Summary: This sermon takes a look at the spiritually detrimental effects of some modern technological "advancements."

“Knowledge Shall Increase...”

Late one night, not too long ago, I was in one of my favorite places of prayer. I was outside underneath an endless display of stars, the weather was perfect, the sky was unbelievably clear, and there was just the right amount of nip in the air. I don’t know, there’s something about being outside, staring into the threshold of God’s creation that helps me as I meditate on His goodness, glory, and unconditional love for us.

Anyway, as I was looking up into the heavens that night, I felt as if it were just me and God, all alone and undisturbed by the rest of the world. That is until I began to hear the engine of a plane coming closer and closer. My eyes finally focused in on the lights of what was probably a single engine private plane that was carrying its passengers from point “A” to point “B” in a millifraction of the time that it would have taken only decades ago. As I was thinking about how unbelievable that was, something else caught my eye; it was another airplane--but this one was flying very high--it looked as if it were a moving star. It must have been a commercial jet liner. I’m sure it was filled with at least 200 passengers-- many of whom were probably watching a movie, talking on their cell phone or typing away on a laptop computer. All at a mere 30,000 feet over top of my house!

It was at this point that the Holy Spirit brought this portion of scripture to mind; it comes from Daniel 12:4 and, speaking of the end days, it says; “many will run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased.” And I thought to myself; there is no doubt that “knowledge has increased and men are running to and fro.” But, exactly what kind of knowledge has increased? And what are we running to and precisely what are we running from? This morning we are going to talk about the technological advances of this end-time generation and what effect, if any, they have on our relationship with the Lord.

Technology..., do you ever really consider just how far we’ve come in the last few decades? Take the CD for instance; on this little 4 1/2” plastic disc, we can store more information than is contained on your entire bookshelf! Or, the same disc can contain your favorite music or even movies. I remember when I thought the cassette tape was a “big” deal! And friends this is just the beginning; did you know that there is now a wrist watch that doubles as a cell phone and also enables you to access the Internet......not only’s voice activated no less. You can actually buy and sell stocks by talking to your wrist! If you don’t have the kind of money it takes to purchase one of these watches, you can always take a picture of one with your cell phone. Who would have ever thought twenty years ago that 007 would one day be “behind the times”?

That’s just a small glimpse into what is happening with communications technology; are you ready for the new medical technology? Most of us know about laparoscopic surgery where surgeons need only make very small incisions and perform the operation using miniature cameras and other specialized instruments. Today laser surgery is becoming more and more the norm rather than the exception. And I learned something else very interesting the other day about how our doctors may operate in the near future; it seems that now they are working on a way for a doctor, in say North Carolina, to perform a surgery on a patient in California. All via a robot guided by remote control so-to-speak--virtual surgery! I guess we’ve come a long way from that country doctor carrying his little black bag making house calls. Knowledge has increased.

What does all of this mean to you and me? Well for one thing, it means that we are now living in a very fast-paced world to say the least. This generation is the most goal or career oriented generation there ever was---the “movers and shakers” they call us, and, being a part of this generation, we are going to have to do one of two things; either “keep up the pace” or be “left behind.” That’s why our first-graders and even kindergartners are already learning computer skills. That’s why instead of being outside riding bikes or playing with the dog, our young people are inside playing high-tech video games and surfing the Internet. And, in a ‘round about way, that’s why, in most cases, children grow up in families where mama and daddy both have to work. Now don’t think for a minute that I’m saying that I wish we didn’t have all of these technological advances--no, they are very useful and now essential to us. But, it’s not without cost, they do demand something very valuable from you and me in return, the most important commodity that we have; our TIME.

And it still amazes me that all of these things were supposedly engineered to save us TIME. I delivered a sermon once about how we had so many timesaving devices today but it still seemed that there were fewer hours in a day and fewer days in a week. Take the cell phone for instance, here is a device that, no doubt has it’s good points, but if you happen to be one of those unfortunate people who are required to have one attached to your side at all times, like a lot of young professionals today; it’s not a time SAVER, it’s actually quite the opposite. For instance; Let’s say dad is enjoying the little bit of quality time that he has to spend with his wife and children... and then all of a sudden...... there’s that dreaded ringing (or vibrating) on his belt, and then dad is inevitability off to work as usual. Sure these new technological advances save us time at any one given task... but, what happens to that time that was saved? Well, that time and more is consumed by a hundred other things that we have to do just to try to keep up. Let’s face it, no matter how many “time savers” they come up with, there is always more work out there than time.

It reminds me of the story of a young man that loved his family very much and wanted to make sure that he provided for all their needs. So he worked very long, hard hours at his job. He even sold his vacation time back to the company. Any time they needed him, this guy was there.

Well, one night he got home around seven o’clock and sat in his recliner about to drift off into a well deserved nap when he felt a tiny tug on his hand. It was his six year old daughter saying; “daddy......... daddy........” He sat up and said “what is it honey?” She asked him; “daddy, how much money do you make an hour?” Thinking this a strange question to come from a six year old, he asked her why she needed to know that. She said, like most six year olds, “just because....”

Wanting to get back to his nap, the father said; “ I make about twenty dollars an hour.” The little girl seemed content with his answer and went away. He then reclined back and attempted to pursue his nap. Minutes later he felt another little tug on his arm. He opened his eyes and there stood his little girl again. By this time he was getting frustrated and said a little more harshly; “what is it sweetheart?”

She said; “ daddy......can I borrow nine dollars?”

Knowing that she had been saving for a new doll, and wanting to make her happy, he gave her the nine dollars. She smiled and ran back into her room. Once more he reclined his chair and closed his eyes only to feel that familiar tug on his arm once again minutes later.

Angry that he couldn’t seem to get any rest, he opened his eyes to see little Sarah standing there holding a bunch of crumpled up bills in one hand and a lot of change in the other. She put the money in his lap and said these words that burned into his heart; she said; “Daddy, will you sell me a whole hour of your time?”

Then and there that young father learned a very important lesson: That his little girl didn’t need the best clothes, the fanciest house, or the most expensive toys, what she wanted and so desperately needed was her father. It was this revelation that changed this man’s priorities forever.

I want to talk about relationships this morning. We all know that in order to develop a good relationship, we have to invest time and energy into it-- right? Well, in this high-tech, high-pressure world that we now live in, that time that we need to invest seems to slip right through our hands. Now if you happen to be one of those moms or dads that find yourself away from your family way too much....I need to inform you that you have 24 hours in a day just like the rest of the world. How you budget that time is ultimately up to you.

You see brothers and sisters, money may be able to buy you a lot of things in this world, but two things it can’t buy you are love and time. I think it was the Queen of England long ago who, while on her death bed uttered these words to those around her bedside; “my Kingdom for just a little more time.” Our life on this little green planet is very short friends, be sure to share as much of that time as possible with the ones you love.

Remember that little girl in the story? I can tell you with confidence that she and our Father in heaven feel the same way. Beloved, we are so busy running to and fro, trying to accomplish this and that, that we often times allow God to be one of the last things on our mind--not to mention agenda. And you can fool yourselves all you like but you will never be able to have a saving relationship with the Lord if you don’t spend good quality time with Him.

There are millions of people who place adds in classifieds and on the Internet searching for that perfect “soul mate.” Their thoughts are consumed with who that person will be of if they will ever find them. And there are other people who have found a good husband or wife and are still searching.........seeking to find something, but they don’t really know what.

Let’s look at Proverbs 2:1-6

“My son, if you accept my words

and store up my commands within you,

2 turning your ear to wisdom

and applying your heart to understanding,

3 and if you call out for insight

and cry aloud for understanding,

4 and if you look for it as for silver

and search for it as for hidden treasure,

5 then you will understand the fear of the LORD

and find the knowledge of God.

6 For the LORD gives wisdom,

and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”

How important is it that we MAKE time for God? Well, one day a teacher of the law was trying to test Jesus, as usual, and he asked the Lord; “out of the all the commandments, which is the most important?”

Jesus replied; “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30)

Unfortunately, a lot of people feel like it’s a chore to spend time with the Lord. In fact, I’ve heard quite a few people actually refer to going to church as “paying their dues” Well, I hope that none of us feel that way because if you do, then you really don’t know my God. And if you really don’t know God, then it’s high time that you met Him...

I’ve always said that the only way to really get to know the Lord is through bible study and prayer. But I’ll have to admit that this is not entirely true, it seems that I have been leaving out one more very important textbook; the Textbook of Creation. Paul tells us in Romans 1:20; “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities--His eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.”

I’m going to have to use that age old expression; “Stop and smell the roses.” We are so focused on what has to be done that we seldom allow anything else to enter into our thoughts. Friends, God is speaking volumes to us from every conceivable angle; He is whispering to us through the pines, He sings to us in the melodious voice of a bluebird, and comforts us by the sound of a babbling brook.

You see, God is reaching out to us in many different ways, but, as Paul tells us in 2Corinthians 4:4; “The god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”

Satan constantly bombards us with any and everything in order to keep us from investing that time by stopping and listening to what God is trying to tell us. And just what is the Lord trying so desperately to tell us? Well, He is trying to tell us to “be still and know the I am God (and I love you). Not only that, He is inviting us to “come to Me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Yes, knowledge has increased, and this knowledge isn’t necessarily “bad” or “evil,” but the bible says in Proverbs 1:7 that; “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge........” And this kind of knowledge, my friend, may not get you faster access to the Internet......but it will give you unlimited access to the Throne of Grace and to the One who formed you with his own hand, breathed the breath of life into your nostrils, and wants more than anything to “get to know you a little better.”

Won’t you decide right now to make time for the Best Friend that you will ever have? Not only on Sabbath and when you pray and have your bible study, but all the time. The evidence of God’s love for you and me continuously surrounds us in full panoramic display, let’s learn to “be still” long enough to see it, and quiet enough to hear it.

**For continued study on this subject, type in “Strange Fire and the Sabbath Day” in the sermon title search field.