Summary: This sermon declares that being in ministry can be just as exciting as going on a family trip and just as children ask the question in the sermon’s theme, the church should continue to ask it as well.

Are we there yet? (Matthew 25:34-46)

Our theme for today’s message can help many of us reflect back to our youth when we were with our parents, grandparents, other relatives or guardians. I’m referring to occasions when we were going on some type of family outing.

It could have been a trip to the beach, an amusement park or even to a relative who lived outside of the general vacinity where we resided. With great anticipation we would often ask the question, “Are

we there yet?”

Oftentimes we would not have even traveled but a short distance before we started asking the question. Our parents, grandparents, or other relatives and guardians usually helped reassure us that they would let us know when we were there.

How many of us are just as excited about ministry? How many of us are still asking our parents, grandparents, other relatives or guardians the question, “Are we there yet?”

For some of us, we are no longer asking the question but the tables have turned on us now and we are being asked the same question that we posed to our parents, grandparents, other relatives or guardians. See, if we only keep living we will begin to understand all that our parents, grandparents or other relatives and guardians had to deal with as they served as nurturers and guides for us during the early years of our lives.

Again, with a frame of reference for today’s message I am still wondering how many of us are posing that classical question that many of us posed as children and youth.

Just as we eagerly anticipated arriving to our destinations with family and friends we should likewise eagerly anticipate reaching destinations that God has planned for God’s people in this life. The key thing is to be able to plan for the trip, become excited about it and remain excited and enjoy one’s self while we are on our way.

If you reflect back on those outings with family and friends whether they were local or distant, you had a lovely time even in getting to your destination. Half of the memories were centered around the ride in the vehicle, bus, train, ship or airplane. Being in ministry together and with others can be just as fulfilling as going on an outing with family and friends.

The trip has already been planned for this church. All we have to do is adequately pack the necessary items, make sure we have transportation and take off. The trip that I am referring to is outlined in our scriptural passage for today.

What we do with the plans that have been outlined for us from the gospel’s mandate will indeed determine our final destiny as people of faith.

Notice in this passage that there is an image wherein persons will be held accountable for stewardship in this life. There is a major challenge for people of faith given here that’s often overlooked and if not overlooked just simply not worked at.

As you look at the passage I want you to see if you can answer that question that I have posed in the form of today’s message theme, “Are we there yet?” If our answer is no, then what can we do to start planning to get to where God would require God’s

people to be?

If our answer is yes, then we must assess whether or not in beginning the planning stages for carrying out these mandates we are approaching them with the right attitude because if we are not, then what we do will be in vain.

Many of you have noticed that there were some television advertisements within the past few months where the United Methodist Church was being highlighted. The campaign’s slogan was “Igniting Ministry” with a theme of “Open Hearts, Open Minds,

Open Doors.” If you saw those television advertisements you may have even said to yourself that they don’t appear too appealing.

If you said that then the campaign has served its purpose because the ads were designed to target the unchurched and you are churched. The campaigns will continue to run in the future and we as United Methodist must prepare ourselves.

The impetus behind these television spots was to highlight the denomination that’s known as United Methodist and to stimulate one’s thoughts about

possibly attending a United Methodist congregation.

In line with our theme for today’s message, I ask the same question to us who may get the opportunity to receive visitors in this community of faith as a result of seeing the television ads.

Are we at a place in this worshipping community where if someone where to come into this church they could say that New Life UMC epitomizes the

church’s slogan where ministry is taken place in an invigorating manner and the members of that community of faith do indeed personify the television advertisement campaigns that have been aired in the past few months and will continue to be run for the next few years.

Do we have open hearts, open minds and could it be said that this community of faith has open doors to anyone who steps foot into this place of worship? If we do not, now is the time for each of us to start looking at the plan because God does require it.

That’s why we see in our passage that those who actively engage in ministry with all persons will be rewarded in one way while others who choose not to engage persons in ministry will be rewarded in another way.

If you had a choice and you do, where would like to spend eternity? Is it with the God of Creation in Heaven or is it with the Devil in Hell? Remember the choice is definitely ours today and what we do as individuals and as a collective body of believers

between now and then will ultimately determine our final destiny.

Are we there yet? Where are we when it comes to feeding the hungry? Are we actually feeding the hungry or are we feeding ourselves instead and saying that it is ministry. It’s one thing to have a need and have that need addressed and another to abuse

the privileges of a ministry and cause someone else to miss out on a blessing that’s needed.

Yes, we have a food pantry and ministry of food distribution but I want to caution the members of the church to remember that it is a ministry for the needy and I mean truly needy, not the greedy who have but abuse the privileges that are here.

Are we there yet when it comes to assisting those who come to us simply wanting to talk but don’t necessary look or smell the way we think they should look or smell? Do we look on the exterior of an individual and simply see them for who they are today and not take into consideration that any of us had it not been for the grace of God could be in the same situation?

Are we there yet when someone requests assistance for clothing and we simply say he or she needs to get a job? If we have that mindset, then we are missing the point. Yes, there are some able bodied persons in society preying on people every day. And, the church has been exploited by some of these people but there are also those persons who are genuinely in need and it behooves us to attend to their needs.

Simply apply a common sense approach to helping persons and we will be doing our job as a community of faith.

Are we there yet when it comes to us having knowledge of someone in our community or even church family who has trouble with the law and becomes incarcerated?

What is our attitude towards the person? Are we judgmental and say that’s what he or she

gets for living that kind of life or do we reach out to him or her and extend the hands of God in a gracious manner and let the individual know that you are there for them and will be praying for them?

Does this mean that we condone what one has done to cause them to become incarcerated? By no means, but it does mean that we are carrying out the

mandates of the scripture that Christ left for us to embrace.

Is everything included in this passage that we need to address? I don’t think so because there are issues that have surfaced in this day and age that are not listed but the church still has a responsibility to address them.

Are we there yet New Life? If we are not, then let’s get ready to be there for all persons and have an open heart, open minds and make sure that the church’s doors are open for everyone.

We have been called to be there for all persons. If we assume this approach to ministry God will be pleased and one day when its all over you and I who are followers of the God of creation will be able to stand before God who has an account of

all our activities and hear God say, what was said in verse 40 of that 25th Chapter of Matthew, “Whatever you did for one of the least of my children, you did for me.” And now you will reign with me in heaven forever.

Let’s get there because I am sure that none of us wants to hear God say to us what was said in verse 45 of the 25th Chapter of Matthew, ‘What you did not do to the least of my children, you did not do unto me and because of your inability to respond to the needs

that were present you must now spend eternity with the Devil in Hell.’

Let’s get there and let’s get there as individuals and let’s get together as a collective body. God is monitoring all of God’s people and wants us to be concerned about our walk with him but also with those who may be in our sphere of influence.