shall be first. The world idolizes strength. Jesus said God demonstrates his strength through people’s weakness. The world values large numbers. Jesus chose a small group to be his disciples and often ignored the crowds to focus on individuals. The world seeks happiness. Jesus said blessed are they that mourn. The world is attracted to large, spectacular performances. Jesus said his kingdom would be like a mustard seed. The world does good deeds in order to win people’s praise. Jesus said, do your good deeds in secret, because the father will see them and give a reward. The world uses slick marketing campaigns to attract people. Jesus said no one can come unless the Father draws them. Over and over again Jesus rejected human reasoning in favor of God’s wisdom?

a. Friends religion is based on human reason - not a relationship with Jesus Christ. A personal relationship with The Lord is based on faith--Placing our complete trust in Jesus and surrendering our lives to Him. Then living our life for Him so that he is honored for what he did in our lives.

c. He also said "It’s superstition, made up tales, just to help the weak to survive."

i. I want Joni to respond to this statement - listen to what she said in 1999 at the AACC Convention in Nashville. (Video Clip)

1. Her concluding thought in this message was "Jesus is enough!"

a. He is the one who is able to make you strong and give you the ability to smile when you cannot. He is the one who is able to help you in your times of suffering when no one else can. When no one has the answers to your life¡¦s dilemma "He is enough!" His presence in your life is there to help you if you invite Him in to the situation.

2. It¡¦s not superstition but it¡¦s the reality that comes into a devastating moment in your life and you feel His presence there. You experience His mercy, His grace, His loving arms of love. You see His smile and you smile. "It doesn’t get any better than that!"

d. For many of us we need to listen to David’s suggestion "Let me read it again," I said "But listen closely, This is gonna change your life."

i. This message of hope and love had changed Joni’s life.

1. It gave her strength to endure for Him!

ii. It changed my life.

1. I went from a lonely angry man to a sinner saved by grace and hope for tomorrow.

iii. Others in this church have had their lives changed.

1. Bob delivered from alcoholism.

2. People set free from all kinds of bondages.

iv. But for some of you here today you may need to go back and reread it again and invite Jesus to be with you while you read. Why? Because it will change your life!

T.S. - Andy will come and play verse 3 for us - once again listen to the story worth telling.

"The end of the beginning?" he said with a smile. "What more could there be? He’s dead. You said they hung him, put nails in his hands and a crown of thorns on his head." I said, "I’ll read it again, but this times there’s more. And I believe that this is true: His death wasn’t the end but the beginning of life that’s completed in you. Don’t you see, He did all this for you?"

Chorus 2

He was born of a virgin one holy night in the little town of Bethlehem. All the angels singing praises to the Great I Am. He walked on the water, healed the lame, and made the blind to see. And for the first time here on earth, did you know that God could be a friend. And though He never, ever did a single thing wrong. He was the one the crowd chose. And then he walked and he died , but three days later, three days later, three days later - He rose! Three days later He rose!

III. In the song the man replies after he hears he died, "What more could there be?"

a. He was making an observation that many have made today- "He’s dead! He’s not alive! Why do so many think he’s dead? Answer because the church has adopted religion in place of a personal relationship with Jesus.

i. Dick Staub states, "Our failure to engage our culture as Jesus did is particularly troubling in light of the opportunities presented by a society engaged in vigorous spiritual seeking. Gallup reports that 82 percent of Americans are on a spiritual search, and 51 percent say they’ve talked about it in the previous 24 hours. In film, music, and literature we hear themes of spiritual longings for the transcendent, for meaning, and for community. Today’s spiritual journey is taking place largely outside of organized religion, especially among the younger generation. The University of Chicago’s National Opinion research Center Reports that in 1998, only 16 percent of 18 to 22 year - olds said they had contact with organized religion in the previous year. Yet 81 percent of them were asking spiritual questions such as "What happens when I die"(44)!

b. But David reminds him that he rose on the third day from the dead and defeated death. He not only defeated death but he set people free from the bondage of sin by offering grace and forgiveness.

c. This is why David responded in the song the way he did listen: "I’ll read it again, but this times there’s more. And I believe that this is true: His death wasn’t the end but the beginning of life that’s completed in you. Don’t you see, He did all this for you!"

i. Which was incredible but here is the best part. "He did it all for you!"

1. Jesus did it personally for every one of us. For you and me!

ii. Phillip Yancy states, "I grew up with the image of a mathematical God who weighed my good and bad deeds on a set of scales and always found me wanting. Somehow I missed the God of the Gospel’s, a God of mercy and generosity who keeps finding ways to shatter the relentless laws of ungrace.Grace means there is nothing we can do to make God love us more-no amount of spiritual calisthenics and renunciations, no amount of knowledge gained from seminaries and divinity schools, no amount of crusading on behalf of righteous causes. And grace means there is nothing we can do to make God love us less-no amount of racism or pride or pornography or adultery or even murder. Grace means that God already loves us as much as an infinite God can possibly love."(70).

d. What more could there be? How about grace? The invitation to repent of our sins and ask for forgiveness and then comes the amazing act of grace by God - He says, "My child you are forgiven welcome home!"

i. Thomas Adams said, "Grace comes into the soul, as the morning sun into the world; first a dawning; then a light; and at last the sun in his full and excellent brightness."


He came, He lived and he died so that you could be set free! That’s the message of the Bible that’s worth telling to everyone you come in contact with. Yes! He did it for you!

The Tag at the end of the song is directed at you this morning:

You see, He came, He lived, and he died, but that was the end of the beginning.

Altar Call:

For some of you today "You needed to be reminded of the story worth telling and today you need to let Jesus re-light the fire within you! Just ask Him and he will! The once again the Bible will come alive to you-His message will light your fire for life in Him.

For others here today- You may never heard the story worth telling like we did today. For you there is an opportunity right now for you to accept Jesus Christ into your life. All you have to do is ask the Lord to forgive you of all your sins. Ask! Boom your forgiven it’s that easy and that quick. Then you need to invite Jesus into your life. Go ahead invite him in! Boom he’s there. Now comes the difficult part. Once you have asked to be forgiven and invited Jesus into your heart it’s time to live like Jesus wants you to live. Let the Holy Spirit direct you- he will! To live the life you must die to self by allowing the Holy Spirit to renew your mind. This only occurs through the following mediums: Prayer-Praise and Worship-Reading the Bible and Study of the Bible-Having Fellowship with other Christians and by witnessing to others about what Jesus is doing in you life.

Let’s pray!