Summary: Have you seen the King lately?

We are told here in the 6th Chapter of Isaiah that he saw the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up! How we as Christians need to recognize the authority, the majesty and the power of the God we serve! We do not serve a god we have created with our hands but we serve the God that created us with His hands! We are to serve the Creator and Sustainer of the universe! The Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.

It is unfortunate that many today, even Christians, do not see God as Isaiah did. (Isaiah 6:1)

-Many do not see Him on the throne. It is unfortunate that many see themselves on the throne! They think they are the captains of the universe. They think they are numero uno. To them their plans and their goals are all that matter. However our view of God should be the correct view of God--that gets us and our plans off the throne and puts Him where He rightfully deserves to be and already is!

-Many do not see Him high and lifted up. To many God is on some list that they have made. God is a great guy who should be thought about, prayed to and served if we can scrounge up the time. Listen folks God doesn’t need to be on our list, GOD NEEDS TO BE THE LIST! What right do we have to call the shots in our lives--He has bought us with a price, the precious blood of His Son has redeemed us!

What will happen if we see the Lord as Isaiah did? (Isaiah 6:5-8)

-We will see our sin! The closer we get to God, not only does the bigger God become, but the bigger our sins become! Sin will become exceedingly sinful! When we see the Lord on the throne, high and lifted up we will realize that sin is not a trivial matter, but a matter so revolting that it cost our precious Savior His life and blood to pay for it! Isaiah cried out WOE IS ME!

-We will see the sin of others around us! Notice however, Isaiah dealt with his own sin FIRST! We can’t help folks get specks out of their eyes until we first get the beam out of our own. When we see God the way we should we will not only be broken over our own sins but also the sins of others!

-We will be cleansed. When Isaiah confessed his sins God did something about them. God will do something about yours as well if you will confess your sins to Him (I John 1:9).

-We will surrender. When we get a correct view of God surrender will not be a chore but an honor! We will be standing in line saying--"Lord here I am, just let me know where to report!" "I’m ready for duty, what can I do to bring honor and glory to your name?"

Let us see the King today! How do we do that you may ask? Just pick up the Word of God and begin to read! Cry out as the Psalmist did and say, "Show me if there be any wicked way within me" and when He shows you confess it to Him and be cleansed and then obey the Word of God! Your view of God will affect--

-your view of your sin

-your view of other saints & sinners

-your view of service

Let’s see the King today!